Japanese title: Kikan Part 1
translation: Redux Part 1
Spanish title: Todas las Mentiras conducen a la Verdad
translation: All Lies Lead To The Truth
US Airdate: November 2, 1997
writer: Chris Carter
director: R. W. Goodwin
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Skinner
Guest Cast:
William B. Davis as Cigarette Smoking Man
John Finn as Michael Kritschgau
Steve Makaj as Ostelhoff
Ken Camroux as Senior Agent
Charles Cioffi as Blevins
Barry W. Levy as Dr. Vitagliano
Bruce Harwood as Byers
Dean Haglund as Langly
Tom Briadwood as Frohike
Don S. Williams as Elder
Julie Arkos as Holly
All Lies Lead To The Truth
Or so the new tagline says...
The day had finally arrived. We had waited 6 long months, some of us
patiently, others not. We hashed and rehashed all the theories about Mulder's
"suicide" (yeah, right) and we worried about Scully's cancer. We also noticed
that "our" show had suddenly become front page news. The
X-Files were hot this summer with no rumour left unturned, the show
was all the rage and everyone wanted to talk about it, analyze it, what makes it tick?
Where have these people been the last four seasons? Don't they know this is The Best Damn
Show On TV??!!
In other words, we were pumped and frankly, now I'm a little
deflated. Don't get me wrong, it was a fine season opener, just not the best, IMHO (In My
Humble Opinion, for the acronym-challenged). Let's get onto the plotline and I'll add some
final notes before the quotes, we'll sort it all out together.
After a brief synopsis of Gethsemane, last season's finale and part
one of this three-parter, we open with a repeat of Scully's final scene before the FBI
board. After saying "Mulder died last night", we see the words, "24 hours
earlier" and tune in to Mulder at home on his couch, watching old UFO Convention
footage on TV. His voiceover speaks of his deception, how he now believes it was all a
hoax and his search for The Truth may even have helped cause Scully's cancer. He no longer
believes he'll be reunited with his sister, he is beside himself with grief as he picks up
his handgun, checking that it's loaded, deciding to end this "journey"
The phone rings, interrupting his suicidal thoughts. It's
Kritschgau, calling to warn him that he was followed. As he listens to Kritschgau say that
"they are probably watching you", Mulder scans his apartment for bugs (like he
hasn't done THAT at least once a week!) and, lo and behold, he spies a hole in his
ceiling. A hole just big enough for a teeny camera lens. Can we pause for a minute to
contemplate the enormity of this? It's been established that the man sleeps on his couch,
so the
last thing he sees at night, the first thing he sees in the morning,
is his ceiling, and he's never noticed this freakin' HOLE?! It's right next to a light
fixture, where does he buy those perpetual light bulbs?! Forgive me, I digress.
Mulder realizes he's being spied on from above, we see the camera's
view-point as he rushes upstairs, where we see Ostelhoff (or The DoD Guy, as he's been
nicknamed, The Department of Defence Guy) attempting to burn his phone call log in his
wastepaper basket (sloppy work, yes, I've addressed this in the Notes). Warrants? We don't
need no stinkin' search warrants! Mulder busts down the door and proceeds to frantically
stomp on the burning paper, naturally assuming they're a Major Clue. The DoD Guy takes a
last chance and grabs for his handy sawed-off shotgun. We hear a shotgun blast from the
other side of the door, and the door slowly closes. Cue the theme music, we're off and
Scully walks into her apartment, checks her message machine, which
for some reason has to verbally announce, "You have no new messages", what a
blow to a gal's ego. She continues walking into her darkened bedroom, removing her jacket
and begins to remove her shirt (if you can, freeze-frame this scene at the crucial moment,
can you see the glint of a navel ring? In real-life, Gillian Anderson does have a navel
ring and by golly, it appears Scully's pierced! Thanks to The Cult Of The Smoking Alien
and Hindy's super-duper slo-mo work for pointing this out!), when Mulder's voice speaks
from the darkness, "Keep going, FBI woman.".
Sidebar: This scene is a direct homage to the classic movie,
"Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid". Katherine Ross walks into her bedroom,
begins undressing, is startled to see Sundance holding a gun on her, he says something
like, "Keep going, school teacher.", so she slowly undresses to her undies, he
begins to touch the gun to her skin then she says, "You're late." Classic stuff
that led to a great scene with Scully and Mulder.
And, this turns out to be the only time we actually *see* our agents
together in this ep, although they are certainly working together for the whole hour.
Okay, back to the plot...
Mulder proceeds to tell her about the dead DoD Guy, now in his
apartment minus a face, the surveillance on his apartment, and how it all leads back to
the FBI! They've been the victims of a massive hoax, maybe even going back to when they
first began working together. Scully is shocked and disgusted by it all, and Mulder talks
her into joining him in lying to the Bureau.
We now see a repeat of the scene where Scully walks into Mulder's
apartment and identifies the dead body. She leaves his apartment and is met in the hallway
by Skinner. She proceeds to lie yet again by confirming Mulder's suicide to Skinner,
although she barely looks in his eyes, a dead giveaway. He doesn't look impressed and
tells her Section Chief Blevins wants her to come in for questioning, that she is believed
to be withholding information.
Using Ostelhoff's ID card, Mulder enters the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, simply by swiping it through a card-reading device similar to
what you may use to scan your credit card. Really! Nobody bothers to check his picture, no
one wants a thumb print, nada, just a mere swipe, and if the little light turns green,
you're in. Yikes, this is our government at work?! Technically, though, it's not *my*
government (I'm in Canada), so who cares? ;-)
Scully enters Blevins' office, just like the scene from The Pilot,
with Skinner entering the room behind her and positioning himself by the filing cabinet in
the corner, exactly where Cancer Man originally stood in The Pilot. A telling point,
especially considering how Scully has begun to see Skinner as an enemy. She is asked about
a DoD agent contacting them and she confirms that he told them about an elaborate hoax
concerning an alien body. She is tight-lipped when told to cough up the DoD agent's name,
she's not going to drag Kritschgau into this as well. But, Skinner whips out a picture of
him, a surveillance camera shot taken in Mulder's apartment, saying "Is this the man?
Michael Kritschgau?". What's the point in lying now? She confirms it and is told
there will be more questions for her before a special joint FBI panel Blevins has
assembled for later that night.
So where did Skinner get the picture? We're led to believe that he's
working for the dark side, but until I hear differently, I refuse to believe that, not MY
Skinner! My instincts (and spoilers for Redux 2), tell me that the pic probably came from
Blevins himself.
Mulder meets up with Kritschgau, gleefully waving his ID card at him
when asked how he got into the building. Kritschgau nervously tells him to put it away,
and takes him to his office, locking the door behind him. He then tells Mulder that he may
be able to find a cure for Scully's cancer in Level 4 of the complex they're in, which
Mulder's card gives him access to.
We now see Cancer Man as he picks Mulder's lock and enters his
apartment. He picks up a framed picture of a young Mulder and his sister, Samantha, lip
trembling ever so slightly to indicate emotion. As he puts the picture down, he turns and
looks down at the chalk outline and blood stain on the floor by Mulder's couch, his face
in turmoil and concern (at least, that's how it looked to me). His shadow, thrown by the
sunlight beaming through the window behind him, covers the body outline and shows a spot
of light shining from above. He looks up and sees the hole where the camera used to be
(now taken by the authorities, I guess, or maybe the Consortium). You can tell he didn't
know it was there, and boy, will he be ticked!
In Mulder's office, or *their* office, whatever, Scully phones
Holly, now working in the Communications Center of the FBI (that's what ya get for bashing
Skinner around in Pusher!) to help track down the phone calls made by the Dod Guy. The
phone calls, made at 11:21, 11:14, 3:07, 2:02 and 5:12, all transferred to the same
extension, an executive level, a branch which would mean the phone calls were transferred
to anyone on that level. Scully asks if Skinner is at that extension, Holly verifies that
he is. Her face shows that she's already made up her mind, she believes the calls *were*
made to Skinner (lots of others at that extension, I'm sure, come on Scully!).
After hanging up, she receives a call from Dr. Vitagliano at the
Paleoclimatogy Department, at American University. He's been working on the ice core
samples (the ones she sent him in Gethsemane), and he asks her to come and see him in the
lab, there's something she will want to
see for herself.
Kritschgau and Mulder begin what turns into a LONG walk through the
DoD complex, strangly absent of any other people to overhear them (handy!). Kritschgau
tells him that the Level 4 is a biological quarantined wing, containing labs and storage
facilities, housing DNA from nearly every
American born since 1945 that had ever been seen by a government
doctor. This is the base of the elaborate alien hoax which Mulder has been drawn into.
With the general public scared of the new atom bomb, after World War II, the government
began "fanning the flames" of all the UFO
It's easier for me to now simply quote what Kritschgau tells Mulder,
rather than try to sum it up. While he speaks, we see numerous stock footage which relates
to the people and times he's talking about.
"There are truths which can kill a nation, Agent Mulder. The
military needed something to deflect attention away from its arms strategy. Global
domination through the capability of total enemy annihilation. The nuclear card was fine,
as long as we alone could play it, but the generals and politicals knew what they could
not win was a public relations war. Those photos from Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not
faces Americans wanted to see in the mirror. Oppenheimer knew it, of course, but we
silenced him. When the Russians developed the bomb, the fear in the military was not for
safety at home, but for armnistace and treaty. The business of America isn't business,
Agent Mulder, it's war. Since Antietam nothing has driven the economy faster. We needed a
reason to keep spending money, and when there wasn't a war to justify it, we called it war
anyway. The cold war was essentially a 50 year public relations battle, a pitched game of
Chicken against an enemy we not much more than called names. The Communists called us a
few names, too. 'We will bury you', Krushtev said, and the public believed it. After what
McCarthy had done to the country, they ate it with a big spoon. We squared off a few
times, in Cuba, Korea and Vietnam, but nobody dropped the bomb. Nobody dared."
Mulder asks what any of this has to do with flying saucers,
Kritschgau says, "The US military saw a good thing in '47 when the Roswell story
broke. The more we denied it, the more people believed it was true. Aliens HAD landed! A
made to order cover story for generals looking to develop the national war chest. They
opened official investigations with names like Grudge, Twinkle, Project Blue Book,
Majestic 12. They brought in college professors and congressmen, fed them enough bogus
fact, enough fuzzy photos and eye-witness accounts that *they* believed it too. They even
hooked Doug MacArthur, for God's sake. I can't tell you how fortuitous the time of your
call was. Do you know when the first supersonic flight was, Agent Mulder? 1947. Soon every
aircraft being flown was a UFO sighting. When the abduction stories
started up, it was too perfect. We'd almost gotten caught in Korea, an ambitous misstep.
China and the Soviets knew it, the UN got all heated up at us."
Mulder: "Germ warfare, we were accused of using them in
Kritschgau: "It was developmental then, nothing like what we or
the Russians have now. The bio-weapons used in the Gulf War were so ingenius as to be
almost undetectable. Developed right in this very building." Mulder asks if he's
saying that all reports of alien abductions were lies. He answers, "Not lies exactly,
but citizens taken unsuspecting and tested. A classified military project, above top
secret, and still ongoing. You've heard the recent denials about Roswell by the military
and the CIA? What's been the effect? Even wilder and more
wide-spread belief. The American appetite for bogus revelation, Agent Mulder." Mulder
exclaims that he's seen aliens, and he replies, "You've seen what they wanted you to
Kritschgau explains that the body Mulder saw would have been proven
to be a fake only through extensive scientific examination. Mulder realizes that Scully
would have been able to prove it and Kritschgau says that the hoax was timed so that
Scully would not be alive to conduct the examination. When questioned as to why Kritschgau
went along with it, he answers that his retribution was what happened to his son in the
Gulf War and he believes a cure for both of them can be found in Level 4, he *has* to
believe. After Mulder leaves him, Kritschgau is taken away by
DoD men for questioning.
Next we see Cancer Man meeting with the 1st Elder at a racetrack,
upset that he seems to be "out of the loop" concerning Mulder. Why was he not
told the Consortium were watching Mulder? The 1st Elder refuses to let him in on it,
denying any knowledge and telling him their FBI source
confirmed Mulder's suicide (WHO?! Skinner? Blevins? Holly?!). Cancer
Man is highly doubtful.
Scully is in the lab with Dr. Vitagliano. He has tested the cells
found in the ice core samples as she requested, only to find nothing that can be
identified as animal or plant material, only a chimeral hybrid. He placed these cells in
with bovine fetal material, and the cells began to divide, and indicate the beginning of a
life-form. "Growing into *what*, I don't know."
We see Mulder as he wanders through the DoD complex, checking doors
and evading the guards. He finally opens a door and finds a huge room full of
alien-looking bodies on metal gurneys. As he sadly touches one (thinking back on the body
he has already seen, presuming these are fakes as well), he sees a light strobing on and
off through another window and walks towards it. He finds another room, this one full of
pregnant-looking women! They all have extended bellies and are hooked up to some kind of
machinery (very similar to what Scully seemed to go through in Ascension).
Scully can't contact Mulder about the life-form discovery, so she
has to soldier on alone. She asks Dr. Vitagliano to draw some of her blood, so she can try
to match her own DNA with the ice-core sample, proving a connection between her cancer and
this hoax. It's to be done by 7 that evening (the time of the FBI board meeting), which
Vitagliano says is impossible, but she insists that it must be done, "everything in
my life depends on it". (Not "my life", but everything in it, such as
Mulder, awwww)
As a sidenote, plenty of scientific fans wrote in to the mailing
list and newsgroup about this plot point. Not a snowball's chance in You-Know-Where that
this kind of match could be done in less than 72 hours! Just thought I'd pass that on,
let's continue.
After having her blood drawn, Scully looks up to see Skinner poking
his face in at the window, watching her. She storms out of the lab, losing her little
cotton ball in the process (check your tape, she's holding it on her arm one minute, it's
gone, along with any kind of needle mark, the next) and confronts Skinner in the hallway,
demanding to know what he's doing there, is he following her? He says he has a forensic
report on the body in Mulder's apartment, might she wish to explain it? A verbal
volleyball match ensues, which boils down to which one is the bigger and better liar. He
asks if she plans to tell these same lies to the FBI panel and where the heck IS Mulder?
She won't say a word to him, still under the impression that Skinner is a Bad Guy, and
turns to leave. He says, "Your silence won't save you, not with these people. And if
you lie, I don't know if anything can." And she replies, "Except proof."
We now watch as Scully plays scientist detective, drawing out drops
of blood from one vial, placing it in another, doing all kinds of things I can't properly
identify for you here. If you're interested, you can find a pretty good description of
what she's doing, called a Southern Blot, HERE
<>. She finally arrives
at the proof she seeks, a match between her DNA and the organism found in the ice-core
samples, proof that her own government gave her the cancer which has taken over her body.
Meanwhile, Mulder has found a tunnel to the Pentagon (handy-dandy!)
and we watch as he enters the same room we've seen Cancer Man enter in The Pilot and The
Erlenmeyer Flask, so we KNOW what goodies are behind this door. He finds a room with an
ancient-looking card filing system, stacked floor to ceiling with individual cards and
finds cards for both Scully and Michael Kritschgau Jr. Oddly enough, Jr.'s card is empty,
while Scully's is covered with numerical data, which Mulder somehow "reads" to
lead him to another room. There he finds a metallic vial matching the numbers on her card.
Could this finally be the cure?
We cut to Cancer Man as his phone rings. One of the guards at the
DoD is calling, as per his instructions, to alert him that Ostelhoff has entered the
complex. Mulder has been caught! However, the guard is told not to do or say anything,
Cancer Man is on his way. He arrives and
confirms for himself that it IS Mulder on the security camera, but
when the guard offers to stop him before he leaves the building, Cancer Man tells him to
let him go. Hmmmmm....
To help buy Mulder time to get out of the DoD complex, we see a
replay of the final scene from Gethsemane as Scully speaks to the FBI board, hoping
they'll "believe the lie" that Mulder is dead. The scene, this time, goes on as
Skinner walks into the room, carrying a folder (more than likely the reports which prove
that it's Ostelhoff, not Mulder, that's dead), and Scully begins to tell Blevins about her
proof which points the finger at "someone in this room". Proof that she was
given her cancer by the same people she works for and trusts. As she is about to present
the DNA report, blood drips from her nose onto the report and she faints. Skinner catches
her as she lands in her chair and she looks at him, saying quietly, "You...". He
asks for a doctor.
Mulder seeks out the only people he can trust with the vial he's
found, The Lone Gunmen, and they run a spectrum analysis on the fluid inside it. Alas, all
they find is deionized water. Was it all for nothing? Stay tuned fans, it's ... To Be
The title means to return, as from war or from exile.
The cast listing has been altered, the official site had Michael
Kritschgau listed as Scott. And on another cast listing note, I got all excited when the
official site had Skinner listed as "Starring", as
opposed to "Guest Star", where he usually is. But, the
onscreen listing still had him as "Also Starring". Does all that make sense? :-)
Anyway, fingers are still crossed that we'll see more of Skinner this year.
I say we all gather in Mulder's apartment for our next big xphile
party, after all, his neighbors seem to be deaf and the landlord must be pretty cool to
have not tossed him out by now! Let's see now, poisoned water (Anasazi), which caused one
of his fellow tenants to murder her husband, X being murdered in his hallway (Herrenvolk),
blood everywhere, quite the mess, Scully's sister, Melissa killed (The Blessing Way) and
now this! There had to be at least 2 gunshots, one from Mulder's gun when he shot the DoD
Guy in the upstairs apartment, and another from the shotgun when he blew Ostelhoff's face
off. And you'd think *someone* would have noticed Mulder dragging the body down a flight
of stairs into his apartment, presumably with his head wrapped in plastic or something.
Sheesh, what a place!
Some homage to Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" here, "Let
the truth be known though the heavens fall" is a take on James Garrison's line
"Let the truth be told, though the heavens fall", and I'm told that the scene
between Cancer Man and the 1st Elder at the racetrack is based on a very similar scene in
the movie. As you can tell, I haven't seen the flick, so corrections are welcome.
I found numerous references to "Let there be justice, though
the heavens fall" as being an official judicial motto, for lack of a better term, but
nothing telling me exactly where it originally came from. I did find out that it's New
Jerseys state motto, how's that?
What has happened to poor Cancer Man?! He's "out of the
loop" with the Consortium, didn't know a thing about Mulder's surveillance (which
really ticked him off), and was that a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked at the
hole in Mulder's ceiling?! He does have an eagle eye, though, took him mere seconds to
find that hole, the one Mulder's missed all those months (don't get me started!). He
appeared relieved when he spotted Mulder on the Pentagon security camera, pleased that he
really wasn't dead. Did he orchestrate Mulder's easy-access to the Pentagon and all the
"evidence"? And he must have had some notion of what Mulder would do if he was
alive, as can be seen from the request to be told if Ostelhoff's ID card was used.
A note to all aspiring spies out there, NEVER leave paper copies of
your phone call log lying around, they don't burn quickly enough. It's probably just as
well that Ostelhoff had his face shot off, he never had much of a chance at any future
stakeouts if this was any example!
This hour seemed to me to be written for the new fans, the ones
lured in by the repeats now being shown in syndication. The voiceovers, or in other words,
practically the whole script, simply wrapped up everything that's happened to our agents
in the last 4 seasons. Save for Samantha, and she's coming back next week, so... As a
long-time fan, I didn't learn anything new, with the exception of the explanation for
Mulder's "suicide", and that's what ticked me off. Okay, so Scully is now
suspicious of Skinner's involvement, but I think she has been for a while (I present Max
as an example). I'm not going to trash this ep, though, it did have its moments and I'm
giving them the benefit of the doubt, after all, they did spend all summer shooting The
Movie, they weren't in top form. And I do believe Redux 2 will be the topping on this
cake, so guess what? I'm pumped again, man I DO love this show!
Mulder's opening voiceover
"I've held a torch in the darkness to glance upon a truth
unknown. An act of faith begun with an ineloquent certainty that my journey promised the
chance, not just of understanding, but of recovery. That the disappearance of my sister,
23 years ago, would come to be explained. And that the pursuit of these greater truths
about the existence of extra-terrestrial life might even re-unite us. A belief which I now
know to be false, and uninformed, in the extreme. My folly revealed by facts
which illuminate both my arrogance and self-deception. If only the
tragedy had been mine alone, might it be more easy tonight to bring this journey to its
end." (he now has his handgun in his hand .... the phone rings)
Mulder's voiceover heard as Scully identifies the body in Mulder's
"Let the truth be known though the heavens fall. The web of
lies entangling us can now be connected back to the very institution which brought us
together. The facts supported by a byzantine plot, executed by someone inside the FBI who,
if named, could be tied to the plot meant
to destroy me. And to the terminal disease inflicted on Scully. In
four years, I have shared my partner's passionate search for the truth. And if my part has
been a deception, I have never seen her integrity waver or her honour compromised. But
now, I ask her to lie, to the people that lied to us. A dangerous lie to find the truth.
To find the men who would be revealed as its enemy, as OUR enemy. As the enemy
within." (Scully now meets Skinner in the hallway)
"The military connection to the conspiracy we had pierced was
now undeniable. The man who lay dead in my apartment worked for the Department of Defense
at its Advanced Research facility. What I might find here, I was uncertain of. But my
crime had provided me access. As long as they believed Scully's lie, that it was me lying
on my floor, I might learn truths here. But, if our lies were discovered, both Scully and
I would be discovered *with* them."
Dueling voiceovers as Mulder searches through the DoD complex and
finds the "aliens" and women
Mulder: "I had come here looking for answers. Hoping not only
to lay bare this conspiracy against the country and the men behind it, but to finally
learn the truth about the possibilty of intelligent
extraterrestrial life. Now, with what I've heard, my beliefs seemed
more and more improbable. The possibility of a cure for Scully somewhere inside these
walls, my only hope. But if I might find it, and somehow save her, the very existence of
this cure would mean with certainty that I had believed in a lie from the start."
Scully: "I had no way to reach Agent Mulder, to tell him what I
had discovered. An unidentified microscopic life-form whose very existence held the
possibility of revelation. Was this organism, extracted from the ice which had entombed
the alien corpse, the germ cell that might give proof of extraterrestrial life? Or was it
just the opposite? The scientifically engineered creation of a chimera. An unclassifiable,
biological product designed to set up a hoax. Manufactured to create the false beliefs
that have long driven Agent Mulder. I now began to realize that the answer to this
question might exist within the life-form itself. Biological proof of its connection to
the cancer invading my
body, to a virus living inside this organism, to which I had been
exposed during my abduction 3 years ago."
More dueling voiceovers as Scully begins her scientific work and
Mulder reaches the rooms within the Pentagon
Scully: "The cruelest ironies are those consecrated by the
passage of time, chanced and occasioned by shocking discovery. I had joined Agent Mulder
on the x-files because of my background in the medical sciences. My assignment was to
question his work, to debunk his investigations and reign him back into the FBI
mainstream. Now, as fate would have it, I am calling on these very same skills to prove
that he has been the target of a scheme, orchestrated by someone close to us in the FBI.
Someone we have trusted above all others, involved in a highly organized plot to keep a
dangerous secret from the light of day. I could only guess at what Agent Mulder may have
uncovered on his own, what he may have found to confirm or deny what he has long held to
be a conspiracy to control the public inquiry into the government's knowledge and contact
with an alien race, or races. If he had hoped, as I do, to learn the identity of those who
sought to destroy us, I had, with the discovery of this unidentified micro-organism, what
could amount to forensic evidence. Hard, and undeniable, genetic evidence, of a connection
between the
conspirators and the cancer which has now metastasised in my
bloodstream. I have few short hours to conduct these tests, before I must appear before an
FBI panel to explain myself. And, as I am ready to lie to them about Agent Mulder, I am
also ready to confront them with proof. Proof extracted from this tiny organism, that can
blow open a conspiracy of global consequence."
Mulder: "If Agent Scully and I had been led to believe that the
conspiracy meant to destroy us has its roots in the Department of Defense, that fact seems
all but irrefutable now. I had gained entry to
a large storage facility by a hallway connecting underground to the
Pentagon. On hundreds of rows of shelves are materials that reveal nothing to me of the
cure to Scully's cancer. And now, as I have reached the terminus of this space, what
appears to be an old and antiquated filing system seems my only hope of finding what this
man, Kritschgau, has assured me exists. If his own desperate hope for his son's cure has
alluded him, I now share his desperation. That among these drawers is a sign, a glimmer,
some small confirmation that the journey which has brought me here has not been in
Scully's voiceover as she does her scientific detective work
"If my work with Agent Mulder has tested the foundation of my
beliefs, science has been, and continues to be, my guiding light. Now I am again relying
on its familar and systematic methods to arrive at a truth. A fact that might explain the
fate that has befallen me. An investigation that began without, now turning within. Taking
cellular material from the unidentified life-form, and isolating a virus contained within
it, then matching the DNA from this virus against that which I believe has
caused my cancer, I hope a picture will develop. The picture that
might confirm my darkest suspicion, about the source of this disease invading my body. In
hope of providing evidence that its cause is not without blame, even though its cure
remains unknown. If science serves me to
these ends, it is not lost on me that the tool with which I have
come to depend on absolutely, cannot save or protect me. But only bring into focus the
darkness that lies ahead."
Mulder's voiceover as she arrives at the FBI board meeting
"If I did indeed have the cure for Scully's cancer, I was now
as dependent on her as she was on me. As I had breeched this facility, I needed to find my
way out to safety. Depending on Scully to weave her story, to tell her tale, to make them
believe the lie."
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<sam> dany: mandrake
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