It's Valeria, my father's girl friend's daughter. She was proud on her third birthday. Cool shoes!
My dad and Valeria. He had the good idea to take sandals when we got to the snow.
It's my brother Christian (June 1998).
and this is my sister Katharina (June 1998).
That's my dog Garry. He is really cool, but he had to go to the hospital, some problems with his ears.
My sister Katharina and my brother Christian in Switzerland in February 1999.
Valeria, you already know, spent 2 weeks here in July 1999. Far from her mom she was sometimes sad but often happy with us.
My brother Maurice on his 15th birthday. He just got this motor-roller.
She's a big fan of novels.
Katharina seemed to be fascinated by this cell-phone.
In Summer 2000, on the Stockhorn (CH) with Valy. In the background is my dad.
From left to right: Maurice, Christian, Buffy - uhm, Katharina ;-) in Joyeuse in the Summer of 2002
My brother Maurice presenting his great ability to select two different socks. (Summer of 2002, Joyeuse)
October 26th, 2003: I got up late and it was windy. That's all I have to say to my defense.
October 26th, 2002: Katharina and Christian came to visit me in Darmstadt.
My dog Garry in November 2002.
December 2002: Katharina and Christian enjoying their winter vacations.
My mother, Katharina and Christian somewhen in 2003.
January 11th, 2003: Aren't they cute?
January 11th, 2003: Katharina on her 15th birthday.
June 27th, 2003: Garry has always had a faible for little cats. He was born to be a father but his dream of own kids couldn't be exausted yet.
He was put to sleep on October 7th, 2003 at the age of 13 years, 4 months and 4 days because he was paralyzed. He was born on my 8th birthday and became deaf and half blind after an injury on his head.
"Wenn Menschen andere Menschen toeten und verspeisen, ist das grausam und kannibalisch. Wenn angeblich kompatible Programme sich abschiessen und zerstoeren, dann ist das der Alltag eines Windows-Anwenders."
Aus dem Wirtschaftsmagazin "brand eins", Text: Peter Braun