At the Headless Woman's Pub, waiters singing "Happy Birthday" approach Mulder
and Scully's table. Scully is surprised that her partner remembered the occasion. Before
the celebration continues, the agents are approached by Sharon Graffia, who identifies
herself as the sister of Max Fenig (the alien abductee seen in "Fallen Angel").
Fenig was killed in an airplane crash in Upstate New York two hours earlier. It was
Fenig's wish that the agents be sought out should any harm befall him.
The agents attend a Go-Team meeting assembled by the National Transportation Safety
Board. Mike Millar, the man in charge of the operation, plays a tape recording of the last
radio exchange between Flight 549 and air traffic control in Albany. During the recording,
the pilot makes reference to an "intercept." Mulder believes is an indication
the airliner was forced out of the sky. But his comments before the group are met with
great skepticism.
The agents comb the crash site for possible clues. Mulder realizes there is a nine
minute discrepancy between the official time of the crash and the time indicated on
passengers' wrist watches. In the distance, an investigator named Garrett sprays an
acid-like substance on one of the bodies, dissolving the victim's fingertips and face. A
few moments later, other Go-Team members pull a survivor, Larold Rebhun, from the
wreckage. Scully concludes he was exposed to extreme radiation. Mulder tells Scully that
he believes Fenig was abducted from the aircraft by being sucked out of the emergency exit
door. However, Go-Team members find Fenig's body amongst the debris field.
The agents interview Louis Frish, who, along with Armando Gonzales, manned the Air
Force Reserve air control tower on the night of the crash. Louis claims there was no radio
contact between the Air Force and the civilian plane. Later, Louis finds Gonzales' dead
body inside the control tower. Several government men storm the tower. Louis avoids
capture by hiding on the roof. Later, Sharon Graffia disappears from her motel room.
Mulder concludes she was abducted by a UFO.
Louis Frish tells Mulder, Scully, and Millar that he, not an air traffic controller in
Albany, was the last person to communicate with Flight 549. Louis explains that his
commanding officer ordered him (along with Gonzales) to lie to investigators. The men saw
an unidentified radar blip enter Flight 549's airspace. Moments later, there was an
explosion. Mulder speculates that a third, unidentified aircraft shot down the intercept
craft, but is at a loss to explain the absence of a second crash site. As the agents drive
Louis away from the Go-Team's headquarters, two automobiles give chase. In an attempt to
outmaneuver his pursuers, Mulder drives onto a runway. An airliner lands on the strip,
narrowly missing Mulder's car. The two chase cars break off their pursuit. Later, Mike
Millar encounters a UFO hovering above the crash site. He finds Sharon Graffia nearby.
Scully and Louis await a Federal Marshal at the Headless Woman's Pub. Garrett enters
with a gun. Scully draws her weapon and a shoot-out ensues. Agent Pendrell, who happened
to be frequenting the bar, is shot in the chest. Scully manages to shoot Garrett in the
After examining a map, Mulder concludes that the second craft crashed into Great
Sacandaga Lake. He scuba dives into the murky water, where he encounters twisted wreckage,
and the body of a gray alien. Suddenly, a bright beam of light emanates from the surface.
Mulder shields his eyes from the impossibly intense light. To Be Continued...
The title translates as "Time flies".
First and foremost, what a waste of Max! Having watched last week's repeat of
"Fallen Angel", we were all pumped for Max's return. But, alas, he appears to
have been zapped out of the sky by those heartless aliens. Although when Mulder found his
business card, nicely covered with Max's blood, in the "dead" man's shirt
pocket, I'm sure I wasn't the only one yelling "Plant!" at my TV. Seems a little
too easy, why didn't the men that were cleaning up spot it? Hmmmm.
And while we're at it, why the heck didn't Mulder check behind Max's ear?! The mark he
had in "Fallen Angel", the one that apparently only 3 people in the entire world
have, remember that Mulder? Sheesh, shoddy writing or foreshadowing?
Another part that upset a lot of people was the crash scene. What were Mulder and
Scully thinking?! Everyone else is covered from head to toe in protective clothing,
especially seeing as there were copious amounts of radioactive material floating around,
and these two are dressed in their cool FBI outfits! Can't cover up our expensive coats
can we? There they are traipsing through contaminated water and various body parts with
nothing but rubber gloves. I know it's "just" a TV show, but come on, a little
reality please.
I will give credit where it's due though, the plane crash was just one of many
outstanding scenes in this ep. The artistic production was once again spot on and
gorgeous. It took my breath away when the camera followed Mulder and Scully up that hill
then unveiled the whole horrific scene before them. And the hangar where the plane and
bodies are moved to, beautiful yet chilling at the same time. From the looks of this ep
especially, I can't wait to see what they put on the big screen when the movie comes out.
Another two terrific scenes were at the end, the airplane and car game of chicken and
the UFO that Millar watches. How many of us were on the edge of our seats for that scene
at the airport? It's a first for me, I've never seen anything like it, outstanding. And I
sat in stunned silence just like Millar did when I saw the UFO hovering in the air.
Beautiful production there, it's nice to have that "I want to believe" feeling
Speaking of Millar, wasn't Joe Spano great? One of the best guest stars they've had,
IMHO. I loved him on "Hill Street Blues". In this appearance, he seemed to be
the voice of reason, the stablizing force, as usual. If I ever have a run in with the Bad
Guys, I want Joe on my side :-)
Another interesting "Hill Street Blues" connection: Daniel J. Travanti was in
a movie called "Millennium" (same name as Chris Carter's other show) and the
plotline involved people coming back from the future to rescue folks doomed to crash in
airplanes. Hmmm...too nitpicky or a big coincidence?
Alright, let's get to the important stuff, Scully's birthday party. Nice birthday cake
there Mulder, a pink Hostess Snowball with a sparkler, sheesh! And what the heck was the
deal with the gift?! An Apollo 11 keychain?! Mulder was beside himself with joy when he
presented it to her, saying it reminded him of her, the 'shippers were on pins and
needles, then bam, Max's sister interrupts him. Will we ever know it's significance? For
what it's worth, we've debated, we've discussed, we've looked at it from various angles
and here's what we've come up with:
•Some thought it was merely a recognition of her birthday and that she shared the
day with the launch, but nope, she was born February 23, 1964, the launch was in July
•It's a token of Mulder's love and/or respect, possibly a favorite possession, as
he was 8 years old when Apollo 11 was launched so maybe he even saw it in person, what
with Mr. Mulder's connections. A rumour spread that Mulder would tell Scully that
"seeing the moon changed his life, but not as much as she has". It doesn't
happen in part 2 of this story, "Max", so it sounds like merely a rumour for
now. Doesn't matter, we all know he loves her ;-)
•Some female voices on the net agreed it was merely a typical "guy
thing" and he bought her something he would enjoy. Well, that's what you get for
giving us all those "Superstars of the Superbowl" videos :-) (Mulder bought
Scully this video in "One Breath" after her return from a coma, how sensitive
can ya get?)
•In his defense, I liked the idea that the Apollo 11 launch was a shared reference
for them. After all, she did seem pleased with it, she smiled and said "I'm
touched" right? But was that a sarcastic tone? So many questions!
•Was it maybe a symbol of their search for the truth, similar to the Apollo 11's
search for the moon? Their journey together? Interesting connection with "Memento
Mori" and Scully's Cancer Journals, where she tells Mulder to "forgive me for
not making the rest of the journey with you." Without saying so, is he acknowledging
her cancer and his support of her? She also said in "Never Again" that she felt
they were going in circles, "two steps forward and three steps back."
Hmmmm..."one small step for mankind"? And who says we aren't the best nitpickers
online? :-)
•Hey, I know, maybe Mulder's a fan of the TV show "Battlestar Galactia"!
Scully's nickname *is* Starbuck and that name as well as Apollo were used on the show!
Naaa, maybe not. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I've lost the name of the person who
posted this theory on the newsgroup.
•All kidding aside, do yourself a favour and have a look at this Apollo 11
website, it's a fascinating journey on its own.
Other than the gift, Scully's party left us with an even bigger question, what's to
become of Agent Pendrell?! We leave him here flat on his back on the floor of the bar
having been shot, oh no! If you've joined the series late and don't know, Pendrell is a
fellow FBI agent who works in the lab and has a crush on Scully. He may not be a major
character, but he's one that we've grown fond of and this scene was a shock to the system.
The fans rallied around and quickly set up a Save Agent Pendrell webpage (
,) , bless 'em, in the hopes that Chris Carter would listen to the voices of the masses.
Word had it that two endings had been filmed and how we reacted would decide which one
showed next week. Without spoiling "Max" for you, let's just say I think it was
all a crock!
The best reference we could come up with for Max's alias, Paul Gidney, was the cartoon
"Rocky and Bullwinkle" which has been referred to before. Gidney was the name of
one of the two Moon Men characters, Cloyd was the other. Take that as you will.
Scully: "Oh promise me this isn't leading to something really embarrassing."
Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet/second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter. Dave Barry