I'd like to provide you a 360° panorama view of the Louvre in Paris. Assembled by hand from various pictures I took during our trip to the capital of France in July 2009, it shows the small Arc de Triomphe, the glass pyramid and the side wings of the gigantic museum.
October 24th, 2010
Summary of this week's very relevant news from the World out there:
The lives of US soldiers at war are now in danger for the first time ever because wikileaks released around 400'000 documents from the Iraq war, US foreign minister Hillary Clinton claims. Maybe they shouldn't have gone to war in the first place.
Gas is becoming a scarce resource in France because the lazy beans will have to work until the age of 62 before going to pension. There still is spare oil to be collected from the residues of the Deep Water Horizon leaks in Mississippi...
The SCL Tigers won 9:1 against Lugano in the Swiss Hockey National League A.
"Computer sind aehnlich bloed wie Maenner: Der kleinste Fehler im Ablaufplan und eine bislang unvorstellbare und noch nie dagewesene Katastrophe passiert in der Bitkueche." Gefunden in de.newusers.questions