[Transcriber's note: This episode contains some dialogue and
chanting in Rumanian, but there are no subtitles. In some cases, the closed-captioning
provides the Rumanian words, but they don't always seem to match the dialogue. Since I
don't speak Rumanian, I've included them anyway. The closed-captioning also translates a
few phrases, and I've enclosed those in brackets. For the other cases, I simply show it as
(The Holvey family is enjoying an afternoon in the park. A
miniature train chugs by and young Charlie Holvey watches from a railing, holding a
balloon on a string. His mother, Maggie, is a short distance away with Charlie's younger
brother, two-year-old Teddy, while his father, Steve, approaches with four ice cream
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Charlie! Come on, Charlie. (to Teddy, handing
him a balloon) Here you go, sweetie.
STEVE HOLVEY: Charlie, hey! Ice cream! (kneeling and offering
a cone to Teddy) Hey buddy, you want some ice cream? Huh? (to Charlie) Here, Charlie. Here
you go.
(Charlie takes the ice cream but doesn't seem very happy
about it. As young Teddy holds his ice cream cone, he lets go of the balloon and it drifts
up and away.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Look. There it goes.
STEVE HOLVEY: There goes your balloon.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Going to balloon land. Go bye-bye. (Teddy
falls, dropping his ice cream, and starts to cry) Oh, sweetie. Don't cry.
(Maggie picks Teddy up. Steve offers one of the other ice
cream cones to him.)
STEVE HOLVEY: Hey, look! Here's some ice cream! Here's some
ice cream! Want some ice cream? Look.
(Teddy continues to cry, so Steve takes Charlie's balloon and
offers it to Teddy. Charlie does not look pleased.)
STEVE HOLVEY: Teddy. Teddy. Here's your balloon. Look at
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Shhh! Oh, such a mess. We gotta clean you up.
STEVE HOLVEY: Charlie and I will wait for you.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (to Teddy) You're amazing.
(Maggie heads off with Teddy. Steve remains with Charlie.)
CHARLIE: That was my balloon.
STEVE HOLVEY: Eat your ice cream before it melts.
CHARLIE: I don't want any ice cream. I want my balloon.
STEVE HOLVEY: (slightly annoyed) We'll get you a balloon, OK?
CHARLIE: No, I want my balloon.
STEVE HOLVEY: (more annoyed) Fine. (takes Charlie's ice cream
cone) We'll get you another balloon. (to himself) That was a waste of good money.
(Steve puts all of the ice cream cones into a trash can. In
the restroom, Maggie wipes the ice cream from Teddy's face.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: There we go. Yes. Yes.
(She picks him up and puts him in front of the sink,
attaching his his halter to one of the sink supports.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: There we go. That's a boy. Good boy. OK. OK,
Teddy. I'll be right back, OK?
(She goes into one of the stalls and closes the door. She
sings to Teddy to keep his attention.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (singing) There were six in a bed and the
little one said "Roll over! Roll over!" So they all rolled over and one fell
out. Five in the bed and the little one said "Roll over! Roll over!" ...
(Teddy has let go of his balloon again and watches it float
up to the ceiling.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: ... And they all rolled over and one fell out.
Four in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over! Roll over!" ...
(The balloon has mysteriously moved across the ceiling, then
down a foot and out through the gap at the top of the restroom door. Maggie leans down and
looks under the stall door to check on him. She sees Teddy's legs.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: ... So they all rolled over and one fell out.
Three in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over! Roll over!" So they all
rolled over and one fell out. Two in the bed and the little one said "Roll ... "
(Maggie finishes up and opens the door to the stall, only to
see Teddy's empty halter on the floor and no sign of Teddy.)
(Teddy is following the balloon, which is leading him down an
embankment and out of Maggie's sight. Rather than flying up and away, the balloon behaves
as if the string is being held by an invisible entity. Charlie watches from a distance.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (still not seeing him) Teddy?! Teddy?!
(The balloon leads Teddy down to the railroad tracks. Nearby,
a family poses as the father takes their picture. Beyond them, the man sees Teddy near the
tracks. The train whistle sounds.)
MAN: There's a kid on the track!
STEVE HOLVEY: (seeing him) Oh my God! Teddy! Teddy! Get away
from there!
(Steve runs toward him, while Charlie stands impassively.
Maggie hears Steve's shouts and runs toward Teddy as well. The balloon has led Teddy onto
the tracks, where Teddy is now holding it by the string.)
STEVE HOLVEY: Come here!
(The train rounds the curve and the engineer sees Teddy
ahead. He tries to stop the train but it doesn't respond. He sounds his whistle
repeatedly. Charlie continues to watch from a distance, showing no emotion.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Teddy, get off of the tracks!
(As his parents run toward him, Teddy continues to hold the
balloon, not hearing the warnings. Steve reaches the fence beside the tracks just as the
train goes by.)
(The balloon drifts away. Maggie and Steve wait for the train
to pass, then rush out onto the tracks.)
(They kneel, crying. Steve hugs Maggie.)
STEVE HOLVEY: Maggie ... Teddy ...
(Charlie has walked a ways toward the tracks but stands
there, still showing no emotion. The balloon comes down just behind him.)
(Mulder has the photo taken by the man at the park projected
on a screen and is pointing out details to Scully.)
MULDER: This photo was taken at an amusement park three
months ago. The young boy in the background is Teddy Holvey, aged two. (he points out
Teddy, who is at the gate in the fence next to the tracks) He was killed just seconds
after this was taken.
MULDER: According to the police report, he wandered onto the
tracks of the park's miniature train. The conductor was unable to stop due to a
malfunction in the braking system. Teddy's father works for the State Department, so a
coroner's inquest was held due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the accident.
SCULLY: And did the inquest come up with anything unusual?
MULDER: No. No, but the County Medical Examiner called me
afterwards. He was disturbed by this case and by this photograph, and I think with good
reason. You see, this is a helium balloon here, and the one thing I did learn in
kindergarten is when you let them go, they float up, up and away, but you see this is
moving away from him, horizontally.
SCULLY: Did you learn about wind in kindergarten?
MULDER: Well, I called the National Weather Service and they
said on the day that Teddy died the wind was blowing north. But you see, the balloon is
moving south, as if it's being pulled against the wind.
SCULLY: Pulled? By whom?
MULDER: I don't know. That's why I came to Chuck, the king of
digital imaging. Chuck can extract incredibly small details from a simple photographic
(Dr. Chuck Burk is sitting in front of a large computer
monitor. Mulder and Scully come around behind him. Chuck is a somewhat pompous fellow.)
DR. BURK: Not details - information. Watch the monitor. We
have limitations on how much information the eye can perceive unaided, but with this
special software - which I designed - we can, uh, depict hidden information. (he displays
the image on the monitor and enhances the contrast) We can manipulate it. Enhance it. Now
watch right here. There it is.
(After several passes, the image shows a light, human-like
outline of a person holding the balloon string.)
DR. BURK: (pointing to the outline) There's clearly a
concentration of electromagnetic energy.
SCULLY: So you're saying that, uh, a ghost killed Teddy
Holvey. (Mulder nods and points to the screen as Burk smirks) Has anyone checked the
camera that took this photo - the lens or the pressure plate?
MULDER: It all checked out, Scully. (hands her the camera) I
think from the information here, this is clearly some kind of poltergeist activity.
SCULLY: Mulder, this information is the same reason why
you'll see a newspaper photo with Jesus' face appearing in the, in the foliage of an elm
tree. It's a chance occurrence of light and shadow.
(Burk leans back in his chair, still smirking.)
MULDER: (reaching for an evidence bag) In order to get on
those tracks, Teddy Holvey had to escape this child-proof halter that his mother had tied
to a bathroom sink.
SCULLY: I've seen some pretty slippery two-year-olds.
MULDER: So the C.M.E. took it home and put it on his own
two-year-old and found it was physically impossible for the kid to reach around and free
himself, so unless Teddy Holvey was the reincarnation of Houdini - and that would be an
X-file in itself ...
(Burk arches his eyebrows at Scully.)
(It is night, and Mulder and Scully pull up in front of the
house. As they approach the door, an old woman in a black shawl watches them warily from
an upstairs window. The window has a small stained glass hanging in front of it, with a
reverse swastika.)
(Mulder and Scully are with Maggie and Steve in their living
room. There is a fire in the fireplace.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: I don't understand. There's already been a
formal inquest.
MULDER: We're here apart from that investigation. We have
reason to believe something may have been overlooked.
MULDER: The possibility Teddy may have been helped onto the
STEVE HOLVEY: There were over a hundred witnesses. We saw
Teddy ourselves. (the fire in the fireplace suddenly flares up) He was chasing a balloon.
There was no one else around ...
(Mulder and Scully notice Charlie standing in the doorway.)
STEVE HOLVEY: ... It was an awful accident. But that's all it
was - an accident.
(Charlie looks up and to his left, then runs away as if
called by someone. Scully wanders over to the door.)
MULDER: Do you have any reason to suspect someone may have
wanted to hurt Teddy?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: He was just a baby. Why would anybody want to
hurt him?
STEVE HOLVEY: Look, I don't know what you're getting at. We
loved Teddy. If you're suggesting that this is anything like that woman who drowned her
kids in the lake, you're way out of line.
(Scully sees that Charlie has gone to the old woman, Golda,
who is on a landing midway up the stairs. She is drawing a symbol on the back of Charlie's
hand - a reverse swastika with four dots around it.)
MULDER: Mrs. Holvey, did you hear anything in the bathroom
right before Teddy disappeared?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: I already told the inquest. I heard nothing.
(Scully has returned to the others.)
SCULLY: Mrs. Holvey, at the time of the accident, did you
have any hired help?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: No. My mother came to live with us once Teddy
was born.
MULDER: Around the time of Teddy's death, had you noticed
anything strange happening around the house, uh, things moved, odd objects appearing,
anything like that?
(A loud, shrill alarm sounds.)
STEVE HOLVEY: It's that damn smoke detector. I'll be right
(He walks out. As he exits, the lights go out.)
MULDER: Ah ... does this happen often?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: It's an old house. We have a problem with the
(The lights come back on and Golda is standing in the doorway
with Charlie.)
GOLDA: Diavol lol ... diavol lol ... nu ieste el cauza.
GOLDA: Diavol lol.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Mother, it was just a false alarm.
GOLDA: No. Asea este problema ta baiatul este blestemat. [We
must perform the ritual or the killings will continue.]
(Mulder notices the reverse swastika on the back of Charlie's
hand and a red string tied around his wrist.)
GOLDA: (shouting) Ye dracul!
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (also shouting) Stop it!
SCULLY: What is she saying?
STEVE HOLVEY: (returning) Maggie!
GOLDA: You marry a devil. You have devil child!
(Golda leaves, pushing Charlie in front of her.)
STEVE HOLVEY: I'm sorry.
(The next morning, Mulder studies a reverse swastika in a
book as Scully enters with a file.)
MULDER: You recognize this?
SCULLY: Sure, it's a swastika.
MULDER: It's also known as a gammadion or a fylfot. It's an
ancient symbol used for protection or good luck. It's been used by various cultures since
the middle ages. The Holvey's child had one on the back of his hand last night. My guess
it was drawn there by the old lady, to protect the boy.
SCULLY: You're right. I saw her drawing it.
MULDER: And you didn't think that was strange?
SCULLY: Well, I think this boy needs as much protection as he
can get - but just not from ghosties or beasties. Take a look at this. (hands him a
folder) Have you ever heard of Munchausen by Proxy?
MULDER: Yeah, my grandfather used to take that for his
SCULLY: It's when a parent or caretaker brings harm to a
child by inducing medical symptoms, usually as a way of getting attention or status. If
you take a look at Teddy Holvey's medical history, you'll see that he was admitted to
various hospitals ten times during the two years that he was alive. That's once every
three months.
MULDER: (reading the file) Projectile vomiting at three
months. Diarrhea at four months. Vomiting ... diarrhea ... diarrhea.
SCULLY: Each time they were unable to determine the cause of
the illness.
MULDER: And no one questioned this?
SCULLY: Well, the family moved around a lot because of
Steve's job, and records take time to transfer from hospital to hospital. But this kind of
abuse is not limited to just one child, so I checked out Charlie's history as well.
(She hands him a second folder.)
MULDER: Charlie had medical problems, too?
SCULLY: Since his brother was born, which is right when
Holvey's mother-in-law moved in. Often the perpetrator of Munchausen by Proxy will view
the child as evil. The old woman would be a likely candidate, but it could be any family
MULDER: Do you feel like taking a walk over to the State
Department, Scully? (she nods)
(Mulder and Scully are in Steve Holvey's office.)
STEVE HOLVEY: Things have been strained since Golda - my
mother-in-law - moved in with us. I met Maggie in Romania in 1984. Golda forbade our
marriage - said I was the devil. After I transferred back to the U.S., things got somewhat
better, until Teddy was born and she came to live with us. That's when the strangeness
really started.
MULDER: What kind of strangeness?
STEVE HOLVEY: Superstitions rule Golda's life. She'll spit
when anyone compliments the kids. Once she moved in with us, she started pouring hot water
over the threshold to ward off demons, tying red strings around the kids' wrists. One day
I caught her throwing chicken guts on the roof. Then Teddy and Charlie started getting
sick - a lot.
SCULLY: And you suspect Golda?
STEVE HOLVEY: She'll call Charlie evil right to his face. But
at the same time, she dotes on him like she's afraid of him.
MULDER: Afraid of him or for him?
STEVE HOLVEY: I just don't know.
SCULLY: Are you familiar with Munchausen by Proxy?
STEVE HOLVEY: Are you accusing us of child abuse?
SCULLY: Teddy's medical records have raised some questions.
STEVE HOLVEY: I can never say this to Maggie, but I've
wondered if it wasn't Golda who snuck in and let Teddy out of the bathroom that day.
SCULLY: I'd like to interview your son Charlie, Mr. Holvey,
but with a professional counsellor.
(She hands him a card on which is printed "Karen F.
Kosseff, L.C.S.W., Psychiatric Social Worker, FBI ...")
STEVE HOLVEY: Oh boy. This is gonna be hard.
(At the Holvey house, Maggie and Steve are arguing in the
next room, while Mulder and Scully are with Charlie, who sits at the kitchen table. Golda
is at the kitchen stove, cooking something in a pot.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: What do they want? To take Charlie away from
STEVE HOLVEY: They just want him to talk to the social
worker. She's expecting him.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Social worker? You know them. They'll put lies
into Charlie's head.
STEVE HOLVEY: You're being unreasonable.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: You want to take him away from me. You blame
me for Teddy, and now you want to take him away from me.
STEVE HOLVEY: I'm not gonna listen to this. This is
ridiculous. If you want to come, you can, but I'm taking Charlie now.
(Golda discreetly sprinkles a powder into the pot, taken from
a yellow envelope that she took from her apron pocket. Scully sees her.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: No, Steven. He's my son, too.
(As Golda brings the pot to serve Charlie, Scully steps
SCULLY: What was that?
STEVE HOLVEY: There's nothing more to say.
GOLDA: (to Scully) (Rumanian)
STEVE HOLVEY: (entering the kitchen with Maggie) Come on,
Charlie. Let's get your coat.
GOLDA: (under her breath) (Rumanian)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: You have no right to do this!
STEVE HOLVEY: Maggie. (to Charlie) Come on. (to Mulder and
Scully) We'll meet you out front.
(Maggie walks out. Scully eyes Golda suspiciously, then
(Steve and Charlie enter the garage and get into the car.)
STEVE HOLVEY: OK. You buckled in there?
STEVE HOLVEY: Good. (he tries the automatic garage door
button mounted on the visor, but the garage door doesn't open) Damn it.
(He gets out of the car.)
(Mulder and Scully bring their car to the front of the
(Steve gets a stepladder and climbs up to the garage door
opener, throwing his tie over his shoulder. He tries the manual button on the opener a
couple of times, but nothing happens. Below, the car doors lock shut mysteriously. The
chain on the garage door opener suddenly starts, catching Steve's tie. It pulls him into
it, and the ladder falls out from under him as Charlie screams.)
CHARLIE: No! No! Daddy! No! No!
(As Steve chokes and struggles, he kicks in the rear
windshield of the car.)
CHARLIE: Daddy! No! Daddy! No!
(The garage door opens, and from out front Scully sees Steve
hanging from the garage ceiling.)
SCULLY: Mulder!
(They get out of the car and run to the garage. Mulder grabs
Steve's legs but it's too late.)
CHARLIE: Daddy! No! Daddy! No! Daddy! Daddy!
(That night, still at the Holvey house, Scully closes the
door to Maggie's bedroom as she sleeps on the bed with a doctor nearby. She approaches two
policemen standing down the hall.)
POLICEMAN: See this?
(He opens the door to a room and Scully enters. There are
many candles in the room. A table in the center of the room has two dead roosters on it as
well as candles and other trinkets. She also sees the small stained glass with the reverse
swastika. Through the window, Scully sees Golda standing next to a car as three men
emerge, all dressed in black coats and wearing black hats. They converse briefly in
Rumanian and Golda points toward the garage.)
(Scully enters the garage, where Mulder is on the stepladder
collecting evidence from the garage door mechanism.)
SCULLY: Find anything?
MULDER: Yeah, maybe.
(He climbs down and hands her a plastic packet containing a
black powder.)
SCULLY: Looks like ash.
MULDER: Yeah. It's everywhere. Look at this.
(He scrapes some from the top of the car.)
SCULLY: The Holveys said earlier that they had some problems
with the wiring of the house. It could be from the motor shorted out ...
MULDER: No, I checked the motor. It's working fine.
SCULLY: Well, what do you think it is?
MULDER: I don't know, but I'm gonna have this analyzed.
SCULLY: Well, before we do anything, I think we should get
Charlie out of this house. I just put a call into a social worker who's gonna come down
and make a report.
MULDER: Uh, the courts are reluctant to intervene in these
SCULLY: Not when a child is in danger ... and not after they
see two dead roosters in the old woman's bedroom.
MULDER: Really? You still think this is Munchausen by Proxy,
SCULLY: Without a doubt. (the garage door starts to open)
What did you do?
MULDER: I didn't do anything.
(As the door rises, on the other side they see Charlie, with
Golda behind him and the three men next to her.)
GOLDA: Stay away from our house!
(She takes Charlie into the house.)
(Scully is in the office as Mulder enters with a piece of
MULDER: Hey. You want to see something weird?
MULDER: Chem-lab analysis of the ash from the Holvey's house.
(he hands her a graph with a flat horizontal line) No trace of any metal, no carbon, no
oxygen, no nothing.
SCULLY: What do you mean?
MULDER: It contains nothing organic or inorganic. In fact,
according to the technicians, this ash doesn't exist. (grabs his coat) Come on.
SCULLY: Where are we going?
MULDER: To get a second opinion.
(Back in Burk's office, he examines the powder.)
DR. BURK: Oh, wow. Haven't seen this for a while. Not since
India, 1979.
SCULLY: India?
MULDER: Before Chuck succumbed to the glamours of academia,
he did a tour of duty on the old hippie trail.
DR. BURK: It's called vibuti - holy ash. Technically, it's
known as an apport - something that materializes out of thin air.
SCULLY: Wait a second. Nothing just materializes out of thin
DR. BURK: You've read the Bible? You remember the story about
Jesus creating the loaves and the fishes?
SCULLY: Yeah, but that was a parable.
DR. BURK: In 1979, I witnessed a guru named Sai Baba create
an entire feast out of thin air.
SCULLY: Too bad you didn't take a picture. You could have run
it through your computer and seen the entire Last Supper.
(Mulder smiles broadly in reaction to Scully's joke.)
DR. BURK: Vibuti is, uh, created during the presence of
spirit beings, or during bilocation, which is, uh, a phenomenon where a person's energy is
transported to a different location.
MULDER: That energy could have been what set off the garage
door opener.
DR. BURK: Yeah.
SCULLY: Yeah, that or somebody activated the remote control.
MULDER: Well, who are you suggesting did that?
SCULLY: Well, who was standing outside when the garage door
opened unexpectedly on us yesterday?
MULDER: The old lady ... and Charlie.
(At the Holvey house, Charlie eavesdrops against the door to
Golda's room. Inside, Golda and the three men chant in Rumanian. They stand around the
table with the dead roosters and light matches, tossing them into a pot of reddish liquid
in the center of the table. Golda pours a liquid into the pot, and smoke rises from it. In
the smoke appears an image of Charlie, which yells in Rumanian at Golda and the men.)
(Maggie answers the front door to find Karen Kosseff.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Mrs. Holvey? My name is Karen Kosseff. I'm a
social worker with the FBI. I've been instructed to file a report for the court. May I
come in?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (shaking her head) No. Please, I've already
had enough trouble.
KAREN KOSSEFF: I understand, Mrs. Holvey, but if you won't
talk to me, I'm going to have to put that in the report and it could very well complicate
your situation.
(They run upstairs, finding Charlie on the floor in front of
Golda's door.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Oh my God! Charlie? It's OK, Charlie. (she
takes him in her arms) It's OK. It's OK, Charlie. It's OK. (Kosseff catches up) He's been
sick. My mother was supposed to be looking after him.
(They hear the chanting from Golda's room and see lights and
smoke coming from underneath the door.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Mother! Mother!
(She throws open the door and sees Golda and the men, still
performing their ritual.)
GOLDA: (to Maggie) (Rumanian)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Get out of my house.
GOLDA: (to Maggie) (Rumanian)
FIRST MAN: (also to Maggie) (Rumanian)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (hugging Charlie protectively) Get out!
(The men look at each other and at Golda. Golda nods and they
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (to Golda, still in the room) I have had
enough, Mother. I want you out of my house.
GOLDA: [The boy's blood must be cleansed. It is the only
(She grabs Charlie and pulls him into the room, closing and
locking the door. Maggie pounds on the door.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (yelling) No! Mother! Mother!
(Inside, Golda picks up a large knife and pulls Charlie's
hand to her. Charlie looks frightened.)
GOLDA: [We must finish this.]
(Kosseff has run outside as Mulder and Scully pull up in
their car.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Agent Scully. The grandmother's taken the
child. She's locked him in the room with her. She may have a knife. I've called 9-1-1.
(They all run toward the house.)
MULDER: What happened?
KAREN KOSSEFF: There were three strange men. They were
performing some kind of ritual.
(They hear Charlie yelling from upstairs.)
CHARLIE: No! No, Nana!
(Inside, Golda moves the knife toward Charlie's palm.
Suddenly the candles all go out. Golda clutches Charlie to her and waves the knife at an
unseen enemy and screams. She stops and hugs the boy.)
GOLDA: Mihai! Mihai! Mihai! It is the only way.
(She puts the knife to Charlie's palm again, but he screams
and runs to the corner of the room and cowers. A table suddenly flies across the room,
striking Golda. She falls.)
(Outside, Mulder and Scully reach Maggie, who is still
pounding on the door. Mulder draws his gun.)
(Inside, Golda regains her senses to see Charlie standing
over her, holding the two dead roosters.)
CHARLIE: Esiti din mina trup periti.
(He drops the roosters onto her and they suddenly become
alive, squawking and pecking at her. Golda screams as she bleeds from the roosters'
(Mulder breaks in the door to find the room quiet and Charlie
standing calmly next to the table. Maggie and Scully run to Golda, who lies dead on the
floor. Two dead roosters are next to her.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (crying) Oh my God! Mama! Mama!
(Mulder stares at Charlie, who looks back at him
(Mulder and several policemen are collecting evidence in
Golda's room. Mulder sniffs the contents of a glass container on the table. Scully
MULDER: Did you talk to Charlie?
SCULLY: He says he doesn't remember anything. Now, the
coroner's preliminary report states that she died of a heart attack ... but those wounds,
Mulder, I'd swear it looked like her eyes were pecked out.
MULDER: Well, there was more ash on the floor under the old
woman's body, and look at this. (hands her the glass container)
SCULLY: What is it?
MULDER: It's mugwort. I think it's a ceremonial herb.
SCULLY: You think this was a ritual killing?
MULDER: No. The reverse swastika on the window and the red
string around Charlie's wrist - those are protective devices.
SCULLY: Protection against what?
MULDER: I don't know, but I think the old woman knew the
family was in trouble, and those men were here doing a ritual to help her.
(They hear Maggie yelling and head out to see what's going
MAGGIE HOLVEY: I told you before. Get out of my house!
(Maggie is downstairs with the men.)
FIRST MAN: (Rumanian)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: I am not interested in your superstition. Now
get out. Now!!!
(The men go out the front door as Mulder and Scully come down
the stairs.)
SCULLY: Mrs. Holvey?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: It's all right.
MULDER: Who are they?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: They are the Calusari. In Romania, they are
responsible for the correct observance of sacred rites.
SCULLY: What did he say?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: He said it's not over. The evil is still here.
MULDER: Excuse me.
(Mulder goes out the front door and runs to catch up with the
Calusari. He speaks to the first man, who is the head Calusari.)
MULDER: Sir? Can I have a word with you? Sir, I'm with the
FBI. I'd like to ask you some questions.
(He flashes his badge but the Calusari continue to walk
toward their car.)
MULDER: You were trying to protect the family, weren't you?
You said there was still evil here. Sir? (grabs the head Calusari by the arm as he reaches
the car) I can arrest you if I have to.
HEAD CALUSARI: The evil that is here has always been. It has
gone by different names through history - Cain, Lucifer, Hitler. It does not care if it
kills one boy or a million men. If you try to stop us, the blood will be on your hands.
(He gets in the car along with the other men and they pull
(Later, Maggie Holvey stands at the mantlepiece, looking
sadly at pictures of her family. Mulder and Scully enter.)
MULDER: Mrs. Holvey? I know this is a difficult time, but
there are some questions that need to be answered.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: My mother used to say that evil follows evil.
Once someone suffers a misfortune, they'll always have bad luck. I used to think that was
just a superstition. Now I don't know what to believe. I blamed her, you know. for all
that's happened. I thought maybe she was putting a curse on us to punish me.
SCULLY: Punish you for what?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: For abandoning the old ways. I was raised to
believe as she did, in spirits, the unseen world. When I married Steve and came to this
country, I left all that behind.
MULDER: Do you know what kind of ceremony she was performing
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (nods) She was trying to cleanse the house of
evil. She thought Charlie was responsible somehow. (near tears) How could he be
responsible for all this horror? He's just a little boy.
SCULLY: I think we should talk to Charlie and find out what
happened in your mother's bedroom.
(Maggie nods.)
(Karen Kosseff is talking to Charlie in a playroom in the
center. Charlie sits quietly, playing with an Etch-a-Sketch. Mulder, Scully and Maggie are
in an adjoining room, watching and listening.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Charlie? I was told they found you in your
grandmother's room yesterday. Can you tell me about it? (he shakes his head) Do you
remember how you got there?
KAREN KOSSEFF: Your mother said you were there. Don't you
CHARLIE: (sharply) I wasn't there.
(He gets up and walks away.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Many people saw you in the room.
CHARLIE: It wasn't me! I wasn't there! It wasn't me!
(He kicks some toys across the room.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Who was in the room?
KAREN KOSSEFF: Was there someone else in the room?
CHARLIE: No! I didn't hurt her!
KAREN KOSSEFF: Charlie? Charlie? Who hurt your grand ...
CHARLIE: It was him!
KAREN KOSSEFF: Who? Charlie, who?
CHARLIE: It was Michael! Michael! Michael!
(Mrs. Holvey gasps and turns away from the window.)
SCULLY: Mrs. Holvey?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: We never told him. It was agreed upon. It was
our secret.
MULDER: What secret, Mrs. Holvey? What are you talking about?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Michael. He was Charlie's twin. He was
stillborn. Steven and I agreed never to tell Charlie about it. My mother, she wanted to
perform a ritual of separation when she heard of Michael's death, to divide their souls.
She said if we didn't, the world of the dead would follow Charlie. But it was just a
(Inside, Charlie is on the floor and Kosseff is trying to
help him.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: Charlie? (to the others) Help! I need your
(They rush into the playroom.)
KAREN KOSSEFF: He's having some kind of siezure.
SCULLY: Don't restrain him. Let's turn him on his side so he
doesn't aspirate. Charlie, you're going to be OK.
(Later, Scully walks up stairs toward Mulder, who is standing
on a landing beside a window. It is dark outside.)
MULDER: How's Charlie?
SCULLY: He's resting. How's Mrs. Holvey?
MULDER: I'm amazed she hasn't broken down completely. She's
in the waiting room, trying to get some sleep.
SCULLY: The doctor said that Charlie had some kind of a
siezure, but they've been unable to determine a cause.
(Charlie is lying in a hospital bed. A nurse pulls aside the
dividing curtain, startling him.)
NURSE CASTOR: Oh, I'm sorry Charlie, I didn't mean to scare
you. I'm Nurse Castor. Now, I'm just gonna give you a little something to help you sleep.
CHARLIE: No, I don't want a shot.
(She rubs antiseptic on his arm for the shot. Charlie
struggles against her.)
NURSE CASTOR: I know, but that's what happens when you spit
out your medicine. We have to give it to you some other way.
NURSE CASTOR: Now, Charlie, I just want you to relax. It's
not gonna hurt, and afterwards I'll give you a sucker.
CHARLIE: Leave me alone!
NURSE CASTOR: Charlie, it'll just be a little pinch. Now, I
want you to relax.
CHARLIE: Stop it!
NURSE CASTOR: Charlie, now, I want you to behave.
CHARLIE: Leave me alone.
(Across the room, "Michael", Charlie's twin,
appears behind the door. Charlie sees him, but the nurse's back is to the door.)
NURSE CASTOR: Charlie, I want you to behave. Just relax.
CHARLIE: No! Don't do it! Don't do it!
("Michael" is approaching the nurse, carrying a
metal medical stand.)
NURSE CASTOR: Charlie ...
CHARLIE: No, Michael! Michael, don't!
(Nurse Castor looks over her shoulder just as
"Michael" hits her with the stand.)
(Still at the hospital, Maggie is sleeping on a sofa in the
waiting room. She is awakened by Charlie.)
CHARLIE: Mommy? I want to go home now.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Charlie? What are you doing up? Why are you
CHARLIE: They said I could go home now.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Who said that?
CHARLIE: The doctors. They said I could leave.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: All right, then. Let's just get your coat and
we'll talk to the doctors.
(She gets up.)
CHARLIE: No, Mommy. Let's just go home - (firmly) now.
MAGGIE HOLVEY: OK, Charlie. We'll go straight home.
(She takes his hand and they walk out of the waiting room.)
(Mulder walks up the stairs to Scully, who is on the same
stairway landing as earlier. Something out the window catches her attention.)
MULDER: What are you looking at?
SCULLY: Is that Mrs. Holvey?
MULDER: Where?
SCULLY: There. I think she's got Charlie with her.
(Down below, Mrs. Holvey is getting into her car. Charlie is
in the front seat as well.)
(Mulder and Scully pull the curtain in Charlie's room to see
that Charlie is still in his bed. They hear Nurse Castor, who is lying on the floor in the
corner of the room.)
(Scully steps out into the hall to summon help while Mulder
helps her up.)
SCULLY: (calling down the hall) Nurse!
MULDER: Are you all right?
NURSE CASTOR: He hit me.
SCULLY: Who? Charlie?
NURSE CASTOR: No ... not him, the other one. There were two
of them, two boys.
(Another nurse arrives to help Nurse Castor. Mulder and
Scully walk out and down the hallway.)
MULDER: You gotta get to Mrs. Holvey's house.
MULDER: That boy you saw leaving with Mrs. Holvey - that
wasn't Charlie.
SCULLY: You're saying Mrs. Holvey left here with a ghost?
MULDER: A spirit, a ghost - I'm not sure but it's what we saw
in the photograph. It's what the old woman was trying to protect the family from.
SCULLY: But, Mulder ...
MULDER: Whatever it is, it's killed three people, and you've
got to get to Mrs. Holvey's before it happens again.
(Scully gets on the elevator.)
SCULLY: What are you gonna do?
MULDER: Get help.
(Maggie is in her kitchen with who she thinks is Charlie, but
is actually Michael. She puts some food in front of him.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: There you go, Charlie.
MICHAEL: Aren't you going to have some?
MAGGIE HOLVEY: No, dear. I'm not hungry.
MICHAEL: Tomorrow we can go to the park.
MICHAEL: Can I have a balloon?
(Maggie starts to look very uneasy.)
MICHAEL: Can we ride the train, Mommy?
(Maggie looks very uneasy, as she has figured out something's
wrong. She fumbles through a kitchen drawer to find some matches.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Now you finish up and mommy will be right
back, OK?
(Maggie is now in Golda's room. It is dark, and she lights a
number of candles.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (chant in Rumanian)
(She now lights three matches and drops them into a bowl of
liquid. They extinguish as they hit the liquid and float on the surface.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: Please, God. Don't let it be true.
(One by one, the matches sink. She gasps when the last one
MICHAEL: What are you doing, Mommy?
(She turns to see Michael standing in the doorway. There is a
wind blowing in his hair.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (chants in Rumanian)
(She picks up a knife and holds it over her head, approaching
Michael. The wind continues.)
MAGGIE HOLVEY: (continues to chant in Rumanian)
(Mulder waits in the hallway outside Charlie's room. Four
Calusari enter the hall and walk toward him. He motions toward Charlie's room and they
enter the room. Mulder follows.)
HEAD CALUSARI: (to Mulder) Guard the door.
(Mulder closes the door.)
(Scully enters the Holvey's house. It is dark.)
SCULLY: Mrs. Holvey?
(She steps in, turning on a flashlight. She tries the light
switch but the lights don't come on. She walks into the foyer and hears a noise from
SCULLY: Hello?
(Back at the hospital, the Calusari surround Charlie's bed
and chant in Rumanian and pray. The head Calusari tears open Charlie's pajama shirt.
Charlie seems to be asleep. As they continue to chant, one of the Calusari sprinkles a
powder on Charlie's chest, and he awakens suddenly and hisses at them. The Calusari
restrain him, two holding his arms while a third holds his head. The fourth, the head
Calusari, sprinkles a herb into a bowl of liquid and it bubbles. Charlie continues to hiss
and starts to thrash on the bed.)
CHARLIE: (loudly) Fie newt, avet a plaratariat. New potex ...
new potex ... new potex. Suffragettes agitaball. Pulley tot allso puritay from freeditay.
Suffragette a agitaball. Ohh saaa ... pu chette ... agitaball ... boy gotz.
(The head Calusari adds a red powder to the bowl of liquid.
The liquid turns red and bubbles more violently, emitting smoke. Charlie continues to
thrash about, while the other Calusari continue to chant.)
HEAD CALUSARI: (turning and gesturing to Mulder) Come. Hold
him down.
(Mulder comes to the foot of the bed and holds Charlie's
feet. Charlie continues to struggle, growls and gives Mulder an evil stare.)
HEAD CALUSARI: (to Mulder) Don't look at him. Look away, or
it will recognize you.
(Mulder turns his head, seeing an orange liquid now covering
the walls.)
(Back at the Holvey's, Scully opens the door to Golda's
bedroom. The stained glass with the reverse swastika shakes, and both windows then blow
in. Scully steps back and shields her eyes, then enters. A strong wind howls through the
windows. She enters and pans the room with her flashlight. A glass object breaks at her
feet. She hears faint chanting in Rumanian, and as she walks along the wall, her head is
suddenly touched by a pair of feet. Startled, she spins away and looks up, seeing Maggie
pinned against the ceiling by an unseen force. Maggie is chanting. Scully sees a shadow
move across the wall and turns quickly back toward the window, but she sees no one. The
door to the room suddenly slams shut. She gasps and turns toward the door.)
SCULLY: Charlie?
CHARLIE'S voice coming from MAGGIE: Mommy?
(Scully shines her flashlight up at Maggie, who resumes
chanting in Rumanian. Scully is picked up by an unseen force and slammed into the corner
of the room, next to the window. She falls to the floor, and is then slid, along with some
furniture, into the other corner.)
(Back at the hospital, the head Calusari unsheathes a large
knife over the bowl of bubbling red liquid. Charlie now screams at them in Rumanian.
Mulder continues to hold his feet. The bed starts to shake and rises several feet off the
CHARLIE: (screaming) It hurts!
(Mulder, responding to Charlie's cry, lets go of his feet.)
HEAD CALUSARI: (to Mulder) Do not let go. He tricks you.
(Mulder grabs Charlie's feet again. One of the Calusari
squeezes a liquid into a small cup and hands it to the head Calusari. He adds the contents
to the other bowl of liquid and picks up a white feather. As Charlie continues to scream,
the head Calusari dips the feather into the red liquid and starts to paint a reverse
swastika on Charlie's chest. He continues to scream, as the Calusari continue to chant.)
(At the Holvey's, Michael also screams and picks up the large
knife from the floor. He advances toward Scully, the knife held high over his head. Scully
shields her head with her arm and tries to twist away.)
(At the hospital, the head Calusari completes the reverse
swastika on Charlie's chest. Charlie's body relaxes and the bed falls back to the floor.)
(At the Holvey's, the knife falls harmlessly to the floor
next to Scully. The wind stops. Maggie falls to the floor as well. Scully goes to Maggie's
SCULLY: Are you all right?
(They look across the room but no one else is there. There is
gray ash on the floor and a small wisp of smoke drifting across the floor.)
(At the hospital, Charlie lies quietly on the bed with his
eyes closed. He is covered with perspiration, as well as the reverse swastika painted on
his chest in red.)
HEAD CALUSARI: Let the boy rest. We must find the mother. The
boy needs her.
(The Calusari step away from the bed, leaving Mulder staring
at Charlie.)
(Later, Mulder stands in the hallway outside Charlie's room.
Scully and Maggie come off the elevator and run toward him.)
MULDER: Scully, you all right?
SCULLY: We're OK. How's Charlie?
(Maggie runs past him and enters Charlie's room, brushing
past the head Calusari. It is now daylight outside.)
(She runs to his bedside. Charlie is still sleeping but seems
HEAD CALUSARI: (to Mulder) It is over, for now. But you must
be careful. It knows you.
(The head Calusari closes the door. Mulder and Scully stare
at each other for a moment, then walk slowly down the hallway.)
MULDER: (voiceover) The strange case of Charlie Holvey and
the deaths that occurred during his possession by a dark and malevolent force are unsolved
(Maggie sits on the bed beside the sleeping Charlie as the
Calusari stand around the bed and chant.)
MULDER: (voiceover) ... The boy, who will celebrate his tenth
birthday next month, remains under the watchful care of his mother. And though I believe
him innocent of the crimes, I am disturbed by the warnings of the Calusari that neither
innocence nor vigilance may be protection against the howling heart of evil.
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