(South American natives working at archeological dig site.
One of them finds something and gets very excited.)
MAN: Ven aqui! Ven aqui! Ven! Aver.
OTHER MEN: (running to him) Nos debemos irnos y dejarlo en
paz. Debemos decirle al anciano. El sabra que hacer. Esto es malo, muy malo. Nos va a
traer problemas para todos nosotros.
(LONNIE BILAC, a dig supervisor, looks at the find in awe.)
BILAC: Le tenemos que decir al Doctor Roosevelt.
(BILAC runs to the tent of DR. ROOSEVELT, an American, in
charge of the dig.)
BILAC: Dr. Roosevelt.
DR. ROOSEVELT: What is it?
BILAC: We found something I think you should see.
(DR. ROOSEVELT follows BILAC back to where the MEN are all
standing around upset, shaking their heads. DR. ROOSEVELT kneels down reverently beside a
large broken urn with a small skeleton inside it.)
DR. ROOSEVELT: It's an Amaru.
BILAC: I know.
DR. ROOSEVELT: It's fantastic. It's nearly intact.
BILAC: We cant take it.
DR. ROOSEVELT: What do you mean?
BILAC: They're saying the body of a female shaman is sacred
to the tribe. They won't allow us to disturb her.
DR. ROOSEVELT: (insistent) Were not disturbing her.
Were saving her. You know the situation here. I thought you could handle these
people. (starts back to his tent)
BILAC: (pause) Dr. Roosevelt, I think this is dangerous. I
don't think this is right.
DR. ROOSEVELT: Have the piece cleared and packed. It's going
with us.
(MEN chanting and singing "Guybidae" BILAC looks up
to see a SHAMAN looking down at the dig disapprovingly.)
(Later that night, DR. ROSENFELD is listening to classical
music in his tent. He turns down the music for a moment to listen to what sounds like very
loud crickets, then shrugs and turns the music back up.)
(CUT TO: MEN are circled around a fire playing drums and
maraca-like things that make the weird cricket sound. Elders of the tribe performing a
ritual around a cauldron with a yellow liquid which they ceremonially drink as they chant.
BILAC sits with them and also drinks the yellow liquid. He winces, then we see his
perspective is now blurred and yellowish.)
(CUT TO: Blurred, yellowish, animalistic perspective fast
approaching DR. ROOSEVELTs tent. We see the shadow cat-like figure as it attacks DR.
ROOSEVELT. He screams. For a long time.)
Opening credits Mulder Whooo. Scully rocks.
(SECURITY GUARD walks through the exhibits. Passes a stuffed
GUARD: Mr. Horning, you still here? Mr. Horning? (steps in a
puddle of red liquid) What the hell ...?
(Shines flashlight over worktable and sees more blood.
Terrified, he runs out of the room. Camera closes in on the urn that was taken from the
dig site.)
(Museum. Next morning. Crime scene. MULDER is looking around.
SCULLY interviews DR. LEWTON, a member of the museum staff.)
SCULLY: How did you learn about what happened here last
DR.LEWTON: Tim Decker, one of our security guards, called me
when he first discovered the blood.
SCULLY: According to the police, you felt this murder may
have been an act of political terrorism.
DR.LEWTON: I think Craig Horning was killed because of the
project he was working on.
SCULLY: Is that the survey and excavation of the uh
(reads) "highland burial grounds of the Secona Indians?" (he seems surprised,
doesnt answer) This is from a letter that was sent to the State Department on behalf
of the Secona demanding the return of a certain artifact.
DR.LEWTON: The Amaru Urn. It was among the antiquities we
rescued last month.
SCULLY: Rescued?
DR.LEWTON: When Petroecuadot announced plans to build a gas
pipeline through the burial grounds Carl Roosevelt and I organized the dig.
SCULLY: As I understand it, Roosevelt disappeared under
circumstances not dissimilar to the ones here.
DR.LEWTON: The Ecuadorean government claimed he was carried
off in some kind of wild animal attack.
(MULDER is listening.)
SCULLY: But thats not what you believe.
DR.LEWTON: Not after last night.
SCULLY: Have there ever been any death threats?
MULDER: Well, what about the curse? The Secona believe great
evil would befall anyone that disturbed the remains of an Amaru, a woman shaman
that they would be devoured by the Jaguar Spirit.
DR.LEWTON: A myth that gained some currency among the Secona
when Dr. Roosevelt disappeared.
MULDER: (very dry) Im sure.
DR.LEWTON: The unfortunate thing is somebody exploiting it to
promote fear, to pressure us into returning the bones which I have absolutely no intention
of doing.
MULDER: Can we see it?
DR.LEWTON: Yes, of course. (calls to young woman across the
room, MONA WUSTNER) Uh, Mona.
(CarriK: It is at this point we see the immortal words appear
on screen --- Written by John Shiban. TD NOTE: Oooo, she's so cruel! Spot on for this one,
(MONA, MULDER, and SCULLY wheel the Urn into a back room.)
MULDER: (to SCULLY) Personally, if someone digs me up in
1,000 years I hope there's a curse on them too.
MONA: They should have left it buried. None of this would
have happened.
MULDER: Do you believe the bones are cursed?
MONA: Might as well be.
SCULLY: Did you know Craig Horning?
MONA: Yeah, I've been helping Craig sort and catalog the
Ecuadorean artifacts. I'm a PHd. candidate at BU.
SCULLY: Did he have any warning that this could happen?
MONA: Craig? No. He was so dedicated. He was just doing the
work that Dr. Lewton asked him to.
MULDER: He had no political feelings about the piece being
brought here?
MONA: No, not Craig.
SCULLY: Are you aware that a letter of protest was sent to
the State Department concerning this urn?
MONA: Im aware of several letters of protest.
SCULLY: This one was written by a man named Alonzo Bilac.
MONA: Dr. Bilac. He was the liaison with the Secona Indians.
SCULLY: Is he still with the project?
MONA: No, he either resigned or was forced out by Dr. Lewton
depending on who you talk to.
SCULLY: Why is that?
MONA: Dr. Bilac feels the Secona have the right to determine
the fate of their ancestral remains.
MULDER: Do you know where we might find him?
(MONA looks reluctant.)
(MULDER and SCULLY knock at BILACs front door. BILAC
slowly opens it.)
SCULLY: Dr. Bilac?
BILAC: (he is speaking very slowly, dreamlike) Yes.
SCULLY: (showing badge) Were with the FBI. Were
investigating the disappearance of an associate of yours --- Craig Horning.
SCULLY: May we ask you some questions?
BILAC: Come in then.
(MULDER and SCULLY follow him inside. SCULLY interviews BILAC
while MULDER looks at the many pictures and artifacts on the walls. He still listens very
closely to everything BILAC says.)
SCULLY: Dr. Bilac, you were part of the expedition that
brought back the Amaru urn.
BILAC: Who told you that?
SCULLY: Mona Wustner.
BILAC: I objected from the beginning.
SCULLY: But you were Dr. Roosevelt's liaison in Ecuador. At
what point did you part company with him on the taking of artifacts?
BILAC: When I felt like he had gone too far. Against the
wishes of the Secona.
SCULLY: Did you express that to him?
BILAC: Yes. He wouldnt listen.
SCULLY: Were you speaking for yourself or for the Indians?
BILAC: I spent the last six months living with the Secona,
learning from them, coming to understand the nature and the depth of their culture.
SCULLY: Well, apparently, theyve learned something from
you too.
BILAC: Yes, I've been teaching them the joys of American
(MULDER and SCULLY look at each other.)
SCULLY: Dr. Lewton believes that the protest over the Amaru
urn has something to do with Craig Horning's disappearance.
BILAC: You say disappearance as if you expect to see him
alive again.
SCULLY: What do you think happened to him?
BILAC: You don't want to know what I think.
MULDER: Yes, we would like to know. We'd be very interested
in what you think. (sits beside him)
BILAC: I think whatever happened to Craig Horning will
continue to happen until the bones are returned to their rightful place.
SCULLY: Let me ask you, Dr. Bilac. How far would you go to
defend the rights of the Seconas? Farther than writing a letter to the state department?
BILAC: If you think I did this, then youre a fool.
SCULLY: Can you account for your whereabouts last night?
BILAC: I was here.
MULDER: Alone?
BILAC: Yes. Your investigation is a waste of time and that's
something I can assure you of.
(MULDER and SCULLY share a look. SCULLY raises eyebrows.)
(MULDER and SCULLY exiting the house, alone.)
MULDER: It's nice to meet people who really believe in
something, isn't it?
SCULLY: You mean the kind who would kill for their cause?
MULDER: Do you think Bilac's a suspect?
SCULLY: No. I think he's *the* suspect.
MULDER: Based on what?
SCULLY: Based on the arrogance of his politics, on his rift
with Dr. Lewton, on his sympathies towards the Indians. And the lack of any other suspect.
MULDER: He did look a little squirrely back there.
SCULLY: Maybe because he was up late murdering Craig Horning.
MULDER: Well, let me remind you we don't have a body and not
much more forensic detail than a lot of spilled blood.
SCULLY: Craig Horning's blood. What do you think he did with
MULDER: I'm not sure he did anything.
SCULLY: You think Bilac's innocent? That the victim wasn't
even murdered at all? That he was devoured by a mythological jaguar spirit?
MULDER: Go with it, Scully.
(MULDER gets in car. After, pausing to roll her eyes, SCULLY
joins him.)
(MONA on phone alone at night in the museum.)
MONA: (on phone) Why did you lie to them? You're only
drawing suspicion to yourself by lying, Lonnie. You should have told them the
truth. .I'm worried about you. . Let me come over. Why? Why not?
(She is startled by the sound of the door creaking. DR.
LEWTON enters.)
MONA: (on phone) Dr. Lewton's here. I got to go. I'll call
you later. (hangs up)
DR. LEWTON: Thought you'd already left.
MONA: (nervous) I have, uh...I really need to keep working
right now.
DR. LEWTON: I'd feel better if you weren't alone here.
MONA: The guard knows I'm here.
DR. LEWTON: Was that Dr. Bilac on the phone?
MONA: Yes.
DR. LEWTON: We have a responsibility, Mona, to history and
posterity. Dr. Roosevelt was only doing what any good conservationist would have done in
bringing the Amaru urn back. Otherwise, it would certainly have been destroyed.
MONA: I know.
LEWTON: You know, if we get caught up in the politics we lose
sight of that. (starts to leave) Mona, let me give you a little free advice. You have a
bright future here. Be careful where you plant your flag.
(He exits. MONA starts as she hears a door creak, then
relaxes as she sees her Golden Retriever, SUGAR, Vancouvers Worst Canine Actor, come
into the room. TD NOTE: Man, even the poor dog doesn't escape Carri's wrath in this one!)
MONA: Oh, Sugar.
(DR. LUTEN goes out to his car and tries to start it. It
sounds like theres a problem with the battery. We hear heavy breathing, and see
distorted view of DR. LUTEN as if through something elses eyes. He opens the hood
and leans over to look in the engine. He reaches in and touches something small and furry
covered in blood. Looks at blood now on his fingers. Heavy breathing intensifies, then
suddenly DR. LUTEN is attacked and screams for a long time as his body is mauled and
dragged away. Lots of chewing and slurping sounds.)
(Commercial 1.)
(Next morning. SCULLY is leaning over the engine of the car
from last night. She is assisted by an OFFICER holding an evidence bag. From the engine,
she pulls out half a dead rat and holds it out to the OFFICER who is clearly not pleased
to have to take it.)
SCULLY: Label that.
OFFICER: As what?
SCULLY: (as if the answer is obvious) Partial rat body part.
(SCULLY crosses to MONA who is standing with a POLICEMAN.)
SCULLY: Excuse me Can I have a word with you? You were
working here last night when Dr. Lewton was killed.
MONA: (not willing to give any information) He stopped by my
office on his way out.
SCULLY: Did you notice anything out of the ordinary? Was he
behaving strange or did he seem nervous about anything?
MONA: No, not at all.
SCULLY: Did he say anything to you about Dr. Bilac?
MONA: No, he didn't.
SCULLY: Do you have any idea when the two of them last spoke
to each other?
MONA: I really don't know.
SCULLY: (giving up) I'm going to give you my card. Call me if
anything comes to mind.
(SCULLY joins MULDER who is searching in the woods. There is
an aerial shot of MULDER through the blurred yellow perspective.)
SCULLY: Mulder
MULDER: They turn up a body?
SCULLY: No. They've been over the entire museum grounds. Have
you found anything at all out here?
MULDER: If Dr. Lewton was brought through here, it's going to
be hard to determine. It looks like it rained pretty hard last night.
SCULLY: Well, they determined that the hood release had been
pulled. They found a small flashlight near the car. Looks to me like he was checking the
engine when attacked.
MULDER: Maybe somebody didn't want that car started.
SCULLY: I dont think so, Mulder.
MULDER: Why not?
SCULLY: We found evidence of at least two mutilated rat
bodies down in the engine compartment.
SCULLY: Apparently, the museum has always had a rat problem.
They must have crawled into the engine to keep warm.
(They walk farther into the woods.)
SCULLY: You know, Mulder, there's hardly a thing about these
deaths that adds up.
MULDER: Whats he estimate on the time of death?
SCULLY: Somewhere between 9:30 and midnight when the guard
discovered the blood.
MULDER: That's about the same time as Craig Horning.
SCULLY: Whats the connection?
MULDER: I dont know.
SCULLY: I think Mona Wustner might know something.
SCULLY: Well, she seemed to get nervous when I asked her
about Bilac. Maybe shes trying to protect him.
(Red liquid drips down onto MULDERs face.)
MULDER: I think its starting to rain again.
SCULLY: I dont think so, Mulder.
(SCULLY wipes a drop of blood off MULDERs temple. They
look up and see, 20 feet off the ground, about four feet of something that looks like
bloody small intestine hanging from a tree.)
MULDER: What the hell is that? (wipes at his temple in
(MONA knocks at BILACs door. No answer. She opens the
door and enters.)
MONA: Lonnie?
(No one answers.)
MONA: Lonnie? (she reaches for the light)
BILAC: Dont.
MONA: Lonnie? I came to tell you... Dr. Lewton is dead. Did
you hear what I said? Say something, Lonnie, please. You're scaring me.
BILAC: I told you not to come here.
MONA: Why not? What's happened to you? Ever since you came
back you're acting like some stranger. Like someone else.
BILAC: The blood has to stop.
MONA: You know something, dont you?
BILAC: You wouldnt understand.
MONA: Then help me to understand! (sees bowl of yellow liquid
in front of BILAC) You can tell me. You know that, don't you? What is that?
BILAC: Vine of the soul.
MONA: (shocked and angry) Yahe?! Youre drinking
Yahe?!!! (pushes bowl off table, he grabs it) You're sick, Lonnie! You need help. Don't
you see what's happening here? Can't you see what you're doing to yourself?
MONA: Let me help you.
BILAC: I said GET OUT!!!!!
(Crying, MONA leaves.)
(Autopsy bay. SCULLY performing autopsy with MULDER
SCULLY: Well, it's human. Small intestine. There's about four
feet of jejunum and another foot of ileum.
MULDER: Do we know for sure it's Lewton?
SCULLY: Yeah, by what he had for lunch. Corn chowder. It
looks like he'd been snacking on sunflower seeds all afternoon.
MULDER: A man of taste.
SCULLY: What I can't determine how the body was eviscerated.
There are no knife marks on the epithelium. I imagine they could have been torn or pulled
from the body cavity.
MULDER: Torn or pulled?
SCULLY: But I can't determine that, either, because there was
considerable postmortem predation.
MULDER: By what?
SCULLY: Well, by the size of the bite marks, a small animal,
most probably a rat.
MULDER: More rats.
(SCULLYs cell phone rings.)
SCULLY: (on phone) Scully? . Slow down, Mona.
MONA: (on phone in museum with SUGAR the dog) I I was
with Dr. Bilac. He frightened me. I I thought he was going to hurt me.
SCULLY: (on phone) What happened, Mona?
MONA: (on phone) Hes sick. He doesnt know what
hes doing.
SCULLY: (on phone, voice) Where is he now?
MONA: (on phone) At his house. I left him there and I came
back to the museum. But I feel like someones here. Like someones
watching me.
(Beside her, the dog SUGAR barks.)
SCULLY: (on phone) I want you to stay exactly where you are.
Im going to send Agent Mulder over to get you, right away, okay? Hes on his
MONA: Okay.
(MONA hangs up and begin working again on the urn. SUGAR
keeps barking at the door and cameraman.)
MONA: What is it Sugar?
(Slowly, MONA walks toward the bathroom. She hears a faint
clattering sound.. MONA goes into the bathroom. SUGAR stays outside the bathroom. Loud
banging sound. She opens one of the stalls and sees the closed toilet lid bouncing and
clattering as if it is being pushed from beneath. The sound is coming from all the stalls.
She reaches out and lifts the lid. Rats begin swarming out of the toilet. MONA screams.)
(Commercial 2.)
(SCULLY arrives at BILACs house.)
SCULLY: Dr. Bilac?
(No one is home. Door is open. She enters uses flashlight, no
light switch to find the Yahe, and his journals and a stuffed jaguar.)
(MULDER walking through museum. Runs into the GUARD.)
GUARD: Oh! What are you doing here?
MULDER: Looking for Mona Wustner. I got a panicked call from
GUARD: From Mona?
MULDER: Yeah, where is she?
GUARD: I'll show you.
(They go to the room with the Urn. No MONA. MULDERs
cell phone rings.)
MULDER: (on phone) Mulder.
SCULLY: (on phone) Mulder, its me. Did you find Mona?
MULDER: (on phone) No, but her car is parked outside.
Shes not here. Did you find Bilac?
SCULLY: (on phone) No. Hes not here either. But I found
his journals. "I've seen the Amaru coming out of the jungle with the eyes of a
scorpion, the claws of a jaguar. She leaps down from the trees. She tears at my flesh,
then holds my head in her hands, and eats out my eyes."
MULDER: (on phone) Is there a date of entry on that?
SCULLY: (on phone) These are all recent.
MULDER: (on phone) Read about the jaguar coming down from the
trees again.
SCULLY: (on phone) Why?
MULDER: (on phone) Maybe thats how the intestines got
up there.
SCULLY: (on phone) Mulder, I think Bilacs been
tripping. I found something strange in a ceremonial bowl and - and from his writings it
says that its .. its a hallucinogen called "Yaje." "The Vine of
the Soul."
MULDER: (on phone) What the hells that supposed to
SCULLY: (on phone) I think he's been praying to the Amaru
through some kind of a ceremony.
MULDER: (on phone) What's he want from her?
SCULLY: (on phone) It looks like he's invoking the curse,
(MULDER sees bloody water coming from under the closed
bathroom door.)
MULDER: (on phone) Scully, I'm going to have to call you
SCULLY: (on phone) Did you find Mona?
MULDER: (on phone) I hope not. (hangs up)
(MULDER draws his gun and walks cautiously into bathroom
which is covered with water. The walls are covered with blood. MULDER finds BILAC huddled
in a stall, shaking.)
MULDER: What are you doing here? (no answer) I said, what are
you doing here?
BILAC: She's dead.
(Interrogation of BILAC. SCULLY questions. MULDER listens.)
SCULLY: Where is she?
BILAC: I don't know.
SCULLY: You told Agent Mulder that she was dead. You must
know where she is.
BILAC: I didn't kill her.
SCULLY: Then why do you have blood on your clothes?
BILAC: I told you. I came here because the Amaru would not be
appeased. I was afraid for Mona. I tried to keep her away from all this... She was an
SCULLY: She said she was scared. She said that you became
BILAC: She wouldnt listen.
SCULLY: Maybe you were too high to know the difference. There
is no curse, is there, Dr. Bilac? You are the curse.
BILAC: No. This is more powerful than any man. This is a
spirit you're dealing with-- the spirit of the Amaru. This is not something you can put in
(MULDER quickly exits the room. SCULLY watches him go, then
turns back to BILAC.)
SCULLY: Im going to ask you one more time, Dr, Bilac,
where is Monas body?
BILAC: I don't know.
(SCULLY stares at him, then goes out of the room.)
SCULLY: (to OFFICER and GUARD at door) That man stays in that
room until there's a full search of the museum, okay?
OFFICER: Yes, ma'am.
MULDER: (from the bathroom) Hey, Scully! Come here for a
second. (she joins him) Just dawned on me. Why do you think there's so much water in here?
SCULLY: I just assumed that one of the toilets had
MULDER: There's water on every seat. It's more like every
toilet overflowed. Now, why would that happen?
SCULLY: There's only one way to find out.
MULDER: (not thrilled) I hate this.
(Looks in toilet. Dead rats floating.)
(Looks in the other toilets. More rats.)
MULDER: In every toilet.
SCULLY: How did they get in there.
GUARD: (entering) Agent Mulder.
GUARD: The police found something outside.
SCULLY: Mona Wustner?
GUARD: No. Sugar her dog. Hes dead.
MULDER: (to SCULLY) Finally a body.
(They exit.)
(MULDER and SCULLY enter examination room where VETERINARIAN
is finishing autopsy on SUGAR.)
SCULLY: What did you find?
VETERINARIAN: I have to run a full toxicological to be sure
but it looks like warfarin poisoning.
SCULLY: Warfarin?
MULDER: Someone fed this dog rat poison?
VETERINARIAN: No. When I dissected the dog's stomach I found
an undigested fragment of intestine which appears to be feline.
SCULLY: The dog ate a cat.
VETERINARIAN: I also found what appears to be bits of rat
fur. I think the rat ate the poison.
SCULLY: The cat ate a rat.
MULDER: And the dog ate the cat. (SCULLY gives him a small
smile.) More rats, Scully.
(MULDER puts his hand on her shoulder and pulls her to the
MULDER: Don't you think that's significant?
SCULLY: Significant of what?
MULDER: There were rats in Dr. Lewton's car engine. There
were rats in the bathroom where it looks like Mona might have been killed and now here.
SCULLY: Its an old building, Mulder. They have a rat
problem. A lot of old buildings have rats.
MULDER: No, no. I think its more than that. What is it
that the Secona believe? That the jaguar spirit will devour anybody that desecrates the
burial place of a holy woman. Essentially, theyre talking about transmigration of
the soul into animal form achieved through a ceremony where they drink, the uh...
MULDER: Yeah. To summon the spirits.
SCULLY: So, what are we talking here, Mulder, a possessed
rat? The return of Ben?
MULDER: No, I think those rats were killed trying to escape
from something.
SCULLY: From something that sent them diving into the toilet.
MULDER: No, the lids were down. They werent trying to
get into the toilets, they were trying to get out. They were coming from within the sewer
lines trying to get away from something.
SCULLY: Have *you* been drinking Yaje, Mulder?
MULDER: Go with it, Scully.
(SCULLY, looks skeptical, but follows MULDER out.)
(MULDER and SCULLY get back to the room where they left
OFFICER: Agent Scully? Bilacs gone.
SCULLY: What? Hows that possible?
OFFICER: I dont know. I went to check on him and he
just wasnt there.
(They enter room. It is empty.)
SCULLY: Did you step away from this door at any time?
SCULLY: And no one entered this room?
OFFICER: Absolutely not.
MULDER: What about a rat?
MULDER: You ever see any rats in this room?
GUARD: All the time. Why?
MULDER: How do you think they get in here?
GUARD: Through the old heating system. There are vents all
over this place.
(MULDER looks around the room.)
SCULLY: Are there any other doors or windows in this room?
OFFICER: I checked. [CarriK: Obviously not very well!]
Theres only one way out.
SCULLY: You didnt hear anything?
OFFICER: Nothing. I heard nothing.
SCULLY: I want you to search the entire building beginning
with every room on this floor.
OFFICER: Yes, Maam.
(MULDER finds a HUGE heating vent in a wall near a corner of
the room and scrape marks in front of it.)
MULDER: Hey, Scully, take a look at this.
(MULDER pulls desk out of the way.)
SCULLY: Where does it lead to?
GUARD: The old steam tunnels.
MULDER: (feeling the floor just inside the vent) How do you
get down there?
GUARD: Theyre pretty much sealed up. Havent been
used for 50 years.
SCULLY: You think Bilac crawled down there?
MULDER: (holds up his hand with blood on it) Unless he was
(MULDER exits, SCULLY follows. OFFICER who is SUPPOSED to be
searching every room stands there with the GUARD looking at the vent.)
(Commercial 3.)
(Later, still night. MULDER lift the lid off of a manhole
outside the museum. The hole is filled with cobwebs.)
SCULLY: (looking at blueprints) The system looks like it
branches off into three directions. There must be miles of tunneling down there.
MULDER: And only one way in.
SCULLY: And one way out.
MULDER: (looking hopefully at SCULLY) Ladies first?
(SCULLY smiles and shakes her head. MULDER sighs and climbs
down into the hole. SCULLY follows. They walk into the blue lit tunnels.)
MULDER: Which way?
SCULLY: (looking at blueprints) To the left, it looks like.
(They walk further. Shot of blurred yellow perspective of
MULDER and SCULLY, then shot of cat eye watching them. There is a clanking sound, then
they see a rat run across the tunnel.)
MULDER: Follow that rat.
(They do.)
SCULLY: We should be directly under the museum here.
(MULDER shines light on a door. He goes one direction. SCULLY
looks in a little room. MULDER finds the rat which has stopped. He shines his light up
near the ceiling.)
MULDER: (urgent) Scully? Scully?!
SCULLY: (in another tunnel) What is it?
(SCULLY joins MULDER and looks at the body he has found, now
on the floor.)
SCULLY: Oh, my God. Its Dr. Lewton. It looks like his
eyes were eaten right out of his sockets.
MULDER: We still dont know by what.
(Blurred Yellow Perspective of MULDER and SCULLY. They hear a
sound and turn the flash light on the cat, who promptly runs away. [CarriK: Cat. 10 lb.,
well fed orange tabby cat. Just making that clear.])
SCULLY: What is it?
MULDER: I think its a cat. {CarriK: Well, nice to know
the FBI is so observant.]
(As they walk through the tunnel, we see the cat watching
them and it makes a growl that a lion would be proud to make. Blurred yellow perspective
SCULLY: You think that cat killed those people?
(They walk over a large grate under which swarm a group of
cats meowing. Anyone who has opened a can of catfood for more than 3 cats knows the
swirling furry image presented here.)
MULDER: No, *these* cats. [CarriK: acting note - DD actually
manages to sound worried about the situation. Bravo!] Which way is out?
(SCULLY gasps as a cat leaps from the wall at her face. GA is
allergic to cats, so they used a stuffed one. Did they film it in shadow? NOOOO!!!! We get
full face shot of the Stuffed Killer Pussy Cat on SCULLYs shoulder scratching her
face, then lots of nice close ups as MULDER battles the SKPC and flings it off SCULLY.)
MULDER: Come on, Scully!
(They run down a tunnel pursued by a horde of meowing
kitties. MULDER starts down one tunnel, but SCULLY urges him into another.)
SCULLY: No, Mulder, this way. Theres a room here with a
vent. Up there.
(MULDER closes the door and watches the meowing army out in
the tunnel. SCULLY opens the vent and gasps as she sees a body in the vent.)
SCULLY: Its Bilac.
(They turn to see the cats scratching through the door.)
MULDER: Can you reach up in there?
MULDER: Lets pull him down.
(They pull BILACs body onto the floor, then MULDER
boosts SCULLY into the vent, turns to see cats gnawing on BILAC, then crawls in himself.
They emerge into the room where they had originally left BILAC, slam and lock the vent,
then run out of the room. Meowing continues behind the metal door.)
(Next morning. Big Crime scene.)
MULDER: (on phone) Okay, I will call you back later.
SCULLY: Well, the search team's on their way back up. They've
recovered all the bodies including Mona's and Bilac's.
MULDER: What about the cats?
SCULLY: Animal control is still looking. So far, they haven't
found any sign of them.
MULDER: Well, we both saw them down there, Scully. We know
theyre down there.
SCULLY: No ones denying that, Mulder, its just
that there are miles of tunnels down there. And theyre saying its gonna take
weeks to search them all.
MULDER: Well, by then it wont even matter.
SCULLY: What are you talking about?
MULDER: I just got off the phone with the Assistant Secretary
of States office. Theyve called in the Ecuadorean Ambassador.
SCULLY: What for?
MULDER: Five people had to die but they're finally taking it
SCULLY: The curse?
MULDER: (short laugh) No. Bilac's letter of protest. The
State Department has asked that the museum remain closed until they can act officially on
SCULLY: Are they going to send back the bones?
MULDER: The urn will be back in Ecuador by the end of the
MULDER: (voiceover as camera pans over artifacts in the
museum) The Suffolk county coroner ruled the deaths at the museum were the result of
animal attacks. What motivated these attacks and why no more have occurred since has not
been explained. To the museum, the urn was an artifact from a dying culture-- its curse
merely a primitive superstition. Dr. Bilac learned there is a world beyond our own, unseen
but powerful, and as real as the urn itself.
(CUT TO: South America, MEN reburying the urn.)
MULDER: (voiceover) The icons from that world represent
forces that cannot be tamed or collected in a museum. The true curse that struck the
museum was the failure to understand that there are powers that should not be disturbed...
That some things are better left buried.
(SHAMAN watches as the urn is covered. [CarriK: Same dirt
over the lens shot as in the movie. Very cool. Monologue ties in, too. Okay, TDB not ALL
bad! Thank you Shibes.)
The End.
US Airdate: March 8, 1996
writer: John Shiban director: Kim Manners
STARRING: David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder Gillian
Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Guest Cast: Dr. Winters ..... Garrison Chrisjohn Dr. Lewton
.... Tom McBeath Mona Wustner ... Janne Mortil Roosevelt ..... Alan Robertson Mr. Decker
.... Ron Sauve Shaman ..... Gordon Tootoosis Bilac ..... Vic Trevino
<furrfu> mais sinon, stressé, nan, ça va... j'ai un boulot au moins pour quelques semaines
<Magnum3> ahh c'est un CDD ?
<furrfu> nan, c'est une startup :) Anonymous