Spanish title: El Principio translation: The
US Airdate: November 8, 1998
writer: Chris Carter director: Kim Manners
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter Skinner
Guest Cast:
Mimi Rogers as Agent Diana Fowley
Chris Owens as Agent Spender
Jeff Gulka as Gibson Praise
William B. Davis as Cancer Man
Don S. Williams as First Elder
George Murdock as Second Elder
Wayne Thomas Yorke as 1st Workman
Kim Robillard as 2nd Workman (Homer)
Rick Millikan as Sandy
Arthur Taxier as A.D. P. Bart
Wayne Alexander as A.D. G. Arnold
Wendie Malick as A.D. L. Maslin
Scott Eberlein as Black Haired Man
Ralph Meyering, Jr. as Surgeon
Benito Martinez as Orderly
James Pickens, Jr. as Assistant Director Kersh
Christopher Neiman as ?
Alan Henry Brown as ?
Got on board a westbound 747
Didn't think before deciding what to do
All that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies
Rang true, sure rang true
from Albert Hammond's "It Never Rains In Southern
Snakes crawling in the house
I'm stuck in muddy ground
Tonight I'm gonna shed this skin
from Bruce Springsteen's "Trouble River (I Can't Keep From
Well, I may not be crying, but there was far too much shedding of
skin and Skinners for my taste! And if that Fowley isn't a "snake crawling in the
house", I'll eat my keyboard. The Vancouver rain's gone, the movie aliens are back,
Spender, Fowley and Gibson, the Consortium Lab Rat, are back, even the old and creaky
opening credits AND tagline are back (where'd the brand-spankin' new ones we were promised
go?!) but I'm not so sure about the fans. Strap yourselves in, kids, it's just ...
"The Beginning" ...
After a quick update through scenes from both The End and The Movie,
we're hit by a blinding shot of the sun. Put on your shades, baby, we've arrived in
California (masquerading as Phoenix, Arizona). The camera pans down to the desert as two
men run towards a white van marked as "Roush Technologies". I remember them,
weren't they the bad guys way back in Redux 2? Haven't heard a peep about them since,
might we finally get some answers? Not from these geeks, they're just ... ahem, taking
care of business miles from any gas station washrooms. As they enter the van, a fellow car
pool member calls one a dipwad and he retaliates with the universal one-finger salute. We
must be in America, Canadians are too damn polite to use that gesture ;-) They drive off
and soon another passenger, Sandy, starts to sweat and shiver in the sweltering heat (no
jackets on anyone in the car, do they even bother selling them in Arizona?). He's told to
hold it 'till he gets home which he does, thankfully. The van drops him off and as soon as
he enters his house, still shivering, he cranks up the heat from 60 to 80 then the readout
simply says "HI". Sandy sits on his couch, the sunlight blasting in from a
window behind him, his body shaking uncontrollably. He begins to moan softly, then raises
his hand ... his alien hand covered with translucent skin, that is! Ewwww!
A newspaper lands on Sandy's lawn signalling the beginning of a new
day. The car pool van pulls up in front of his house and sounds out two short blasts of
the horn. Barely a second later (sheesh, barely gives a guy a chance to pull on his
shoes), the recipient of the one-finger salute earlier jumps out of the van and knocks on
the door. As he does, the camera pans over Sandy's picture collection inside the house.
Pretty lonely guy, they're all of him in his lovely lab coat.
The man opens the door, calling for Sandy to hurry up and starts to
loosen his tie as the house is so hot. He looks at the thermostat which still reads
"HI" and continues calling and looking for Sandy. He spots the top of his head
over the back of the couch, moves around to the front and his mouth drops open in shock.
Not much left of Sandy, his chest cavity is completely gone and there's blood everywhere.
He backs away to leave and hears a high-pitched noise which makes him spin around to face
something. We cut to the van as his associates read newspapers and check their watches
then back inside as something crashes through glass and leaps for the man. Munching noises
from inside the living-room, then the man begins to stagger for the door, his shirt
drenched in blood. He grabs for the handle but it slips through his blood-soaked fingers.
With one final attempt, he reaches for the doorknob then is dragged away as we hear his
screams. They're heeeeere!
Next we see Mulder sitting in front of a fancy-shmancy computer.
He's gently and carefully putting together a puzzle consisting of pieces of burnt paper
with the help of a magnifier and the computer screen. We can barely make out the words,
"X-FILES: INVESTIGATION" and the number 111470 just below it. Aha! The files
from the burned office are rising like Phoenix from the ashes.
The scene fades into Mulder talking to yet another FBI Office Of
Professional Review, the interogation table packed with A.D.s including Skinner (don't get
too comfy, hun). Mulder tells them he is slowly putting together the files he lost but
what he's recovered already will allow him and Scully to go back to work on the X-files.
Not so fast, bub, there's the small matter of this nonsense in Antarctica to explain
first. Scully enters the room and takes a seat beside Mulder, not looking exactly thrilled
to be there. While I honestly didn't think they could swing it, they manage to explain the
whole movie plot in a few minutes, even comparing it to "Men In Black". Mulder,
when asked to provide proof, confidently tells them that Scully was infected with this
virus, a virus she can prove is extraterrestrial, take it away, Scully! ... Ummmm, Scully?
... The floor's yours, tell 'em all about the alien spaceship and the tube down your
throat and the goo ... She opens her mouth to speak, then thinks twice about it and
Mulder, realizing she's not going to be any help, just stares at her in disbelief.
Next we see them leaving the conference room, Mulder storming out
ahead of Scully, saying, "Next time, I'll wear a clown suit and do balloon
tricks." He, he, isn't that the plotline for episode number 11? ;-) He's furious at
Scully for claming up, her scientific proof was all he had to rely on. But Scully's not
sure about anything that happened and didn't really see very much. She's run tests on the
virus but still can't identify it except to say it is definitely "of this
world". She never saw any alien babies inside human hosts like Mulder did and can't
say the virus actually creates anything, just destroys cells. She's just a big ol' fat
help, eh? Mulder just glares at her when she says he can't question the science on this
one. He storms off again and she lets out a sigh right along with the audience. We're back
to the beginning all right, Scully's the skeptic scientist and Mulder's the bull-headed
believer again.
The action shifts to New York and the smokey Consortium meeting
room. Cancer Man flashes slides of Sandy's bloodied body on a screen, apologizing for the
sloppiness in Phoenix. The scientist must have accidently injected himself while working
on the virus. The First Elder is concerned the press got ahold of these charming snapshots
but Cancer Man says he placated them with a yarn about a mad Indian on the loose (where
did THAT come from?). Of more concern is how the creature took a mere 12 hours to gestate
then promptly killed a guy just after birth. The Second Elder takes the place of the
dearly departed Well-Manicured Man and spouts out, "God almighty!" The creature
must be found and stopped, Cancer Man's on the job.
Back in his new office, Mulder works away on restoring his burned
files, alone and with only one desk in sight. The door opens, letting in some light
(you're going to hurt your eyes literally working in the dark, Mulder) and Skinner walks
in to announce the committee's decision ... Mulder and Scully will not be reassigned to
the X-files, gasp! Poor Mulder is stunned while poor Skinner is saddled with dialogue such
as, deep breath ... "When will you accept that no amount of pressure or reason will
bring to heel a conspiracy whose members walk these halls with absolute impunity?"
Man, let a guy leave with some shred of dignity intact, will ya, Chris? Anyway, Mulder
asks how the voting went and is told it was unanimous. Skinner, how could you?! Mulder
gathers his files, all in little baggies, into a box, shuts off his computer and glares at
Skinner as he stands in his way at the doorway. Skinner says it wouldn't have helped if
he'd been outside the majority vote anyway. Mulder says, "Inside or out, I don't see
that there's a damn thing you can do for me." Au contraire, my friend, Skinner's left
a file folder on his old office desk containing proof of the alien virus. Way to go, big
fella, I knew you wouldn't let me down!
Next we see Mulder entering the old office, now cleaned up with the
walls bare and managing to maintain plant life, something Mulder never bothered to try.
The desk contains nothing but a file folder, surprising nobody beat him to it. He sets the
box down and opens the file to find yet another shot of Sandy's gory death scene. In
another part of the office, one I don't recall seeing in the old version, Agent Spender
pipes up, wanting to know what Mulder's doing. He sets the file back down and asks what
the heck a brown-nose like Spender's doing in his office, he'll be damned if he'll let
Spender take his place. But Spender still thinks Mulder's work is "paranormal mumbo
jumbo", he's not taking his place ... cue Agent Diana Fowley's entrance. Yes, the
woman we saw shot and out of it at the end of last season, presumably in a coma or
something during the movie timeline, is now fit as a fiddle and raring to go, sheesh! As
Mulder observes, fit enough to stab him in the back it seems. He gathers up his box and
walks out of the office. The new X-files team look at each other, then walk into The
Office to get to work. Without the file folder, which is now missing.
Somewhere in a medical facility we come upon Cancer Man flagrantly
flaunting a "No Smoking" sign glowing in the darkness behind him and lighting up
a ciggie. He walks into the operating room, puffing away, and the doctors working on a
patient's head look up at him in surprise but no one dares to speak. Cancer Man tells them
to get the boy ready, he's taking him on a little trip, but one of the doctors says this
could kill the kid. Slap a bandaid on him, "it's him or it's us." Really enjoyed
the effect of Cancer Man's smoke illuminated by the light on the doctor's head. He leaves
in a cloud of smoke and the camera pans down to show the patient, Gibson Praise, shaved
bald, his head strapped to a restraining device and his brain open for surgery, ewwwww.
Worse, he's fully awake and alert.
In Phoenix, Mulder and Scully arrive at Sandy's house and Mulder
marches in the front door. Scully stays back and tries to explain to him that they're
breaking the law by simply being there, especially without telling the local cops. But he
isn't listening as she says to herself (and to us, 'cause it cracked me up), "Why do
I bother?" She closes the door behind them, taking note of the blood-drenched and
scratched door. Then Mulder calls her over to see some very deep and long scratches on the
hallway wall, supposedly made by the attacking Indian's bare hands according to the
official report. Yeah, right, and these deep gashes in the hardwood floor were done by
someone's hands? Don't think so. Mulder spots something within the wall marks and pulls it
out. It's a nail and not RuPaul's! From the report, it seems the man on the couch died
hours before the other scientist so the attacker must have stayed behind and waited. But,
no, Mulder says, it wasn't really an attack, more like a birthday celebration as he pieces
together that the man on the couch must have given birth to an alien. That Mulder and his
wacky theories, Scully finds it all hard to digest.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to our heroes, Cancer Man and Gibson, his
head all bandaged and bleeding a nice red line across his skull, are seated outside the
house in a car. The kid tells him the alien was definitely here but is now gone and the
driver volunteers to check anyway. Gibson seems to get nervous and makes it clear the
alien's not there now (he obviously knows Mulder and Scully are inside and doesn't want
Cancer Man's thug to find them). He tells Cancer Man he knows he's afraid of him and wants
to kill him, "You think I can destroy you for what I know, because of what I
am." He also knows his goose is cooked if he can't find the alien. Cancer Man's sure
he will find it and they drive off.
Just as they do, Mulder and Scully leave the house, whew, good
timing, kids. Mulder doesn't understand why Scully can't believe his theory when she
agrees with him that the report is bogus. What will it take for her to believe? A bite on
the butt? He saw the creatures in the Arctic and she would have too if she'd been healthy
and hadn't passed out (how damn convenient). She clasps his hand in hers, with an
action-grip as opposed to a tender touch, the camera lingers to fool us into thinking we
have a Big Moment coming up, we clutch our boxes of Kleenex in preparation ... She tells
him she knows what happened to her and what he did to help her. She remembers him saying
her science had saved him and made him a whole person, which is why she can't change now,
it wouldn't be right or honest. He drops her hand, says, "I'm sorry, Scully, but this
time your science is wrong." and walks away. We all sit back in our chairs and shake
our heads, duped again.
Cut to Rolling Hills Nuclear Power Plant, just east of Phoenix, as
we see a man sleeping on the job to the tune of "Put On A Happy Face" blaring
out of a tape player. Before all of us Simpsons fans can say, "Hi, Homer!", sure
enough, his fellow employee says, "Wake up, Homer." Groan, this was the cute
Simpsons joke? Lame. Anyway, it seems there's a problem with the temperature in the
system, maybe even the core reactor, Homer has to go check it out. He switches off the
tape player which is starting to become quite annoying, then makes matters worse by
singing the song to himself as he heads off to investigate.
In time-honoured horror movie fashion, this next scene takes far too
long and has zero pay-off. In a nutshell, Homer Hears A Who ... I mean, a noise among the
pipes and creeps closer to it. He sees something, maybe an alien hand, creeping out from
behind the pipes and, for some reason, tries to poke at it with his wrench. Keep singing
that damn song, Homer, that'll scare it off! But, no, he verrrry slowly continues to poke
away until the hand finally lashes out and grabs him. Cue the cameraman's orders to now
move away from all the action so we can't see a darn thing but we get to listen to Homer's
blood-curdling screams.
Time has passed and the power plant is now crawling with cops as
Mulder and Scully pull up in their car (with Scully behind the wheel no less). Spender, in
his nifty FBI jacket, quickly stops them as they walk towards the plant, "Authorized
officers and personnel only. This is a closed area." Rub it in, why don't ya? Scully
tells him they got a call about a man being murdered here and Spender asks if it was from
A.D. Skinner. He'll see to it Mulder and Scully pay for disobeying orders and have
Skinner's actions reviewed. Hey, don't drag Skinner into this, buster, your fight's with
Mulder, leave my boy alone, grrrrrrr. Diana appears and Mulder appeals to her to let them
onto the crime scene but she says she can't, that the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
has had it sealed. No one was murdered, it was merely an accident due to a systems
failure. She tells Mulder the case may be linked to two other deaths and a case file
stolen from their office (cringe, *their* office). He assures her it is related and as
Scully leads him away he says to Fowley, "I hope you know whose errand you're
running." Back at their car, Mulder tells her they know the alien is there and she
asks how they can know, how does *he* know? He looks in the back seat of the car, tells
her to give him the keys and get in. As he heads for the driver's seat, she slowly opens
the back door and slips in to the seat where Gibson is lying down. She cradles his little
bandaged head in her lap and tries to wake him up, "Gibson? Gibson, sweetheart?"
But she gets no response.
Time passes and we're now at the Camelback View Motel. Gibson is
sitting up in Scully's bed, propped up with pillows as she sits next to him and tenderly
cuts away his bandage. As she finally reveals his angry-red scars, Mulder enters the room
and sits down next to her. Hey, at least we got them in bed together ;-) You can't hide
much from Gibson as he reads Scully's thoughts, "Frankenstein? Really?" No, no,
she assures him, the doctors did a fine and dandy job, don't worry. But he knows she
thinks they were butchers which Mulder agrees with. Nice going, Mulder, scare the kid,
couldn't you think about "Baywatch" again? Scully gives Gibson the goods, admits
that his bandages should have been changed and he now has some swelling, infection and a
fever. Why on earth did someone do this to him? Because he can read minds, he says. Well,
d'uh! That explains everything, doesn't it? He tells them he snuck into their car when the
others weren't looking, so much easier when you can read their minds and he's being used
to communicate with "it". Scully asks what and he says, "You already know.
You just don't want to believe it."
Scully and Mulder share a look and move away from the bed to chat.
Mulder's all excited, Gibson could help them find the alien, but Doctor Scully reminds him
the kid belongs in the hospital under constant care. He just might be what they speculated
in The End, the key to everything in the X-files, the scientific connection and proof. As
Mulder says, though, they're not in charge of the X-files anymore, why bother? Right,
Mulder would give up that easily? Don't think so. Scully brings him back to his senses,
saying the kid may be their last and best chance. They both look over at Gibson. He looks
at them, knowing every word they just said, of course.
Next we see Mulder carrying Gibson out to the car where Scully waits
in the driver's seat. He puts the kid in the back as a car approaches, its headlights
blinding them both and providing a cover for the unknown driver. A voice calls from the
car, telling Mulder she's alone. It's that annoying Fowley, get rid of her, Mulder! He
closes the car door and heads over to her car, slightly annoyed and asking why she's
there. She wants to reassure him that his work on the X-files is safe with her and she
grabbed the assignment when it was offered, she didn't ask for it. After all, they found
the X-files together. *shudder* Hearing her say this sent a chill down my spine. She tells
him the creature is somewhere in the number 4 reactor building, does he want
"them" to find it and kill it or will he come with her to find it? He scoots
over to Scully still sitting in the car and performs the First Official Dump of the
season, albeit a nice one where he actually tells her where he's going for once. Off on a
little alien hunting, my dear, take care of Gibson and don't wait up.
In Diana's car, she tells Mulder the body at the power plant was
gone by the time she arrived on the scene with Spender (after a phone tip from the NRC
people apparently. Man, their office chairs are barely warm and they already have shadowy
informants?). She's not sure who swiped the body, nobody would fess up, but the number 4
reactor was soon sealed off due to heat transfer problems, which she believes to be the
truth. A lightbulb flicks on over Mulder's head. Heat, the creature needs extreme heat
(remember how they stopped its growth with extreme cold in the movie?) but why seek it out
now, after it's been born? "What if it's still developing?" Fowley asks, he
didn't expect any of this to make sense, did he? Mulder picks his jaw off the floor, not
used to anyone else thinking as he does, then says simply, "No." Together in
spirit, they drive onwards.
Cut to the hospital as Scully arrives with Gibson. He's wheeled in
on a gurney as she walks beside him, reassuring him that he'll be fine. You can't fool
this kid, though, he knows they're going to run more tests on him and Scully admits that
they must if he wants to get better. He knows she merely wants to learn from him. Poor
Scully's face tells us both that he's right and she hates herself for it. Frankly, the kid
*should* be worried, very few children get away from Scully intact! As he's whisked onto a
bed, she ensures him he's a special boy and he snorts back, "I'm a very special lab
rat." The curtain is snapped shut, leaving Scully to her thoughts, maybe flashing
back to the last lab rat she had to deal with, Emily.
Back to the power plant as Mulder and Fowley (ouch, hurts my fingers
to type that!) investigate where Homer's body was found. Mulder is stopped in his tracks
as he steps in a pile of what looks like goo. They both kneel down beside it and Mulder
sticks his fingers in, ewwww. At least he doesn't make like Fraser on "Due
South" and taste it. Especially after his lame joke about someone having the flu,
double ewwww. Our intrepid detectives follow the slime trail further into the plant and
the ominous pipes until they reach the exact spot where Homer died. Mulder spots Homer's
dropped wrench (nobody picked it up earlier?) and gets a closer look at the pipes, all
scratched by deep grooves he should recognize. But no, our boy starts to stick his nose in
further, just like the hapless Homer did then jumps back with a start when he hears
something ... something slimey and gooshy moving around. "There's something in
there." Well, yeah, Mulder, so get your face outta there! He foolishly pops back in
to poke around again and spots something. With nary a thought as to what might be attached
to it, he drags out what appears to be a big chunk of gooey skin material. It drops onto
the floor and he hunkers down to check it out.
Both Mulder and Fowley nearly jump out of *their* skins as the
shrill ring of his cellphone echoes off the pipes. It's Scully calling from the hospital
to report on Gibson's startling test results. They've found the virus in his system and
Scully's pretty sure it's the same one she was infected with. What could it all mean?
Scully doesn't know, but it could be a link. "I'll call that bet and raise you."
says Mulder cryptically. Without telling her what he's found, of course, as that would
make it all crystal-clear, he tells her to just keep an eye on the kid.
Cue Cancer Man's thug/driver dressed in a blue hospital uniform as
he whips back the curtain surrounding Gibson. Soon afterwards Scully heads for his room
and finds his bed empty. She loses her nut as she yells at the staff who appear to be
wandering aimlessly around the hallway. They haven't a clue where he is. But we do, in the
back of an ambulance being driven by Old Smokey's thug, oh no!
Back inside the power plant, Mulder and Fowley continue their
investigation and soon spot Gibson and the goon on a walkway above their heads. The agents
run around, circling and following the others and I'm shocked they weren't spotted or at
least heard, Fowley's heels verily rattle the rafters. After much more chasing than is
possibly necessary in an hour-long show, throughout the cinematic plant full of murky
corners and spooky shadows, they finally stop as Gibson and the thug reach their
destination. They enter a room of some kind surrounding a vat of super-charged water
bubbling with nuclear rods. It's here somewhere, Gibson tells him. They walk down a set of
stairs, reaching the level where Mulder and Fowley can see them through a locked door's
window. Mulder pounds on the glass, yelling at them to open the door. Fowley says she'll
look for another entrance and runs off. Gosh, I don't know, what about the door where they
came in upstairs? Just a thought, I
don't have all those years of FBI training or anything.
As Mulder continues to pound on the glass, Gibson and the thug spot
something. "I told you it was here." Bit late, kid, just like that Fowley
shooting! The creature grabs the bad guy and the window in front of Mulder is soon
splattered with blood as the thug's head is slammed against it with great force.
Continously. Blood and brain bits everywhere, really messy stuff, don't watch it, kids.
Now Mulder can see the kid and the alien staring at each other and he yells out Gibson's
name. Suddenly an alarm starts to sound, Fowley rushes down a set of stairs and she's got
Mulder in her gun-sights. He stares at her in shock, then snaps his head back to look
through the window. Gibson's gone, along with the alien, all we can see is the dead body
of the thug.
Next we see Mulder and Scully seated before the Office Of
Professional Review again, the same table full of A.D.s before them ... except for one.
Skinner's chair is empty! Dear God, what have they done to Skinner?! The same woman from
the opening, A.D. Maslin, lays it on the line for our agents. "You and Agent Scully
will cease all material association with the X-Files. Refusal to do so will end in
immediate dismissal. A probationary period will be set. You will now report to Assistant
Director Kersh." The camera settles on an African-American man we've never seen
before. A rather by-the-book, stern and haughty-looking man, as a matter of fact, or so I
assessed in the 5 seconds we saw him :-) Scully looks to Mulder for a reaction, but Mulder
doesn't budge and is silent.
Mulder's face at the hearing now fades into Spender's face in his
office as he receives a visitor. Gasp, it's his smokey father! Don't you know what he did
last time he was there, Jeffy? Hide the matches! Spender's surprised to see him, Cancer
Man had made a deal not to show up there (!), but he just wanted to pop by and
congratulate his "son" on his handling of Mulder, (bit of a shiver when he calls
him "son") saying he'll be on thin ice now. But, as we all know, Mulder will be
back, says Spender. Cancer Man admits there are certain solutions, ones he's used before,
but not in this situation. Spender's flabbergasted. You mean you've killed people, Daddy?
Cancer Man has the line of the night for me, with a curl of a crooked smile and the smoke
rising before his face, "You can kill a man but you can't kill what he stands for.
Not unless you first break his spirit. That's a beautiful thing to see." (insert evil
laughter, it was indeed beautiful)
We drop in on the spirited Mulder as he works away in his new
office, still piecing together those files. Couldn't have just backed them up, could you,
Mulder? All this modern technology at your fingertips and you didn't take the time to back
up a few discs. Let this be a lesson to us all. Scully knocks and walks in, closing the
door when Mulder says, "It would make it harder for them to see that I'm totally
disregarding everything I was told." She reminds him that should be "WE"
not just "I", she's up to her pretty little neck as well. They can't shut down
the X-files, he says, they've tried that before (and before that and one other time and
... we're not frightened anymore, so chin up, Mulder). Scully's there to tell Mulder about
Fowley's report to OPR, seems it doesn't quite match up to his version. "I hope you
haven't been betrayed." He says it was all to protect the X-files. According to
Fowley's report, the man he saw attacked by an alien beast was merely bludgeoned by an
unknown subject. There's no mention of Gibson and no one seems to know where he is. The
report protects everything ... except Mulder. He's all defensive now, says Fowley put
herself at risk just taking him there and he did see a creature, one she refuses to
believe in. Diana saw it as well, even if she didn't report it. Scully tells him it's not
a matter of doubt, it's a matter of trust and he has to trust her judgement.
She goes to hand him a file folder, but he backs away, thinking it's
her report. It's a DNA test of that claw-nail they found in Sandy's wall, it matches the
virus' DNA exactly. Mulder grabs the file from her hands, wild-eyed with expectation at
what this all means. "That's the connection." He's told it also matches Gibson's
DNA, which throws him off. You mean the kid was infected with the virus? Not quite, says
Scully, it's just a part of his DNA, in fact, a part of all of us. It's a "genetic
remnant", "inactive junk DNA" for the rest of us but Gibson's is turned on.
But ... if that's true, then Gibson would be part alien. "It would mean that all of
us are." Ooooooo! Spooky stuff, Scully.
Cut to the power plant as we find Gibson (not sure why nobody else
could!) hiding behind some pipes in the room where the creature attacked the thug. The
camera slips into the super-heated water in the center of the room and through the bubbles
we see the creature perched on the bottom. We watch with fascination as the skin on its
arms and head peels away. It emerges from this cocoon a changed alien, gaining another
finger (he now has 5) and a more humanistic head. Why, he looks just like whatever the
heck Scully saw scampering around in Paper Clip ... in the Strughold mine.
I can think of nothing that expresses my feelings better than the
words of the fab Autumn Tysko
<>, "At least it was
better than Redux." No, wait, I can add to that. At least it wasn't a 2-parter.
I shouldn't be cruel, it certainly wasn't a bad episode (see Space,
Teso dos Bichos or El Mundo Gira for better examples of a truly BAD episode), just not
quite what I'd hoped for after waiting so long. After all of the hoopla surrounding The
Big Screen Movie (this ep's just a remake or recap if you somehow missed it) and the worry
and concern about the move to L.A., the seven months (that's right, 7!) between seasons
nearly killed us. Personally, over the last month, I've noted a painful ache creeping into
my heart. I really missed this crowd and had such high expectations that I was doomed to
disappointment, I guess. So where, you ask, did it all go wrong for me?
- The partnership, the anchor of this ship (no 'shipper puns
intended), is sinking yet again. Mulder's soul-stirring and emotional outpouring to Scully
in the movie's hallway scene is cheapened here by her repeating it to him in a throwaway
scene. He wasn't merely talking about her science in that speech, I don't care what they
say in this episode. And how dare he question Scully's motives when she tries to warn him
about Fowley. Wake up, Mulder, the woman pulled a gun on you! Okay, so
Scully's shot you once (Anasazi), but it was for your own good,
she's the one you can trust. We certainly did seem to head back to The Beginning. He's
back to being the stubborn and selfish loner she met in The Pilot and she's the same old
I'll-believe-it-when-I-see-it scientist Scully. After everything that happened to these
two in the movie, they should be a united front against Them, not off chasing aliens with
ex-lover/partners and fighting over reports. Maybe with the revelation she laid on him at
the end they'll be a unit again by next week, but this was uncomfortable to watch as they
drifted further apart.
- The alien's big appearance, the first time we've ever really seen
one on the show, should have been HUGE. Not the creature itself, but the big scene, this
needed to be an in-your-face moment. But no, we get cheap horror movie effects of buildup
and let-down, a slab of discarded skin then a murky underwater shot of the dude evolving
into a little grey man. Yawn.
- While I see potential for Spender's role in the series, after all
it will mean more scenes with Cancer Man and that's a bonus for me, I have to jump on the
Die-Fowley-Die bandwagon. She's gotta go. I never have trusted her and don't believe a
word she says. Might her role be enriched if we knew who she worked for? Is Cancer Man
using her as well as his kid? And just how did she heal so quickly, hmmm? Remember how
Cancer Man helped heal Mulder's mother in Herrenvolk? This scenerio might keep me
interested, Cancer Man pulling the strings on the "new" X-files duo (they won't
be in charge for long, fear not), keeping Mulder twisting in the wind, but I doubt it.
Nothing against the actress, I just can't feel any connection between Mulder and Fowley
outside of being thrown together on a case. Other than her similar mind-set, what did
these two find so attractive in each other all those years ago and where has it gone? For
her to be a real villain to me, I need to see some friction between her and Scully and
some heat between her and Mulder, that is her role as the ex-lover/ex-partner, is it not?
- Plotholes, shmotholes, who cares anymore, eh? Well, then just
indulge me while I vent. A full season after last mentioning their name, let's throw in a
connection to Roush. Where were they in the movie, pray tell? And how the heck does a big
slimey creature smothered in scientist blood amble down the streets of Phoenix without
notice? He makes it a full 60 miles from Sandy's house to the nuclear power plant and
nobody spots him? Must be some weird stuff going on in Phoenix. And how long does it take
to fly to the States from The Philippines? Gibson's parents were flying in 7 months ago,
where are they?! And tell me Cancer Man wasn't sending in a thug with a gun to kill the
big bad alien, 'cause this man's been in the Antarctic and he knows how lethal they are.
And why are Gibson and the alien still locked up in the plant at the end? Everyone's flown
back to Washington and written their reports, what a shame we couldn't find that kid we
cared so much about, oh well. It goes on and on ...
In the end, The Beginning left me cold and it's only redeeming
quality came with the final scene's shocker that these killing-machine aliens evolve into
little grey men. Maybe this whole myth-arc storyline really will connect somewhere down
the road. Maybe it'll all make sense finally. Maybe I'll be glued to the boob tube next
Sunday like the faithful sheep I am. You can count on that, but I'm not holding out on the
- While I can't identify where, I do agree with David Swinney's
<> observation that some snippets of Mark Snow's
excellent movie score can be heard in the ep. Maybe when Mulder and Fowley are poking
around in the plant, just before they reach the alien's hiding spot in the pipes. Any
- What exactly were we meant to infer by the shot of Mulder which
faded into a shot of Spender? They look creepily alike, more so than I've noticed before,
are they trying to tell us something? If Cancer Man is indeed Mulder's father, let's get
it on the table and deal with it, these teases are becoming far too annoying.
- Here in Canada we missed out on the FOX network's countdown clock
which I'm told started on Friday night. Caught a brief glimpse before "The
Simpsons" and that one hour countdown was enough for me. Can't imagine watching it
tick down for 2 days beforehand, give it a rest!
- Terrific casting choice with Rick Millikan playing Sandy. Oh,
right, that would be because Rick has been the casting director for the show for so long
he can spot 'em a mile away :-) Maybe he was waiting for just the right gruesome death and
the chance to see his blood-splattered corpse's picture flashed in our faces a few dozen
times. Whatever turns your crank, Rick.
- A.D. Maslin was an obvious nod to the film critic for "The
New York Times" of the same name. Man, write a critical account of the movie and
you're cast as the woman that rips the X-files out of Mulder and Scully's hands, nice.
- I counted two Simpsons references. The obvious one being the
nuclear plant employee, Homer, and the other being the name of one of the A.D.s, Bart.
A.D. Maslin: "Agent Mulder, I'm reading here a very
pie-in-the-sky report about global domination
plans by vicious, long-clawed spacelings? Is there going to be data
to back this
vague, omnibus account?"
Mulder: "Yes."
A.D. Bart: "I see your renowned arrogance has been left quite
intact. You're asking us to accept
this report of a spaceship buried under polar ice and your
death-defying escape from it?"
Mulder: "The ice had become superheated by the ship as it rose
beneath us, causing the ice to
A.D. Bart: "This entire story is essentially unintelligible
and, therefore, encourages unintelligible
Mulder: "Well, I was hoping that you'd look more closely at the
reports of mine and Agent Scully's
medical conditions."
A.D. Arnold: "These spacelings, Agent Mulder... They weren't
something I saw in 'Men In Black'?"
Mulder: (pause) "I didn't see 'Men In Black'."
A.D. Arnold: "Well, it's a damn good movie."
Mulder: "As much as this all may sound like science-fiction we
can and will prove the validity of our
A.D. Maslin: "And, so, the plot... I-I'm just trying to get
this straight. The plot is for these spacelings
to take over the planet aided by a group of men here on earth?"
Mulder: "A shadow conspiracy within our own government."
A.D. Maslin: "Who are growing corn in the middle of the desert
which features pollen which was
genetically altered to hold a virus which will be taken away by bees
whose sting
transmits the virus, causing the growth of an extraterrestrial
biological entity inside
the human host?"
Mulder: "Which we will prove now that the X-Files have been
A.D. Bart: "Your presumption is far greater than the case you
make for that eventuality."
Mulder: "I'm not sure I understand."
A.D. Bart: "You're here to justify your reassignment on the
X-Files with little more than a rattletrap
account of high adventure in the Antarctic."
A.D. Arnold: "Not to mention some very questionable travel
Skinner walks in as Mulder works at piecing the burned X-files
Skinner: "You're wasting your time."
Mulder: "You need evidence to justify our reassignment. I've
just got to bring it back from the
Skinner: "Nothing you might restore is going to help you, Agent
Mulder. It's over and done. Your
reassignment on the X-Files has been denied."
Mulder: (angry) "How can it be denied? We're the only reason
the X-Files were reopened in the first
place. There's no other reason to reopen them."
Skinner: "I'm not arguing..."
Mulder: "Well, then, who is?"
Skinner: "When will you accept that no amount of pressure or
reason will bring to heel a conspiracy
whose members walk these halls with absolute impunity?"
Mulder: "Was there a vote?"
Skinner: (after a pregnant pause) "Unanimous against."
(Skinner looks at him apologetically. Mulder turns off his computer,
collects his box full of files and heads for the door where Skinner still stands in the
Mulder: "Excuse me."
Skinner: (reluctantly stepping aside) "I'm no help to you
outside the majority, Agent Mulder."
Mulder: "Inside or out, I don't see that there's a damn thing
you can do for me."
Skinner: "You can break their backs, Agent Mulder, with the
proof about this virus. Proof that what
you say it does is true."
Mulder: "I don't have that proof just yet."
Skinner: "Maybe I can give it to you. There's a file folder.
It's on the desk in your old office."
<sam> en plus elle a un tatouage debian sur le ventre
<sam> c'est trop sexe
<asyd> ca peut le faire
<Magnum3> asyd: le jour ou j'aurais envie de mettre ma bite dans un truc avec un logo debian je baiserais mon ultra 1 Anonymous