THE X-FILES Sunday, Dec. 13 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) finds Mulder convincing Scully to put
aside her gift wrapping on the night before Christmas to help him stake out a reputed
haunted house. But they discover a married couple living in the house (guest stars Lily
Tomlin and Edward Asner) who are keeping a secret the agents never expected.
This one could be very interesting as it will feature only 4 characters, Mulder,
Scully, and the two guest stars, Ed Asner and Lily Tomlin. Ed and Lily star as ghosts in a
haunted house and I'm told the ep ends with Mulder and Scully reliving the ghosts' lives
in some fashion and shooting each other. They then crawl onto the porch and wake up the
next morning unscathed.
Ed would be familiar to fans of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" from the 70's, he
played her boss, Lou Grant. The character went on to star in his own show, "Lou
Grant". And if you don't know who Lily Tomlin is, get out of my website, you heathen!
;-) Very famous comedienne/actress, she caught her big break back on "Laugh-In",
I believe. She recently starred as Candice Bergen's boss on the sitcom, "Murphy
Brown". Hmmm ... they both played bosses on sitcoms, wonder if that will spill over
to their roles here?
<SaTaNiK> ya qqun qui pourrait m'aider....j'ai compiler un programme avec gcc: 'gcc test.c' puis j'ai fait exec test.c et il me ferme le xterm :( Anonymous