Japanese title: Aka to Kuro
translation: Red And Black
Spanish title: Resistir o Servir, El Rojo y el Negro
translation: Resist or Serve: The Red and the Black
US Airdate: March 8, 1998
writer: Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
director: Chris Carter
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter Skinner
Guest Cast:
Nic Lea as Alex Krycek
Alex Shostak as Dmitri
Laurie Holden as Marita Covarrubias
Veronica Cartwright as Cassandra Spender
Max Wyman as Dr. Per Lagerqvist
Barbara Drake as Dr. Dominique Alepin
Ron Halder as Dr. Floyd Fazio
Jim Janser as Dr. Heitz Werber
Chris Owens as Jeffrey Spender
Don S. Williams as Elder
John Moore as 2nd Elder
John Neville as Well-Manicured Man
Willy Ross as Quiet Willy
Brian Thompson as Bounty Hunter
William B. Davis as Cancer Man
Klodyne Rodney as Medic
Jenn Forgie as Nurse
Derek Thomas Versteeg as M.P.
In this continuation of the previous episode... a man, his face
unseen, types a letter to his son (whose identity is unknown). The man, who lives in a
remote cabin, addresses the letter to the FBI and pays a boy to mail it.
Meanwhile, rescue workers sift through the area near the dam where
blackened bodies lie along the length of a bridge. Amongst the bodies is Quiet Willy, the
Syndicate's hit man. Skinner directs Mulder to a nearby provisional tent, where Scully is
ministered by medics. Nearby is the body of Dmitri, the Russian boy, his exposed skin
blackened by the fire. When Scully regains consciousness, she tells Mulder she has no
memory of what occurred at the dam. Outside of Scully's room, Spender tells Mulder that
rescue workers were unable to locate his mother, Cassandra.
The Well-Manicured Man and a physician, Dr. Bronschweig, tend to
Maria Covarrubias inside a hospital quarantine room. Later, the Well-Manicured Man speaks
with Krycek, imprisoned aboard the Russian freighter. The Well-Manicured Man is aware that
Krycek deliberately exposed Dmitri to the black oil to insure the infection of anyone who
attempted to ascertain what he knows about the burnings in Russia. He also believes that
Krycek possesses a vaccine, that would create resistance to the alien colonists. The
Well-Manicured Man offers Krycek freedom in return for the vaccine.
Meanwhile, a spacecraft crashes at Fort Wiekamp Air Force Base. A
faceless alien pirate drags one of his comrades from the wreckage. Later, members of the
Syndicate study photographs of the alien. They realize the man is a resistance fighter, a
member of an ongoing battle against alien colonists. The Well-Manicured Man explains that
Krycek gave him the vaccine, meaning resistance may, in fact, be a possibility. But the
Elder concludes that the captured fighter should be turned over to the colonists, the
Well-Manicured Man has Covarrubias injected with the vaccine to ensure it actually works.
Back at the hospital, Mulder tells Scully that x-rays have revealed
the presence of implants inside the people who were at the dam. Mulder recounts his belief
that the U.S. government manufactured and implanted the chip as part of a bio-chemical
weapons project. Scully agrees to be hypnotized by Dr. Werber in an effort to recall what
happened at the dam. In a trance-like state, Scully recalls how a UFO flew overhead, and
shortly thereafter, how the faceless aliens set congregants on fire. Then another craft
appeared overhead, which began attacking the faceless men. Cassandra was then pulled
upward, out of her wheelchair, by the ship. Afterward, Werber tells Mulder that the same
event will happen yet again.
Skinner reviews an audio tape of Werber's session with Scully.
Mulder tells Skinner the entire event was staged to cover up a classified military
project. Skinner admits, however, that Scully's UFO scenario is more plausible. Meanwhile,
when Covarrubias fails to respond to the vaccine, the Elder informs the Well-Manicured Man
that the captured alien is being turned over to the colonists.
Spender shows the agents a videotape of himself, as a young boy,
answering questions while under hypnosis. As the tape plays, the young Spender describes
his abduction by a UFO. Spender then pauses the tape. He tells the agents the story is
untrue, a falsehood told to him by his mother many times. He maintains that Dr. Werber's
regression memory theory is without merit. Spender also points out that Mulder has
expressed his UFO theories to Scully many times... suggesting that she has recounted the
information in a similar manner.
Krycek surprised Mulder inside his apartment. He explains that
Kazakhstan, Skyland Mountain and the site in Pennsylvania are all beacons for
colonization. The burnings, Krycek explains, were the work of alien rebels attempting to
foil the colonist's plans for takeover. Krycek gives Mulder the location of the captured
alien rebel. He maintains that if the captive perishes, so does the resistance.
Accompanied by Scully, Mulder drives to Fort Wiekamp. As they attempt to bluff their way
through the front gate, the agents notice Quiet Willy at the wheel of a military truck as
it is about to exit the base. As the vehicle pulls away, Mulder sneaks aboard the cargo
area. There he finds faceless alien pirate imprisoned inside. Quiet Willy brings the rig
to a stop... then morphs into the alien bounty hunter. He climbs into the cargo area, but
shortly thereafter, a white light illuminates the truck. A second faceless alien, armed
with a firestarter weapon, enters. Mulder
opens fire. Shortly thereafter, a confused Mulder is swarmed by MPs
and placed inside a car with Scully. Mulder has no memory of how he got aboard the truck.
Meanwhile, the envelope seen in the opening teaser is delivered to Spender. Several days
later, back at the cabin, the envelope, labeled with the words "return to
sender," is delivered to the Cigarette-Smoking Man.
The tagline reads: Resist Or Serve, the second time this season it's
changed from "The Truth Is Out There". The first change was for
"Redux", when it read "All Lies Lead To The Truth".
Not finished yet, as you can see, I'll update as soon as I can,
thanks for your patience.
Mulder: "It all comes down to a question, Scully. One that
hasn't been answered or... I don't even think honestly addressed. Who made that chip in
your neck? That chip was found in a military research facility. Our government made that
chip, implanted it in your neck as part of a secret military project to develop a
biochemical weapon, to monitor your immunity, or to destroy you like a lab rat, if the
truth were to be exposed. And your cancer... your cure... everything that's happening to
you now... It all points to that chip. The truth I've been searching for? The truth is in
Scully: "Mulder, when I met you five years ago, you told me
that your sister had been abducted... by aliens, that that event had marked you so deeply,
that nothing else mattered. I didn't believe you, but I followed you, on nothing more than
your faith that the truth was out there, based not on facts, not on science, but on your
memories that your sister had been taken from you. Your memories were all that you
Mulder: "I don't trust those memories now."
Scully: "Well, whether you trust them or not, they've led you
here... and me. But I have no memories to either trust nor distrust, and if you ask me now
to follow you again, to stand behind you in what you now believe, without knowing what
happened to me out there, without those memories, I can't. I won't."
Mulder: "If I could give you those memories... if I could prove
that I was right and that what I believed for so long was wrong..."
First Elder: "The facial scarrings appear to be self-mutilation
done as protection."
Second Elder: "Protection against what?"
First Elder: "Infection by the black oil. He was the lone
survivor of a crashed spacecraft at a military base in West Virginia."
Second Elder: "What the hell is he?"
Well-Manicured Man: "An alien rebel. This is what the boy saw
in Russia. The last face the dead saw at Skyland Mountain, and most surely who killed our
man at the dam in Pennsylvania. He's a resistance fighter against the alien colonists.
This is what Alex Krycek knew--that a war had begun."
First Elder: "What good was that knowledge? Without the vaccine
against the black oil, no one can survive."
Well-Manicured Man: "We have a vaccine. Developed by the
Russians, stolen by Krycek, given to me. Do you see what this means? Resistance is
possible. We have the weapons and the magic in hand."
First Elder: "We don't know the vaccine works."
Well-Manicured Man: "It will. And if it doesn't... We have a
new alliance to be made."
First Elder: "Side with the resistance?"
Second Elder: "Suicide."
First Elder: "They'll squash us as they do them. We must turn
the rebel over."
Well-Manicured Man: "But first, wait till we know the vaccine
Skinner: "I've got a problem. And the problem is, I have to
head up the investigation into this incident. I don't have the luxury of interpretation. I
have to make a report, and that report must state a reason or cite a fact, or at least
make an assumption. As I sit here right now, I'm unable to do that. I need to know what
Mulder: "It was staged."
Skinner: "To?"
Mulder: "To test a classified military project, or to cover it
Skinner: "Then I wanna know what happened to Cassandra
Mulder: "Cassandra Spender was taken aboard a military
aircraft, as part of the staging."
Skinner: "Over the past five years I've doubted you, only to be
persuaded by the power of your belief in extraterrestrial phenomena, and I'm doubting you
now, not because of that belief, but... Because extraterrestrial phenomena is, frankly,
the more plausible explanation."
Mulder: "Then I suggest you put that in your report."
(after watching a tape of a young Jeffrey Spender recounting the
abduction story)
Scully: "Why are you here, Agent Spender? Why did you show this
to me?"
Spender: "Because I think the process is bogus. Dr. Werber and
his whole regression of memory is B.S. It's like having a dream and then pretending it's
Scully: "I think that Dr. Werber would beg to differ."
Spender: "He indulged and infantilized my mother for his own
purposes. I think he's dangerous and I think his methods are unsound. If you went through
it, I hope you'd question what came out of it."
Scully: "I appreciate your opinion, Agent Spender, but I don't
have a mother feeding me abduction stories."
Spender: "You've got Agent Mulder, don't you? How many times
have you heard the stories he's told? How about the one about his own sister? Don't let
yourself be used."
Krycek: "Hear this, Agent Mulder... Listen very carefully
because what I'm telling you is deadly serious. There is a war raging, and unless you pull
your head out of the sand, you and I and about five billion other people are going to go
the way of the dinosaur. I'm talking planned invasion. The colonization of this planet by
an extraterrestrial race."
Mulder: "I thought you were serious."
Krycek: "Kazakhstan. Skyland Mountain, the site in
Pennsylvania. They're all alien lighthouses where the colonization will begin. But where
now, a battle's being waged. A struggle for heaven and earth. Where there is one law:
fight or die. And one rule: resist or serve."
Mulder: "Serve who?"
Krycek: "Not who... What."
Mulder: "Krycek, you're a murderer, a liar and a coward. Just
because you stick a gun in my chest I'm supposed to believe you're my friend?"
Krycek: "Get up. I was sent by a man... a man who knows, as I
do, the resistance is in our grasp, and in yours. The mass incinerations were strikes by
an alien rebellion to upset plans for occupation. Now, one of these rebels is being held
captive. And if he dies... So does the resistance. (he kisses Mulder, then says in
Russian) Good luck to you, my friend."
Skinner: "I'm sorry. There's been no news about your mother. I
appreciate your wanting to keep this discreet. I'll try and do that. But you should know,
Agent Mulder has opened an x-file on this case. This hasn't reflected on you in any way,
Agent Spender."
Spender: "Thank you, sir."
Skinner: "You'll do fine. It seems you have a patron outside
this office who thinks highly of you."
Spender: "Who's that?"
Skinner: "I don't know. Someone working with a high level of
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