I uploaded a new projects section where you'll be able to find all sort of things I want to share with the world.
Right now there are some smilies I created to assess students' work and the document of presentation of a seminar I attend.
February 22nd, 2003
I plan to put a few of the funny stuff I collected over the past years online. I still need to find a day or two of spare time to get through them.
As of today, there are two new pictures: one from 1986, at the bottom of the Back in time Section and another one from last October when my siblings came to visit me.
For quite some time the Message Board had a display bug in the threaded view. I finally found and corrected it.
May 17th, 2003
There are some really strange things happening in the Linux Scene. SCO sued IBM for having broken their license agreement. They claim IBM integrated code that was under copyright into the Linux kernel. Now they try to sue other hundreds of companies.
Sometimes I really wonder if the guys at SCO also sold their brain with the license to IBM.
I strongly support the following petition: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/scosueme/.
May 18th, 2003
Due to complaints from Mr. Steve Kremer, the pictures against Microsoft in the Fun part that are copyright by Jokewallwaper.com were removed.
I'm very sad about this but there seem to be some people who are either ashamed of their art of have very strange ideas about being known.
May 22nd, 2003 around 02:00
I'm just coming back from the Darmstadt Cinemaxx where Daniela and I managed to get the last 2 seats for Matrix Reloaded. I must say that I am disappointed. They should have called it Matrix Overloaded. Basically they took Matrix and overloaded it with way too many special effects and supernatural capabilities. The same way the first movie was excellent the second one is bad. The actual really good scenes are when this guy, fascinated by the French language, shows how it can be used to swear. It sounds really good, I was impressed. I have never considered French for this usage before. Maybe I'd do it more often. And maybe talking like him, in German with a very strong French accent is the key to success.
June 9th, 2003
I finally managed to write down the very nice scene from Matrix reloaded where the Merovinger curses in French:
"Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de conard d'enculé de ta mère."
Very beautiful!
June 18th, 2003
The server hosting my website decided to destroy its hard disk. That's the reason why Schwicky.net could not be reached yesterday. I apologize for the downtime. It's now running on a server with mirrored disks so that hopefully if a disk crashes again it won't take the website offline.
July 12th, 2003
I added the first part of the archives to the site. For now, you can only consult archived messages from the board. I plan to add old news messages soon.
July 19th, 2003
I added a few new pictures from my family in the broadest sense.
December 16th, 2003
Christmas is coming and I don't want to miss the opportunity to wish you all a very merry X-Mas and a happy New Year. I hope 2004 will bring you all what you hope and wish.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
<ice-> jb, heuu.. quand t'auras fait suffisament d'IRC pour connaitre les 3/4 des opers et admins ici et la.. tu peux toujours t'arranger pour trouver une I: line qqpart et dire merde aux cons
<ice-> K:line mon cul.
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