In a nutshell, Mulder and Scully are called to Florida during a hurricane by ex-FBI
agent, Arthur Dales, to investigate something weird attacking the local residents.
Our story begins in Goodland, Florida, as Hurricane Leroy attacks the coastline. Inside
one of the houses we find Mrs. Shipley hammering some boards across her door and yelling
for her son. As she continues to hammer the nails in furiously, we find her son, Evan, in
the laundry room trying to turn on the water taps. "There's nothing coming out!"
he hollers. Hmmm ... why on earth would they need water? Tons of it pouring through the
cracks in the roof. As we ponder this, we see Mrs. Shipley grab two flashlights and scurry
into the laundry room to help her son. The taps refuse to issue forth the water but she
spots some backing up through the floor's drain. She leans over to investigate as Evan
yells out questions about his father's well-being. Hmmm ... wonder where Dad is? Mom backs
away from the drain, "We need water, NOW!" and opens up the washing machine.
It's full of clothes and water. Evan goes to help her tip over the machine and finds the
family's cat, Reggie, hiding behind it amongst the wires. Nevermind the cat, she tells
him, as she instructs him to unplug the machine and tip it over from behind. With Mom
pulling from the front and Evan pushing from behind, the machine
lifts off the floor an inch or two then slams back down. Mom manages a frantic glance
at the floor drain as it bubbles up again. She calls to Evan to push again and receives no
answer. She looks up in time to see his hand grasping the back of the machine,
"Mom!", then it disappears from view. Looking over the back, she finds her son
encircled by some sort of whitish and gooey-looking tentacles. "Let him go!" she
screams as she tries to dislodge him and he fights for his life. Behind her the drain now
spews forth more water ... then a tentacle snakes its way out. She quickly loses her grip
on her son then the washing machine as she's pulled toward the drain. Cue the music, the
monsters have washed ashore.
The camera winds its way through Mulder's empty apartment as we listen to his answering
machine receiving a message from ex-FBI agent, Arthur Dales. He's calling from Florida and
is concerned about a phone call from his neighbor. He tells Mulder to get his butt in
Next we see Arthur in his trailer pouring himself a glass of water from a leaky tap. He
positions himself in front of a radio scanner, the glass now topped off with ice cubes and
bourbon, and listens in on the local cops discussing the mystery of the disappearing
Shipleys. Their only car is still in the garage, the house is boarded up and they're
nowhere to be seen. A light illuminates his face through the window in front of him. He
struggles to get up, hobbling to the door supported by his cane. The wind grabs the door
from his hand as he opens it, nearly slamming into the two people standing on his doorstep
clad in black raincoats. Surprise, it's Mulder and Scully, wonder how he talked her into
*this* assignment?! After mindless chit-chat about people not usually travelling during
hurricanes, as our agents are soaked to the bone by the rain pelting down on them, Dales
finally let's them in.
Scully shakes off her raincoat hood, looking absolutely fab with her hair all wet and
hanging over her lovely face, tendrils sticking to her rosy cheeks ... oh, sorry, I got
sidetracked there. Mulder looks pretty good too, but his hair's too short to have the same
stunning effect ;-) Dales has to be introduced to Scully as he's never seen her before and
it seems Mulder never bothered to mention her in the conversation these two apparently had
off-screen. As she wipes her hands on a paper towel, Mulder says he told her what Dales
told him and Scully's not the type to be easily persuaded (that's an understatement).
Scully says, "I don't hear a story about a sea monster and automatically assume it's
the Lord's gospel truth." Ummm ... sea monster? That wasn't covered on the answering
machine message. Off-screen chit-chat, not my favorite way of starting an episode. Anyway,
Dales wants to know why Mulder brought Scully along and he says she was familiar with
Dales' work on the early X-Files cases and knows how to get to the bottom of things. As
she deposits her paper towel in the garbage can, Scully notices two empty liquor bottles.
Apparently Mr. Dales knows how to get to the bottom of things as well, she observes.
Dales just laughs it off (with a nice camera shot from behind the lid of the garbage
can as it closes to show Dales laughing) then tells Scully about his concern for his
neighbors, The Shipleys. Sara called him saying something had grabbed her husband, Jack,
in the bathroom "of all places" (chortle, snicker ... we ALL know what happens
to people in the bathroom on this show, nice one, boys. Well, there are some real stinkers
coming up, might as well acknowledge one of the good ones ;-) and choked him around the
neck with what she described as tentacles. Jack and Sara are both marine biologists, or
"were". Dales is worried and the local cops are "about as helpful as a fart
in a windstorm". Mulder gets a kick out of this juvenile joke and laughs. Scully
glares at him, not amused. Dales offers that he'd be out there looking himself but for his
bad hip. Mulder doesn't think it's a night fit for man nor beast, but Dales doesn't think
there's a choice. Mulder takes the order and heads for the door, Scully reluctantly
follows, asking Dales what brought him here in the first place. The weather, he says, and
Scully lets out a snort as she pulls on her hood. "Don't sneer at the mysteries
of the deep, young lady. The bottom of the ocean is as deep and dark as the
imagination." Oooooo! Heavy stuff, Art. Love that "Kolchak" growl in
McGavin's voice here (ask your parents, kids). Mulder grasps Scully's shoulder, they share
a look which says "here we go again" and he leads her out the door. The wind
whips the door out of Mulder's hand, he holds it open for her and they're off, slamming
the door shut behind them.
Now we're inside the deserted Shipley house, the camera panning the room to show a
picture of the previously happy family hanging crookedly on the wall. Mulder bursts
through the boarded-up door and the agents enter carrying huge flashlights to pierce the
darkness. No one answers their calls and Mulder notes how well boarded up the place is but
from the inside, how did they get out?
As Scully stays in the living room, calling out and shining her flashlight up the
stairs, we see Mulder walk behind her. Watch closely and you'll see him put the big
flashlight down on the couch and take a
teeny tiny one out of his back pocket. Why, I don't know, just pointing out the
switcheroo. He even leaves the big one on as you can see it shining on the wall. Not much
help to Scully, if that was its purpose. Anyway, with his teeny beam illuminating his
path, he walks through the kitchen and into the laundry room where he spies clothing on
the floor by the drain. He walks over to the washing machine and notices a slimy substance
on the water pipe behind it. Naturally, as he appears to be hit by a serious case of
dementia, forgetting the previous 5 years of his life, he sticks his hand in it. Ewwww. It
becomes attached to him, stretching out like cheap cheese on a pizza as he walks away from
washing machine towards Scully as she enters.
Suddenly the lid on the machine rises and falls with a slam. They both stand and stare
as it opens and closes again. Looking around, Mulder pulls out a broom, not sure if he
needs "my gun or a harpoon here". Scully keeps her flashlight trained on the
machine as they slowly walk toward it. Mulder very carefully pries the lid open with the
broom handle and starts to open it when .... ROWR! Out leaps the Shipley's cat, Reggie,
soaked from whisker to pad. As our agents catch their breath, Reggie heads out into the
pouring rain and Scully speaks for the curious audience, "How the hell did the cat
get in the washing machine?" Mulder's no help at all, "Maybe he was taking a
dip. After he finished boarding up the windows."
Mulder walks back to the living room and Scully soon follows, changing the size of
*her* flashlight enroute and off-screen. She scans the small beam over the crooked picture
Mulder is looking at, the same one we saw earlier hanging next to a completely boarded-up
room. She exchanges a glance with Mulder. "Must be the bathroom. Dales told me the
wife told him that the husband was grabbed from the bathroom." he clumsily explains,
forgetting Scully was right there with him in Dales' trailer
when we learned this for ourselves. The switcheroo on the flashlights now makes sense
as he pops his into his mouth and begins pulling on the boards across the door. Scully
soon joins him, her flashlight now in her mouth as well.
A voice behind them shouts out, "Well, howdy do!", they spin around, their
beams landing on Deputy Greer holding a gun on them. With their hands in the air, he asks
them what they're doing and they struggle to answer as the flashlights bounce up and down
in their mouths. Cute scene. They're allowed to remove them and try to explain that
they're FBI but Deputy Greer isn't being fooled, "Don't all the nuts roll downhill to
Florida." (Writer's choice for line of the evening, apparently, it's repeated twice
more. Florida residents claim it's usually heard as "Don't all the nuts roll downhill
to California." but let's not go there!) Greer calls in via his radio and begins
apprehending his B & E (Break and Enter) suspects, laughing off Arthur Dales as a
drunk when Mulder says he called them there. Well, what else would they be doing out
there, Scully wants to know. They could be looters, Greer says, and "For all I know,
you could be part of the Manson family." Our damp heroes just look up at him, the
height of innocence and harmlessness.
Suddenly the wet cat, Reggie, appears out of nowhere and with a ROWR is gone out the
living room window. With his attention drawn to the cat, Deputy Greer is momentarily
distracted and Mulder snatches the opportunity and the deputy's gun. Greer slowly raises
his hands, sure he's about to be killed. Mulder would like nothing more. Scully shows off
her nifty FBI badge with a don't-you-look-stupid smile and the deputy's finally convinced
they're for real. Disgusted with the whole thing, Scully goes out to the car, leaving the
boys to rip off the boards on the bathroom. Greer sheepishly asks for his gun back which
Mulder releases with a smile. The flashlight's back in his mouth as they start pulling off
the boards.
Later, we see Scully sitting in the car, the rain hammering down on the roof as she
yells to be heard on her cell phone. She hangs up just as Mulder enters the car. He tells
her they didn't find anyone in the bathroom, just more of that slime and water all over
the floor as if someone had left the taps running. She's not surprised by any of this, in
fact she barely cares and is more concerned that the airport might be closed down. Gee, ya
think so, Scully? Mulder asks if she isn't the least bit curious what happened to the
Shipleys but she's more suspicious of Dale's story being "fueled by more than his
imagination and not much deeper than the bottom of a highball." Mulder stands up for
him, reminding her that Dales discovered the X-Files 40 years ago. "He's seen things
that I've only read about." Sure, Mulder, she tells him, because sea monsters only
exist in books. Good old skeptical Scully, after all she's seen and touched, not going to
budge an inch. Mulder goes into documentary film narrator voice, saying "If the sea
is where life began - where our ancestors first walked ashore - then who's to say what new
life may be developing in its uncharted depths." After contemplating her partner for
a moment, Scully cracks me up by wondering if he really is a member of the Manson family.
She's fed up with all of this, there's nothing they can do, let the local cops handle it
and haven't they both done their duty for Dales? Mulder flashes her that puppy dog
patented pout of his and says they should at least tell him they're giving up. Scully's
face tells us she can't argue with that and she seems to relent.
Deputy Greer's flashlight shines on the crooked family picture inside the Shipley's
house as he investigates, muttering to himself about needing a drink. He walks past the
floor drain in the laundry room as the water bubbles up. Kneeling down, he tries to pry
off the cover with his fingers but can't move it so he pulls a tool off his belt (a
multi-task tool, I believe it's called a Leatherman?) and works the cover loose. The water
now appears blue as it bubbles slightly. Being a braver (or simply dumber) man than I, he
proceeds to shove his arm down the drain completely up to his elbow to pull out the
obstruction. He pulls out Evan Shipley's football jersey and holds it up for further
Cut to outside as Mulder and Scully are stopped at a roadblock by an officer telling
them they'll need to find a dry place to spend the night, the road ahead's washed out.
Scully's desperate to get out of
there, this is an emergency, what about the airport? The officer says there's no way
the airport will be open, can't she see the damn hurricane? Well, that's what I was
thinking actually, not what he said
:-) They're told to drive to the first safe place they can find. Scully tries to flash
her fancy FBI badge but she's stopped again after the officer spews out the nuts rolling
downhill line. Mulder thanks him and rolls up the window quickly. He's right ticked now as
he spins the car around and peels off back in the direction they came from. "I was
just one howdy do over the line."
Meanwhile, somehow avoiding running into the only other car on the only road that seems
to functioning, Deputy Greer arrives outside The Breakers, a condominium complex eerily
dark save for some emergency floodlights and seemingly lifeless. He stops his vehicle,
leaving the blue lights on his roof flashing so Mulder and Scully can easily spot him
later in the show. Well, there's no other reason I can see. The dispatcher's voice comes
through on his radio, "Car 54, please report back to base." Groan, youngsters
ask your parents about the show "Car 54, Where Are You?". The dispatcher tells
him that there's a flash flood warning in his area and all mobile units are being asked to
stay off the road. Greer tells her he's just going to pop into The Breakers and check on
the people trapped in there. After he pulls the car into a carport, the blue light still
visable from the road, he gets out and enters the building. An unseen passenger alights
from the car. Reggie, the still wet cat, drops down from the undercarriage and runs off
Greer walks down one of the hallways inside the building, knocking on doors and calling
out for anyone to answer him but no one does. He knocks on the manager's door and it
swings open. He enters slowly, one hand on his gun holster and the other shining his
flashlight around the apartment, calling out to the unseen occupant. He pulls out his gun
as he kicks open the bathroom door. He's greeted by a horrific sight. A figure is seated
on the toilet, its pants around its ankles, the only part of the slimy blob recognizable
as human. Greer moves closer, putting his gun away. He sees a worm-like creature slither
inside the blob then is suddenly grabbed by a tentacle that shoots out at him. As
it chokes him, he struggles to regain his gun but it's useless. He screams for his
Back outside, struggling to see through the driving rain, we find Mulder and Scully in
their car. She manages to contact the sheriff's office on her cellphone and gives them
their location. Mulder mocks her silently when she agrees with whoever's on the phone that
it is indeed a pretty dumb move to be out in this weather. Just as she's about to get
directions to the nearest emergency shelter, her phone cuts off and she hangs up in anger.
Mulder tries to smooth the waters, if you'll pardon the pun, saying they'll look back on
this one day and laugh. Just try to think of it all as a test of their mettle. Scully's
not amused. "I don't need my mettle tested." Before she really lets loose with
her feelings, something bumps on the roof. A tree branch, Mulder thinks. Shouldn't they
pull over then, away from the trees, Scully queries. Can't dodge trees in a parked car,
Mulder says, at least they're a moving target this way. Scully manages to sum up my
feelings on this episode and the season thus far, "We don't know where we are and we
don't know where we're going." Despite that zero visibility problem Mulder mentioned
earlier, he spots the flashing blue light from Deputy Greer's car and he stops in front of
The Breakers condo.
Now using the big honking flashlights, so darn big they come with their own handles and
straps, the agents get out, recognizing Greer's vehicle as they pass through the carport.
They enter the building and find the door open to the manager's apartment. Deputy Greer's
on the floor just outside the bathroom, nasty red welts all over his neck, struggling to
breathe. Scully checks his pulse and concludes he needs a trach (tracheotomy) or he'll
die. As she goes to get what she needs, Mulder
shines the flashlight into the bathroom where he sees a bundle of clothes and the slime
all over the toilet. He steps over Greer to investigate. Once again throwing caution to
the wind, Mulder digs into
the slimey toilet to recover a man's watch. "I've heard of passing the time ...
Ouch." I'm so glad Scully didn't overhear this groaner and so sorry that I did. Ouch
is right, Mulder.
Mulder exits the bathroom as Scully returns to her patient. She kneels down, a
ballpoint pen top clenched in her teeth and asks Mulder to hold Greer's head steady for
her. Mulder's a bit squeamish but he does it as she fishes out Greer's Leatherman tool
from his belt and finds a blade to cut his throat with. Mulder looks away as she slices
and dices then asks what the red marks on his neck could be. Scully's not sure but he's
having a reaction to something and they need a medivac unit for him as soon as possible.
Mulder's theory is that something came up through the plumbing, right through the toilet,
and if so, he has to check that the building is cleared of people. He heads out into the
hallway as she uses Greer's radio to call his dispatch. Cut to Arthur Dales listening in
on the conversation via his scanner, a nearly empty bottle of booze by his side, a little
too pleased that he was right and something IS out there. Something Scully calls
unidentified. "Unidentified? My ass!" he laughs.
We cut to the upper level of the condo as Mulder knocks on a few unanswered doors. He
spots a man leaving one of the apartments ... carrying a television set. He asks if the
man needs any help, already
skeptical about his intentions. Another man overhears them and comes out of his
apartment, grateful to see anyone that might be able to help him and his pregnant wife. Uh
oh, you know this is going to be trouble. She's a week overdue. Trouble! Mulder asks if
this man, Walter Suarez, if he knows the man with the TV and he confirms that he doesn't.
Mulder fixes him with a stare. The looter says, "I'll put it back." and heads
back inside the apartment. "Yeah. Everything in your pockets, too." Mulder says
before Suarez leads him to his wife in their apartment.
We find a very pregnant and rather snarly Angela Villareal seated on the couch,
surrounded by a ton of lit candles, I'm surprised they can still breathe in the place.
Mulder tries to assure her she'll be safe from whatever may have attacked the deputy but
they need to come with him down to the manager's apartment. Angela takes a jab at Walter
and his lack of a job, nevermind a car and is right miffed when Mulder says there may be
something in the plumbing. "That's great. I have to go to the bathroom about every
ten seconds." She pushes past the boys and heads towards the hallway. Walter can't
think of anyone else who might be in the building except for George Vincent down on the
first floor. He just yelled "go away" when Walter asked for help, typical of his
anti-social behaviour. Walter scurries off when Angela bellows for him.
Next we see Mulder pounding on George's door (hope he blew out all those candles before
he left Walter and Angela's apartment). He slides open a small window on his door from the
other side, yells at Mulder to stop, then slams it shut again. This action continues as
Mulder identifies himself, then he has to lean down and talk through the peephole, trying
to explain that George's life may be in danger if he doesn't evacute his apartment. George
tells Mulder to stop harassing him, he's armed to the
teeth in there and ready for anything they throw at him. Mulder says, "you may not
be armed for what it is I'm talking about." But George is a lost cause, spouting off
about Cuba, Castro and revolutionaries as Mulder rolls his eyes. The window slams shut
again and it's Mulder's turn to echo the nuts rolling down to Florida line that has become
very aggravating to hear.
Back in the manager's apartment, Scully covers Deputy Greer with a blanket as Walter
and Angela hold flashlights on him to help her see. They appear to have brought their
candles with them, they're lit up all over the place. Scully explains that Greer is
getting worse and may have been attacked by a water-borne parasite. Angela whacks Walter
on the arm, "You see what happens when you live in a dump?" They both wonder
where Harry, the manager, is and point to the crutches he always uses
leaning against the wall. Dougie, the looter, walks in and Mulder follows, asking
Scully to speak with him in private out in the hallway. As she leaves, Angela asks Dougie
who he is and he says he's nobody. "Nobody? Oh, well, it is so nice to be surrounded
by so many great men." Such venom, such a fighter, such a pain in the butt.
Out in the hallway, Mulder tries convincing Scully that they need to get out there.
They can put the deputy in his car and take him to the hospital. But Scully tells him
they're stuck whether they like it or
not, the roads are impassable and they can't risk moving the deputy in his condition.
In his apartment, George listens in and loads his gun. He begins to pace, giving us a full
view of his unique decorating style. I like CarriK's description, "Late 20th Century
Disgruntled American Soldier". Guns and flags everywhere, along with a nice poster
for the movie, "The Great Escape". He mutters to himself, calling our heroes
"jack-booted fascists", saying he doesn't need any help defending his home. As
he quietly rants, the camera pans to the light fixture on his ceiling as it fills with
water. A tentacle appears in silhouette.
Cut to the manager's apartment as Scully examines the conscious Deputy Greer, a
thermometer in his mouth, a red bandana on her face as a make-shift mask. The rest of her
outfit consists of an apron with a drawing of a woman on the front (at this point, the
apron's front is clean, the drawing suddenly appears shortly), a huge pair of thick
reading glasses and yellow kitchen gloves. She still manages to make it look good. Scully
can see something under the skin and Angela hands her a pair of tongs when asked, waving
them over a candle flame to disinfect them. Mulder checks the thermometer, "either
he's got no temperature or he's about to spontaneously combust." Scully has a look,
reads a
temperature of 106 and turns to look at Dougie, the looter as she says someone has to
fill the bathtub with cold water and gather as much ice as they can. Dougie protests that
that thing's in the plumbing but Scully's not taking any guff. Deputy Greer won't survive
if they don't lower his temperature, "Now get moving!" He moves reluctantly into
the bathroom.
In a scene very reminiscent of the classic episode, Ice, Scully pulls a small worm-like
creature out of Greer's neck with the tongs. As she holds it up, it squirms in her grip,
making Angela a little nauseous. Scully asks for a container and tells Mulder to lift up
the deputy and get him to the bathtub. We only see Mulder begin to pick up Greer before
the scene changes. Not a chance he could do it alone, the deputy's a big boy. In the
bathroom, ice cubes are poured into the tub as the water faucet is turned on. It stops for
a second, the pipes seem to groan, then the water flows into the tub. Dougie moves away as
Walter and Mulder lower the deputy into the bathtub. While they settle the body in
the tub, Dougie spots the watch Mulder pulled out of the toilet and he grabs it, slimey
as it still is, and swiftly stuffs it in his pocket before anyone notices. His
self-satisfied smirk disappears as they hear
gunshots then shouts of panic coming from George's apartment.
Everyone rushes to the door but only Mulder ventures into the hallway and runs to
George's door. The others peer out the doorway. Why Scully isn't right beside her partner
at this point is beyond me. Handy for the script, I guess. Inside his apartment we see
George freaking out, shooting at the ceiling and yelling. Mulder stands outside the door
with his gun drawn, ready to roll if need be. The shooting stops and the doorknob slowly
turns as George opens it and Mulder yells at him to drop his weapon. "It's gonna take
a whole lot more than this to kill whatever it is I just saw."
Next we see everyone but Dougie piled into George's apartment looking up at the great
big hole he blew through the ceiling and water pipe. Good thing no one was home upstairs
and you can kiss your cleaning deposit goodbye, Georgie. Something swooped down at him, he
says. Skeptical Scully, after holding that worm thingy in her very hands not moments
before, doubts it was anything but a sewage pipe burst. Mulder says whatever it was seems
to have ripped right through the pipe and it may still be in the building, perhaps in the
outflow system. Maybe it'll flow back out, says Walter. George gets in his face, saying it
may "come up through the can and grab you by the nugs." To which Mulder replies,
"Someone's already got him by the nugs." Nice time for a slam at Angela, Mulder,
sheesh. Scully's fed up again and tells everyone to calm down, they don't have any
evidence that says it kills people and the deputy might be fine if he makes it through the
storm. Angela expresses her need to tinkle so bad her "back teeth are swimming."
Scully nods and they all turn to stare at the hole again.
Cut to the missing Dougie. He's taking care of Deputy Greer, or at least taking care of
his wedding ring with the help of a little soap on the unconscious man's finger. After a
bit of a struggle, it comes loose and he falls to the floor clutching his prize. He
quickly closes the shower curtain, knocking over a box of Epsom salts in his haste, and
leaves the bathroom. Mulder and Scully meet up with him as they arrive and ask how the
deputy's doing. Dougie lies badly and says he's good. Angela comes
barging in, insisting she has to use the bathroom (I was pregnant once, honey, I feel
your pain, believe me!) but Walter tries to stop her, frightened of the monster loose in
the plumbing. Angela maintains that the volume alone could push it back out to sea and
Mulder has a revelation. The hurricane sitting offshore has dredged up whatever the heck
this thing is and driven it into the city's reclamation system through some offshore
outfall pipe. Just a short trip to the sewer pipes in the building from there. Scully's
barely listening as she fetches a bucket for Angela and sends her into the bathroom. As
she heads in, we hear the beginning of Scully's argument with Mulder, "nothing I've
seen convinces me there's a monster ..."
In the bathroom, Angela sets to work with her bucket, talking to the curtain
surrounding the deputy and telling him not to listen (it's a girl thing). Deputy Greer's
clothing begins to move. A tentacle peeks
out from his shirt. We head back to Mulder and Scully's argument as he's saying
something has been stirred up from the uncharted depths. Scully sees no evidence of an
actual creature, just water-borne parasites, nothing from a Jules Verne novel. Suddenly
the bickering is halted as the bathroom door bursts open and Angela runs out screaming
that she saw it, it had giant arms like an octopus. Mulder quickly heads for the bathroom,
everyone else slowly gathers behind him. He shines his flashlight on the closed curtain.
The music swells. He pulls back the curtain swiftly, as one would remove a bandaid from an
ouchie. He looks down at the tub, surprised. There's nothing in it but the empty box of
Epsom salts, a bit of slime, and the deputy's uniform which he holds up to show everyone.
They're all still hanging around the doorway, not daring to come any closer. "I think
the deputy went out with the bathwater."
We can almost see the wheels turning in Mulder's brain as he offers up another theory.
This thing doesn't just live in water, it IS water and only takes on a shape when
attacking. Scully holds up the container with the worm she pulled from Greer's neck saying
if that were true then they wouldn't be able to see it, right? In fact, this proves that
water tries to kill the creature. Mulder's not listening, regardless of what he says
later, and says that maybe the water has just stopped it from reproducing and it needs
time to develop like it had with the Shipleys. They may not have found them but they had
to have been there when they were attacked just like the deputy. The creature used their
bodies water
content to reproduce. In effect, the bodies became the creatures. Mulder starts to
panic, saying they have to get out there but Scully reminds him they're trapped during the
hurricane. Surmising they can move everyone to another building with the two cars, Mulder
does a head count. One's missing, Dougie, your friendly neighborhood looter. Mulder races
out to find him and checks the carport. It's empty, Dougie's taken the deputy's car.
Mulder starts to run back to the apartment when Scully calls out that they should leave
right away. Something above him catches Mulder's eye. The light fixture is filling with
water ... tentacles are slithering around in the moisture. Run, Mulder, get the heck outta
there, boy! Ruuuuun! He doesn't listen, naturally, just stands almost directly under
it, his flashlight in hand and stares for an hour or so at the hypnotizing pattern it
makes on the glass. Suddenly it pulls back and disappears from view. He stands with his
mouth agape ... it crashes through the glass and falls toward him.
The scene cuts to AFTER all the blood-curdling action, naturally, to find Mulder
struggling down the hallway, supporting himself against the wall and falling to his knees.
His hand on his neck, he looks up as Scully finally emerges from the apartment she seems
to be chained to and asks if he's okay. He tries to speak but sprints up to her instead,
showing her his battle scars and wincing in great pain. His neck and throat are covered in
angry, red sucker-like marks from his encounter with the creature. Before Scully has a
chance to react, gun-toting George grabs her by the arm and pulls her into the apartment,
slamming the door on Mulder. She's thrown against Walter and Angela as they cower
behind her. George points his gun inches away from Scully's face as she yells at him
that she can't leave her partner out there to die. But George refuses to let Mulder in.
What can she do for him anyway, Walter pipes up as Angela pulls away from him (she doesn't
look well), she couldn't save the deputy (and how many others started singing a mangled
version of "I Shot The Sheriff" adding "but I couldn't save the
deputy"? ... Oh, nevermind then). Scully finally pipes up that she's a doctor and
right on cue, Angela calls out from the bathroom doorway, "That's good ... because
my water just broke."
Meanwhile, out in the hallway, Mulder's sitting on the floor with his back against the
wall and having trouble breathing. He shines his flashlight to see another creature
swirling around in the light fixture
above him. Having learned his lesson, he struggles to his feet and stumbles down the
hallway toward the open doorway at the end. He nervously keeps checking behind him as he
Back inside the apartment, Walter grabs another pillow off the couch to help support
Angela as she lies down on the floor. George continues to point the gun in Scully's face,
saying there doesn't seem to much of a choice, is there? Scully stares at him then issues
forth with the silliest thing she could say under the circumstances, "We're gonna
need water." Water?! Ya got plenty of water, Scully, it just attacked your partner,
remember?! Anyway, Walter leaps up to help and they rustle around the kitchen collecting
what they need. Scully grabs a new pair of yellow household gloves and tells George to put
the gun down, she'll be delivering the baby. Now George asks how they know she's really a
doctor and Scully tells him they don't. Fact is, she's never delivered a baby before
(awfully hard to believe) so just get out of her way or make yourself useful. You tell
'em, Scully.
Cut to Mulder as he continues to run down the neverending hallway. He stumbles and
falls with his head nearly touching the doorway leading outside. One half of the door
bangs open and closed in the wind as the rain beats down.
Quick cut to a screaming Angela, deep in labour with Walter supporting her from behind
shouting encouragement and Scully kneeling between her legs telling her to push. George
stands to the side watching. He feels something drip down on him and looks up to see the
light fixture filling with water. He's transfixed as Scully calls out for towels then
shakes himself out of it and goes off to find them. As he moves away, Scully spies the
fixture and is momentarily concerned but soon turns her attention to the matters at hand.
Angela's breathing hard, pushing with all her might.
Back to the hallway, Mulder's still lying on the floor. He's breathing hard as well,
gasping for every precious breath. Suddenly he hears a meow from outside and he turns to
meet the eyes of tonight's true hero, Reggie, the damp cat. Soaked to the skin actually,
as he sits in the rain casually washing himself a few feet away from Mulder. Close-up of
Mulder's face ... close-up on the cat ... Mulder's face ... the cat ... Mulder's face ...
the cat ... The tension builds to previously unreachable heights as I scream out,
"It's the rain, you nimrod, the rain's saving his life!!"
As I begin to hyperventilate, we cut back to the light fixture, all eyes but Angela's
now upon it as they anticipate what's to come. Scully's in full labor mode,
"Puuuuuush!" sneaking glances at the light. As a tentacle appears in the fixture
she says, "Here it comes" then hunkers down to deliver the incoming baby. She
puts her hands in a bucket of water next to her to rinse off then thinks better of it,
staring at her hands and then up at the light fixture. George shows some concern then
Scully shouts out, "It's the water!" right as Angela starts having the baby. In
between yells and pushes, Angela keeps looking at the light as everyone can see the
tentacle growing in size and whipping around in a frenzy. It suddenly bursts through the
glass and whips out at the closest neck, George's. As it pulls him off his feet, he drops
his gun. Then the baby is born into Scully's hands and she yells at Walter to grab the
gun. With one arm supporting Angela, he reaches over and picks it up. Scully orders him to
shoot out the sprinklers. He tries to aim but George keeps swinging into his line of fire
as he struggles against the attack. He finally gets a clear shot and takes it, blasting at
the sprinkler.
Time has passed and we're now outside Arthur Dale's trailer, the sun shining, the
leaves on the fallen trees waving in a gentle breeze. Scully's leaning against their car
and talking on her cellphone. She
hangs up and walks toward the trailer. Inside we find Mulder proudly showing Dales his
wounds under his nifty white turtleneck. Scully enters to announce the baby's official
name and weight: "Ten pounds, ten ounces of piss and vinegar. El nino grande - Leroy
Walter Villareal Suarez, Jr." Mulder laughs and Dales sits back to analyze it all.
He's just amazed that Scully came down to chase a sea monster and ended up not only
slaying the monster but bringing a new life into the world and saving Mulder's at the same
time. And with one arm tied behind her back while balancing on a rickety chair, I might
add! Mulder protests that she didn't really save him but Scully reminds him that he
wouldn't have known to go out in the rain if she hadn't told him the fresh water would
kill the organism. No, no, no, he counters, he figured it out when he saw the cat. He
tries to explain it all to Dales, but it's hopeless. Dales has stars in his eyes the shape
of Scully's radiant face, saying Mulder owes her his life. He admits that if he'd had
someone like her by his side, maybe he wouldn't have quit the X-Files all those years ago.
Our agents both find something fascinating to study in the carpet as they look down
embarassed at this display of emotion.
With a pat to Mulder's shoulder, Dales insists they drink a toast to Mulder's good
fortune. He hobbles off to the bar set up by his kitchen sink asking what they'd like to
drink and picking up the only bottle on the counter. Jokingly he offers them a drink a
water and they both snap their heads around and yell out, "No!" Fade to black.
Once a fool had a good part in the play
If it's so would I still be here today
It's quite peculiar in a funny sort of way
They think it's very funny everything I say
Get a load of him, he's so insane
You better get your coat dear
It looks like rain ....
Is the nightmare black
Or are the windows painted
Will they come again next week
Can my mind really take it?
from Elton John's "Madman Across The Water"
While I haven't given up on the show and DO look forward to next week, I have to say
this is my least favorite episode of the season to date. The episode's writer, David
Amann, also wrote Terms Of Endearment, another one which didn't go over well with me. Not
as bad as some of the stinkers of the past (see Space or Teso dos Bichos, ironically
another Spanish title starring a cat) but it was a bit of a mess. A horror movie spoof? A
chance for Scully to shine? Maybe an opportunity to explore Arthur Dales character? Or was
it just another MOTW (Monster Of The Week) and I should lower my expectations? If they had
made up their minds maybe it'd be easier for me to do so. I've seen far better and I've
seen much worse, this one just didn't do a thing for me although many disagreed. After
last week's overblown two-parter, a lot of folks were desperate for a mindless trip down
Monster Memory Lane and they got it. All it did for me was stir up memories of Squeeze,
Ice and The Host all much better MOTWs.
There were brief flashes of fun in this ep, not counting the inane toilet humour gags
and Autumn Tysko <>
described one perfectly: "I think my favorite shot was of the damp dynamic duo
performing flashlight fellatio hands in the air." Flashlight fellatio?! Cracked me
up, good one, Autumn, slap a patent on it before it ends up in Webster's.
Although I did have problems with Scully's character, what with hanging around doorways
instead of joining her partner and finding out she's never delivered a baby before (yeah,
right), I wasn't too concerned with her giving up on Mulder to deliver the baby. Rather
hopeless situation with a gun to her head and a madman behind the trigger. If she had
tried to play the hero and go for the gun, who's to say the bullets wouldn't have started
flying? She had to think about the others in the room as well and hope Mulder would be
able to help himself.
Sure, Scully's pen and Leatherman tracheotomy was pretty cool, but she's not the first
doc on TV to use it. Just recently, "ER"'s Dr. Ross pulled it off after saving a
kid in a storm drain. Eons before him both Father Mulcahy on "M*A*S*H" and Gage
and DeSoto on "Emergency" had to use it as well.
The title is Spanish for "bad water" and the the word "aguamala"
(written as one word, not two) means "jellyfish" to Spanish-Americans.
We last saw Arthur Dales in Travelers. Alas, he was as underused and wasted in this one
as he was in that one. Why are the boys at 1013 afraid to let him loose? I'd love to see
Darren McGavin in a REAL role on the series. Anything's better than this sad old drunk in
a bathrobe. Even without Scully beside him, I don't think Mulder would ever end up like
Jules Verne, mentioned in this episode, is credited with the ultimate
what's-under-the-water story with his famous novel, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under
The Sea":
"The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach
them. What passes in those remote depths -- what beings live, or can live, twelve or
fifteen miles beneath the surface of the waters -- what is the organisation of these
animals, we can scarcely conjecture."
More than a few of us got a kick out of seeing Evan Shipley's football jersey, the
first time we saw the name spelled out and realized it may allude to 'shippers (people who
want Mulder and Scully to have a relationship beyond the job). Cute dig. And as a matter
of interest, Dan Marino, the quarterback for The Miami Dolphins wears a jersey of the same
number and color.
With all of these people getting offed in the bathroom, you just know someone's going
to ask about previous bathroom mishaps on the show. Laura Witte's got all the answers on
the X-Files in the Bathroom site <>,
just part of her excellent site, The X-Files In-Jokes List
Arthur Dales: "Who's this?"
Scully: "Special Agent Dana Scully."
Arthur Dales: "Scully?"
Mulder: "She's my partner."
(Mulder and Scully start to take off their wet raincoats)
Arthur Dales: "Uh-huh. Well, don't get too comfortable. You're going to want to
get right back out
Scully: "Out where?"
Arthur Dales: (to Mulder) "Did you tell her what I told you?"
Mulder: "Yes, but she's ... she's not the type that's easily persuaded."
Arthur Dales: (smiles) "Is that so?"
Scully: (drying her hands on a paper towel) "What he means is I don't hear a story
about a sea
monster and automatically assume it's the Lord's gospel truth."
Arthur Dales: (to Mulder) "Why did you bring her here?"
Mulder: "Well, she knows your reputation, your early work on the X-Files and she
has a knack for
getting to the bottom of things."
(Scully sees several empty liquor bottle in the garbage can)
Scully: "Apparently, so does Mr. Dales."
Arthur Dales: "It's a good thing I have a reputation. Otherwise, how could it be
Q: Why do people who live near Niagara Falls have flat foreheads?
A: Because every morning they wake up thinking "What *is* that noise?
Oh, right, *of course*! Anonymous