French title: Le baiser de Judas
translation: The Kiss Of Judas
US Airdate: May 18, 1997
writer: Chris Carter
director: R. W. Goodwin
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Guest Cast:
Rob Freeman as Det. Rempulski
Charles Cioffi as Scott Blevins
Matthew Walker as Arlinsky
James Sutorius as Babcock
John Oliver as Rolston
Sheila Larken as Mrs. Scully
Pat Skipper as Bill Scully Jr.
Arnie Walters as Father McCue
Barry W. Levy as Vitagliano
John Finn as Scott Kritschgau
Nancy Kerr as Agent Hedin
Steve Makaj as Ostelhoff
Scully enters Mulder's apartment, where a group of detectives and forensic technicians
are waiting. Detective Rempulski introduces himself, then pulls back a sheet draped over a
body lying on the floor. Scully positively identifies the victim. Later, Scully appears
before a group of FBI officials led by Section Chief Scott Blevins. During the meeting,
Scully recounts how, four years earlier, Blevins assigned her to a project known as The
X-Files. She states that the purpose of the current meeting is to report on the
illegitimacy of Mulder's work. In flashback, a pair of anthropologists, Arlinsky and
Babcock, are flown by helicopter to a snowbound camp at the base of a mountain.
Accompanied by a guide, the pair make their way up the steep terrain. Upon reaching the
summit, the men enter a cave where the body of a gray alien is perfectly preserved in ice.
A group of guests gather at Mrs. Scully's house for a dinner party. Amongst the
attendees are Dana's brother, Bill Scully, Jr., and a Catholic Priest, Father McCue.
Scully realize McCue was invited by her mother for the purpose of discussing her faith at
a time when Scully's health is at great risk due to her cancer. After dinner, Father McCue
and Scully briefly talk about her drifting from the church before their discussion is
interrupted by a phone call from Mulder. He has received information about a something
that was discovered in Canada. Mulder arranges for Scully to meet he and Arlinsky at the
Smithsonian. Arlinsky claims that, based upon ice core samples taken from the scene, the
alien body is some two hundred years old. He asks for the agents' assistance in verifying
the alien remains. Mulder and Arlinsky fly to the base camp, which is eerily deserted.
Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious assassin armed with a shotgun pistol has murdered the
Summiteers. Upon reaching the summit, the men discover the bodies of Babcock and a
foreman. Inside the cave is a rectangular hole where the alien body had been entombed.
Later, Babcock, injured but alive, tells the pair that he buried the alien body beneath
his tent.
Meanwhile, Scully and lab scientist Vitagliano examine ice core samples taken from the
cave. Later that night, Scully returns to the Bio Lab, where she is assaulted and thrown
down a flight of stairs by an unidentified attacker. Agent Hedin matches fingerprints
found on the stairwell to a Michael Kritschgau, who works for the Pentagon's research
division. After viewing a personnel file, Scully positively identifies Kritschgau as her
attacker. Later, she confronts Kritschgau inside a parking garage and places him under
arrest. But Kritschgau warns that if he is taken to jail, the same people who gave Scully
cancer will kill him.
Mulder and Arlinsky transport the alien body to a warehouse where an autopsy can be
performed. Scully contacts her partner at the warehouse and arranges a meeting so he can
hear Kritschgau's story firsthand. Soon afterward, the assassin, Ostelhoff, shoots and
kills Arlinsky and Babcock at the warehouse. Meanwhile, Kritschgau, who claims to have run
the Department of Defense's agitprop arm, tells the agents that the government has been
orchestrating an elaborate hoax to divert attention away from itself. The alien corpse,
Kritschgau claims, was forged from bio-materials and frozen into place over the course of
a year. He insists Mulder was only meant to see the alien -- to make him believe the lie.
Mulder counters that it is Kritschgau who is the liar. But when Mulder returns to the
warehouse, he discovers the dead bodies of Arlinsky and Babcock--and the alien specimen
missing. Shortly thereafter, Scully tells him the men behind the hoax gave her cancer all
in an effort to make him a believer in their lies. Mulder is stunned by the revelation.
Back in the current day, Scully tells FBI officials that she received a phone call from
the police department asking her to identify a body inside Mulder's apartment. Struggling
to maintain composure, Scully reveals that Mulder died of an apparent self-inflicted
gunshot wound to the head.
To Be Continued...
the information above came from The Official X-Files Web Site
NOTE: I've changed the cast listing for Michael Kritschgau
as the official site had him listed as Scott.
The title "Gethsemane" refers to the place where Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
Tagline changes to: Believe The Lie. Sure, but which one?!
WARNING: Strictly personal opinion coming up!
Okay now, hands up all xphiles that were sorely disappointed with this thing? Uh huh,
just like I thought, me too. Can we have a look at the previous season finales and see
where it all went horribly wrong?
Season one, "The Erlenmeyer Flask",
who can ever forget the punch to the stomach Deep Throat's untimely death was? I'm not
ashamed to say I loved that man, this one was a shocker.
Season two, "Anasazi ", does it get any better
than Cancer Man yelling "Burn it!"? Man oh man, that great boxcar scene made for
a loooong summer!
And season three, "Talitha Cumi", I mean,
come on, a classic if only for that conversation between Cancer Man and Mrs. Mulder, we're
still arguing about that one! And the scenes with Jeremiah Smith and Cancer Man in the
cell, where he morphs into Deep Throat and Bill Mulder? Creepy.
And now we have this season ender. Excuse me, but, yawn. My biggest complaint, where
the heck was everybody else? No Skinner, no Lone Gunmen, not even Krycek (which we'd been
led to believe was a sure thing). Where was Skinner when one of his agents supposedly
killed himself?! And how can you even THINK about having a conspiracy-laced ep without
good old Cancer Man?! For me, regardless of some terrific Mulder and Scully scenes, this
was a huge disappointment.
Now for the important stuff, and I'll try to be gentle .... get a grip people, Mulder's
NOT dead!! You have no idea how many frantic fans wrote to the newsgroup in a panic, how
can he be dead?! Will season five all be a flashback?! Are they not telling us the truth
and this really was the final episode of The X-Files?! Relax fans, both Gillian Anderson
AND David Duchovny have signed their contracts for next season, and from Chris Carter's
lips this line: "The episode is about a hoax, and that should tell you
something." For whatever reason, Mulder's "death" was a hoax, now the only
questions are, does Scully know and why did he do it? The most popular theory we've
reached is that he's gone underground to try and find a cure for Scully's cancer, the
reasoning being that with Mulder gone, the people in charge will lay off Scully and the
x-files department will be closed down, thus ensuring she won't be tampered with anymore.
So after waiting for months, heck, years even, we finally see one of the previously
unseen Scully brothers. What a waste this was! He basically has one good scene, the one
with Scully in the bathroom after she's been attacked in the stairwell, and even that
wasn't worth waiting all this time for. How long before the other "missing"
brother shows up? And can he have a meatier role please?
Speaking of meaty, how about that alien autopsy huh? Tells you all you need to know
about Mulder, as he stands transfixed watching every slice and dice. This is the same guy
that gets squeamish everytime Scully performs a human autopsy! Side note, 'cause it
cracked me up; my autistic son was watching this with me as I recorded the quotes, and as
the doc was cutting through the alien ribcage (really gross), he yelled out,
"Barbecue!" He, he, that's my boy :-)
After extensive searches for anything related to the 1972 UFO Convention that Mulder is
watching footage of at the beginning and end of this ep, I gave up. But, I did find two
terrific articles by Carl Sagan, the recently departed scientist that spoke at this
convention and who is heard talking at the end. If you're interested, and believe me these
are fascinating, check here:
Section Chief Blevins: "Agent Scully, please have a seat. Agent Scully, we've had
a brief discussion, but will you restate the matter we're here to put to rest?"
Scully: "Yes sir. Four years ago, Section Chief Blevins assigned me to a project
you all know as the x-files. As I am a medical doctor with a background in hard science,
my job was to provide an analytical perspective on the work of Special Agent Fox Mulder,
whose investigations into the paranormal were fuelled by a personal belief that his sister
had been abducted by aliens when he was twelve. I come here today, four years later, to
report on the illegitimacy of Agent Mulder's work. That it is my scientific opinion, that
he became over the course of these years a victim, a victim of his own false hopes and of
his belief in the biggest of lies."
Blevins: "Agent Scully, I presume you have a basis for this break from Agent
Scully: "Yes sir. Recent events have shed new light on the factual and physical
evidence that would serve to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Which is the
foundation of Agent Mulder's consuming devotion to his work."
Blevins: "What factual evidence?"
Scully: "Agent Mulder was recently contacted by a man whose pursuit of this
evidence seemed to coincide with his own. In his intense desire to believe, Agent Mulder
was duped by this man. He was fooled by an act of scientific slight-of-hand calculated to
perpetuate false truths. The larger lie. I am here today to expose this lie. To show the
mechanism of deception that drew me and him into it. And to expose Agent Mulder's work for
what it is."
Father McCue: "I feel awkward sitting here, I'm sure you do too."
Scully: "No, I'm sorry."
Father McCue: "I've known your family for so many years. Your mother asked me to
come, that I might have a word with you. I know it's been some time since we've spoken
ourselves, since you drifted from the church."
Scully: "Father McCue..."
Father McCue: "At a time of personal crisis, a threat to your health, turning back
to your faith is important and essential."
Scully: "Father McCue, I appreciate my mother's concern, and yours, but I'm being
treated for my cancer, and I'm taking every precaution."
Father McCue: "Faith can make you stronger."
Scully: "I haven't felt a need, I.... I *have* strength. And... and I'm not going
to come running back now. It's just not who I am. I'd be lying to myself and to you."
after hearing the story Arlinsky has to tell about the alien body in the Yukon
Mulder: "You think it's foolish?"
Scully: "I have no opinion actually."
Mulder: "You have *no* opinion?"
Scully: "This is your Holy Grail, Mulder, not mine."
Mulder: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Scully: "It just means that proving to the world the existence of alien life is
not my last dying wish."
Mulder: "How about Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny? This is not some selfish, pet
project of mine, Scully, I'm as sceptical of that man as you are, but proof? Definitive
proof of descension beings sharing time and existence with us? That would change
everything. Every truth we live by would be shaken to the ground, there is no greater
revelation imaginable, no greater scientific discovery!"
Scully: "You already believe, Mulder, I mean, what difference will it make? I
mean, what will proof change for you?"
Mulder: "If someone could prove to you the existence of God, would it change
Scully: "Only if it had been disproven."
Mulder: "Then you accept the possibility that belief in God is a lie?"
Scully: "I don't think about it actually. And I don't think that it can be
Mulder: "But what if it could be? Wouldn't that knowledge be worth seeking? Or is
it just easier to go on believing the lie?"
Scully: "I can't go with you, Mulder."
Mulder: "Can you at least take a look at those core samples and tell me if they're
a lie? That's all I'm asking."
Scully: (as Mulder leaves, we first hear her voiceover, then the scene changes to the
FBI room where she was speaking previously) "What I couldn't tell Agent Mulder, what
I had only just learned myself, was that the cancer which had been diagnosed in me several
months earlier, had metastasized (begun to spread to other organs). And the doctors told
me, short of a miracle, it would continue to aggressively invade my body. Advancing faster
each day towards the inevitable."
after Scully was attacked in the stairwell, her brother comes to see her with a change
of clothes
Bill Scully, Jr.: "I didn't tell Mom what happened. So, what did happen?"
Scully: "I was ... ahhh ... knocked down a flight of stairs, but I'm okay,
Bill: "You're not okay, Dana. I know about your cancer."
Scully: "I told Mom not to tell you."
Bill: "Why?"
Scully: "Because it's very personal. Because I don't want sympathy."
Bill: "You think you can cure yourself. Mom tells me that you've gotten worse,
that your cancer's gone into your bloodstream. What are you doing at work, gettin' knocked
down, beaten up? What are you trying to prove? That you're gonna go out fighting?!"
Scully: "Oh, now come on, Bill..."
Bill: "Do you know what Mom's going through? Why do you think I didn't tell her
when they called?"
Scully: "What *should* I be doing?!"
Bill: "We have a responsibility! Not just to ourselves, but to the people in our
Scully: "Hey, look, just because I haven't bared my soul to you, or to Father
McCue, or to God, it doesn't mean that I'm not responsible to what's important to
Bill: "To what?! To who? This guy, Mulder? Well where is he, Dana? Where is he
through all this?"
Kritschgau: "The lie you believe, that they have cleverly led you to believe,
Agent Mulder, is that there is intelligent life, other than our own, and that we have had
contact with these lifeforms."
Mulder: "So you're saying this has all been orchestrated? A hoax?"
Kritschgau: "Which you've been used to perpetuate."
Mulder: "You come by this knowledge how?"
Kritschgau: "Working for the D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Watching a military
industrial complex that operated unbridled and unchecked during the Cold War, create a
diversion of attention from itself and its continued misdeeds, by confabulating enough
believable evidence to convince passionate adepts like yourself, that it really could be
Mulder: "And just by chance, you run into Agent Scully?"
Scully gives an ironic-type smile
Kritschgau: (gives the comment a snort and smile) "I was just like you, Agent
Mulder, suspicious of everything but what you should be. I ran the D.O.D.'s agitprop arm
for a decade. I can show you records of disinformation dating back to the Korean War,
before you were even born."
Mulder: "Why come to me now? Why not four years ago?"
Kritschgau: "I have a son who's very sick. He served in the Gulf War. The lies are
so deep, the only way to cover them, is to create something even more incredible. They
invented you. Your regression hypnosis, the story of your sister's abduction, the lies
they fed your father. You wanted to believe so badly. And who could have blamed you?"
Mulder: "And the thousands of UFO sightings?"
Kritschgau: "Above top secret military aircraft, concept-designed to feed
Mulder: "Evidence of alien biology?"
Kritschgau: "Unclassified, but naturally occurring biologic anomalies science will
eventually explain."
Mulder: "The body that was found?"
Kritschgau: "Meticulously constructed out of biomaterials created through the
hybridization of differentiated cells. What are called chimeras. Frozen into place over
the course of a year using sentiment and materials that would bear out its age, poured
through a small channel drilled in the rock above."
Mulder: "They would have known that the body would be carbon-dated, that it would
be proved a fake."
Kritschgau: "The body will never be tested, Agent Mulder."
Mulder: "What do you mean?"
Kritschgau: "You were only meant to see it, to make you believe the lie, so that
you might finally commit and go public with the news."
Mulder: (to Scully) "This man is a liar."
Kritschgau: "You can see for yourself, Agent Mulder. The body is already long
after finding the murdered bodies of Babcock and Arlinsky, and the alien body gone
Scully: "Who did this, Mulder? Mulder?" (as he starts to angrily walk away)
Mulder: "What we had here was proof, Scully, there's no way it could be anything
Scully: "You said it yourself, Mulder. More tests needed to be run."
Mulder: "Yeah, but, the ice core samples checked out. If the ice hasn't been
tampered with, how could the body within be a fake?"
Scully: "Cellular material found in the ice core samples were a direct match for
what this man Kritschgau described. Hybrid cells, chimeras within the matrix."
Mulder: "Do we know for sure that those cells are not extraterrestrial?"
Scully: "Mulder, everything this man described, you can't just guess at these
details. I'm sorry, but the facts here completely overwhelm any arguement against
Mulder: "Facts overwhelmed by the lies created to support them!"
Scully: "Mulder, the only lie here is the one that you continue to believe."
Mulder: "After all I've seen and experienced, I refuse to believe that it's NOT
Scully: "Because it's easier to believe the lie, isn't it?"
Mulder: "What the hell did that guy say to you, that you believe *his*
Scully: "He said that the men behind this hoax, behind these lies, gave me this
disease to make you believe." Mulder walks off and leaves her alone
Mulder sits alone in his apartment, same as opening scene, watching a video of a 1972
UFO Convention, this is what is said on the video, as best I could make out
Ashley Montague: "What we generally mean is, of course, intelligent life,
something resembling our noble selves. It's entirely probable that there ARE such
intelligent forms of life in other galaxies, in the universe. And it is even more probable
that many of these forms are vastly more intelligent than we."
(unidentified voice): "I think there's no question but that we live in an
inhabited universe, that has life all over it."
Carl Sagan: "By finding out what the other planets are like, by finding out
whether there are civilizations on planets among the stars, we reestablish a meaningful
context for ourselves."
Ashley Montague: "I don't think we should wait until the encounter occurs, but
that we should do all in our power to prepare ourselves for it."
Issac Asimov: "I can conceive of no nightmare as terrifying as establishing such
communication with a so-called superior or, if you wish, advanced technology in outer
we see a close-up of Mulder's crying face, which morphs into Scully's face, also
beginning to cryScully: "Earlier this morning, I got a call from the police, asking
me to come to Agent Mulder's apartment. A detective asked me ... he needed me to identify
a body..."
Blevins: "Agent Scully ... "
Scully: "Agent Mulder died late last night from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot
wound to the head."
Stop! There was first a game of blindman's buff. Of course there was.
And I no more believe Topper was really blind than I believe he had eyes
in his boots. My opinion is, that it was a done thing between him and
Scrooge's nephew; and that the Ghost of Christmas Present knew it. The
way he went after that plump sister in the lace tucker, was an outrage
on the credulity of human nature. Anonymous