German title: Böses Blut
translation: (double meaning):
Bad Blood
idiomatic for people who are quarreling all the time
Japanese title: Kyuuketsu
translation: Bloodsucking
Spanish title: Mala Sangre
translation: Bad Blood
US Airdate: February 22, 1998
writers: Vince Gilligan
director: Cliff Bole
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter Skinner
Guest Cast:
Patrick Renna as Ronnie Strickland
Luke Wilson as Sheriff Hartwell
Forbes Angus as the Funeral Director
Brent Butt as the Coroner
Marion Killinger as the Detective
A dark figure chases a terrified teenage boy, Ronnie Strickland,
through a field in Texas. When Ronnie trips and falls, the figure pulls out a wooden stake
and plunges it through his chest. Scully's voice calls out, and when the figure turns, we
see that it is Agent Mulder. Pulling open the teenager's mouth, Mulder shows Scully two
sharp incisors, much like vampire fangs. Upon closer examination, Scully determines the
fangs are, in fact, a set of fake plastic teeth. Mulder realizes he has made a most
egregious error.
When the agents return to their offices, they agree to discuss the
events that led up to the killing before they speak with Skinner (as they both face
potential prison sentences). Scully recounts her story first. As the tale unfolds, Mulder
and Scully examine slides of dead cattle, the victims of a series of exsanguinations in a
small Texas town. Mulder reveals that a vacationer from New Jersey, Mr. Funt, met the same
fate, and authorities located two small puncture marks on his neck. The agents fly to
Texas, where they meet with Sheriff Hartwell, a handsome man who immediately catches
Scully's attention. With Hartwell's permission, the agents examine the victim's body.
Mulder notices that Funt's shoes are untied, but is unsure of the clue's meaning. While he
and the sheriff stake out a local cemetery, Scully performs an autopsy on the corpse.
Later that night, Scully and Mulder regroup at their motel to discuss their findings.
Scully reveals that the victim was
drugged with chloral hydrate, more commonly referred to as knockout
drops. Scully believes someone doped Funt and then withdrew his blood using a syringe,
perhaps emulating vampires seen in the movies. Mulder then reveals that there has been
another victim. As a tired Scully sets out to perform yet another autopsy, Ronnie the
Pizza Guy (the same teenager Mulder staked in the opening teaser) shows up with a
delivery. Scully tells the teenager to deliver the pizza to Mulder as she heads for her
car in the motel parking lot.
During the second autopsy, Scully realizes that both victims
consumed pizza as their last meal. She races back to the motel, where she finds a drugged
Mulder lying on the floor. The pizza guy springs into view, prompting Scully to fire
several rounds. This concludes Scully's version of events that led up to the teenager's
death. Mulder, however, disagrees with Scully's details, and tells his version of the
As Mulder's version unfolds, it becomes clear that he is painting
himself in a good-natured light, while Scully is depicted as being suspicious of his every
word. After examining slides of the dead cows, the agents fly to Texas, where Scully finds
herself attracted to Sheriff Hartwell. In Mulder's version, however, Hartwell is affected
with large buck teeth and a substantial loss of I.Q. The agents split up: Scully performs
the first autopsy, while Mulder and Sheriff Hartwell stake out the cemetery. While
surveilling the cemetery, Mulder begins pouring sunflower seeds on the ground, explaining
that vampires are obsessive-compulsive. Should a vampire appear, it would have to pick up
the seeds--just like it would have to untie shoelaces. The sheriff is dispatched to
investigate a disturbance at an RV park. Mulder tags along. There, the pair discover the
body of the second victim. Tired and frustrated, Mulder returns to the motel, where he
regroups with Scully. He informs his partner of the need for a new autopsy, and after
Scully leaves, he accepts the pizza delivery from Ronnie. Later, he finds himself in a
drug-induced stupor. Ronnie enters the motel room, his
fangs exposed, his eyes glowing red. Thinking quickly, Mulder
manages to throw sunflower seeds onto the floor. Unable to resist the obsessive-compulsive
disorder, Ronnie drops to his knees and begins picking them up. Scully finishes the second
autopsy, and realizing Mulder is in danger, races to the motel. She draws her weapon and
fires, striking Ronnie right in the chest. Though still in a drug-induced haze, Mulder
gives chase, eventually staking Ronnie.
Back in the present, a coroner inadvertently reanimates Ronnie's
corpse by removing the stake. Skinner informs the agents of the new development, and the
pair fly back to Texas. There, the pair meet up with Sheriff Hartwell. As Scully and the
sheriff stake out the cemetery, Mulder makes his way to the RV park, certain it contains
Ronnie's resting place.
Sheriff Hartwell, it turns out, is a vampire. He drugs Scully's
coffee, and she passes out. Meanwhile, Mulder discovers Ronnie's coffin inside an RV.
Using handcuffs, he traps the vampire inside the box. When the vehicle is surrounded by
the undead, Mulder uses two pizza breadsticks to form a cross. The vampires shrug off the
cross and pull Mulder downward. The next morning, a groggy Scully finds an unconscious
Mulder inside his rental car. Mulder awakens--only to discover that the RV lot is now
completely empty. The agents recount their bizarre tale to Skinner... who can only stare
back at them.
Not finished, as you can see, I will update as soon as I can, thanks
for your patience.
Scully: "Skinner wants our report in one hour. What are you
going to tell him?"
Mulder: "What do you mean what am I going to tell him? I'm
going to tell him exactly what I saw.
What are you going to tell him?"
Scully: "I'll tell him exactly what I saw."
Mulder: "Now, how is that different? (she gives him a look
that's mildly exasperated) Look, Scully, I'm the one who may wind up going to prison here.
I got to know if you're going to back me up or what."
Scully: "First of all, if the family of Ronnie Strickland does
indeed decide to sue the FBI for ... I think the figure is $446 million ... then you and I
both will most certainly be co-defendants and second of all ... I don't even have a second
of all, Mulder. $446 million. I'm in this as deep as you are and I'm not even the one that
overreacted. I didn't do the ... (she makes a stabbing motion) with the thing."
Mulder: "I did not overreact. Ronnie Strickland was a
Scully: "Where is your proof?"
Mulder: "You're my proof. You were there. (she heavily exhales)
OK, now you're scaring me. I wanna know exactly what you're gonna tell Skinner."
Scully: "Oh, you want our stories straight."
Mulder: "No, no, no, I didn't say that. I just want to hear it
the way you saw it."
Scully: "I don't feel comfortable with that."
Mulder: "Prison, Scully. Your cell mate's nickname is going to
be Large Marge. She's going to read a lot of Gertrude Stein."
(in Scully's version, as they look at the slides of the dead cows)
Scully: "Is there any sign of ...?"
Mulder: "Two small puncture wounds on the neck."
Scully: "I wasn't asking that."
Mulder: "Too bad. We got 'em. Check it out." (he clicks to
the next slide, a close-up of two puncture marks on the side of the neck of a cow)
Scully: "Well, these may be syringe marks. Their placement
meant to emulate fangs. Such ritualistic blood-letting points towards cultists of some
sort, in which case... (she notices a look of bemusement on Mulder's face) What?"
Mulder: (laughs) "Yeah, that's probably it, satanic cultists.
Come on, Scully."
Scully: "You're not gonna tell me you think it's that Mexican
goat sucker thing."
Mulder: "El Chupacabra? No, they got four fangs, not two, and
they suck goats, hence the name."
Scully: "4:54 PM, begin autopsy on white male, age 60, who is
arguably having a worse time in Texas than I am ... although not by much. I'll begin with
the "y" incision. (the blade falls to the floor) Yee-haw." (very
(time passes, we now watch as she plops the various organs onto a
scale tray)
Scully: "Heart weighs 370 grams, tissue appears healthy. (PLOP)
Left lung weighs 345 grams, tissue appears healthy. (PLOP) Large intestine... 890 grams,
yadda yadda yadda."
(later, the corpse is opened up and Scully is hunched over him
looking in the stomach)
Scully: "Stomach contents show last meal close to the time of
death, consisting of... pizza! Topped with pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms...
mushrooms... That sounds really good."
(she works the kinks out of her neck and continues)
(onscreen we see the words, "Davey Crockett Motor Court -
Night" as Scully's voiceover continues)
Scully: "Having completed the autopsy I checked into the Davey
Crockett Motor Court."
Mulder: "The name of it was actually the Sam Houston Motor
Lodge." (the name onscreen changes to Sam Houston Motor Lodge)
(Scully's version, after she shoots at Ronnie, saving Mulder)
Scully: "Mulder? Are you okay?" (she turns his face to her
and softly slaps it to wake him up. He wakes up and starts singing)
Mulder: "Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with
all the chicks? (falsetto) Shaft! Can you dig it? They say this cat Shaft is a bad
mother... (falsetto) Shut your mouth! Talkin' 'bout Shaft."
(cut to present day, in the office, Mulder bolts out of his chair)
(Mulder's version, as he arrives at the hotel with mud all over him)
Scully: "What do you mean you want me to do another autopsy?!
(Scully is sitting on the side of the vibrating bed, screaming and talking fast, her voice
vibrating) And why do I have to do it right now?! I just spent hours on my feet doing an
autopsy, all for you. I do it all for you, Mulder. You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00
this morning, and all that was, was a half a cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real
cream cheese, it was light cream cheese. And now you want me to run off and do another
autopsy? (she notices the mud) What the hell happened to you?" (Scully gets up and
walks to the door)
Mulder (voice over) : "Finally ... you left."
Scully: "Don't you touch that bed."
(she slams the door behind her and the picture on the wall comes
loose on the left side and swings)
Scully: "Mulder, please just keep reminding him you were
Mulder: "Would you stop that?"
Scully: "It wouldn't hurt."
Mulder: "Stop it." (Skinner opens his door and sticks his
head out)
Skinner: "Scully, Mulder..." (they stand quickly)
Mulder: "I was drugged!"
Skinner: "I want you back in Texas. Ronnie Strickland's body
has disappeared from the morgue. Apparently in conjunction with this, a coroner's been
attacked-his throat was ... bitten."
Mulder: "The coroner's dead?"
Skinner: "No, his ... throat was bitten. It was sort of ...
gnawed on. Daylight's burning, agents." (he goes back into his office)
Letztens fragte ich einen Programmiererkollegen, welche Erfahrungen er mit der "Garbage-Collection" von Windows hat. Seine Antwort: "Windows hat keine Garbage-Collection, Windows ist eine!" Anonymous