Press release: Mulder and Scully investigate a strange double murder
in which only the victims' skeletons are found in an open field.
One of the many rumours swirling around this one had Mulder and
Scully ingesting some sort of magic mushroom and going on a hallucinagetic
"trip". Well, as insane as that sounded to me at the time, it turned out to be
true! The majority of this ep will be seen through the haze of their delusion, so don't be
too scared when Skinner gets killed or Mulder abducts an alien :-)
Auch im Zusammenspiel diverser Softwareprodukte sollen solche Effekte schon beobachtet worden sein, wie bei diesem Gentechnik-Missgeschick: Bei der Kreuzung von Tomate und Kartoffel mit dem Ziel "Karmate" (oben Tomate, unten Kartoffel) entstand leider nur die "Tomtoffel" (oben Kartoffel, unten Tomate). Anonymous