French title: Révélations
translation: Revelations
Italian title: Miracoli
US Airdate: December 15, 1995
writer: Kim Newton
director: David Nutter
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Guest Cast:
Owen Lee Jarvis ..... Michael Berryman
Michael Kryder ..... Sam Bottoms
Priest ..... Fulvio Cecerk
Reverend Finley ..... R. Lee Ermy
Carina Maywald ..... Lesley Ewen
Mrs. Tynes ..... Nicole Robert
Susan Kryder ..... Hayley Tyson
Simon Gates ..... Kenneth Welsh
Kevin Kryder ..... Kevin Zegers
Shortly after the murder of a man claiming to bear the wounds of Christ (stigmata), a
little boy in Ohio exhibits similar wounds. Mulder tells Scully of eleven previous cases
of people claiming to have stigmata, but that all eleven were murdered by someone who
relentlessly stalk them. To protect young Kevin from a similar fate, Mulder and Scully
sifted through Biblical tradition, religious beliefs, and the shattered past of Kevin's
own family.Mulder refuses to believe that the case actually involves religious phenomena,
while Scully suspects that the evidence before them points to divine intervention. A
strange groundskeeper, a wealthy industrialist and a man committed to an insane asylum for
his religious beliefs lead Scully to a crisis of faith that may spell life or death for an
innocent child.
This refers to the American religious tradition of
receiving 'revelations' or visions of God, often through stigmata (wounds on the hands and
feet resembling those of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ).
The demonic bad guy in this ep is named Gates (just like the head of Micro$oft's Bill
A good, solid growth ep for Scully this one, as we learn more about her deep faith,
which is tested so often on Mulder's search for the truth. And we see a tender side with
her protection of Kevin.
Rev: "I assured her that yes, miracles do happen. Most people today tend to vest
themselves in science and cynicism. They expect proof for all they see. Miracles are
wondrous by nature, they need no rationale. No justification."
Scully: "Mulder, would you do me a favor? Would you smell Mr. Jarvis?"
Mulder: "You want me to smell him? (sniffs Owen) What am I supposed to be
Scully: "You don't detect a faint floral odor? (a Look is exchanged) Mulder this
man's body is in no way decomposing normally. In catechism, we learned of instances like
this, so called "Incorruptables" whose bodies wouldn't decay and who emitted a
smell of flowers."
Mulder: (laughing) "You're serious?"
Scully: "Saint Ceceila, Saint Francis...."
Mulder: "And now you're suggesting that this is Saint Owen?"
Mulder: (pointing to Owen) "This man? He was rather abnormal in life, maybe he's
decomposing abnormally."
Scully: "Well, isn't a saint or a holy person just another term for someone who's
Mulder: "Do you really believe that?"
Scully: "I believe in the idea that God's hand may be witnessed. I believe he can
create miracles, yes."
Mulder: "Even if science can't explain them?"
Scully: "Maybe that's just what faith is."
Mulder: "Well I wouldn't let faith overwhelm your judgement here. These people are
simply fanatics behaving fanatically using religion as a justification. They give bona
fide paranoics like myself a bad name. They are no more divine or holy than that ketchup
we saw on the murdered preacher. And I think once you've finished your autopsy, you'll
come to the same conclusion. Saint Owen..." (nods and walks away)
Scully: "How is it that you're able to go out on a limb whenever you see a light
in the sky, but you're unwilling to accept the possibility of a miracle? Even when it's
right in front of you."
Mulder: "I wait for a miracle every day. But what I've seen here has only tested
my patience, not my faith."
Scully: "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been 6 years since my last
confession. And since then I've drifted away from the church. I'm not sure why
Priest: "Have you come to confess?"
Scully: "No...ummm.. there's a man that I work with, a friend, and usually I'm
able to discuss these things with him, but not this. Father do you believe in
Priest: "Of course, I see them every day. The rising sun, the birth of a
Scully: "No, I'm talking about events that defy explanation. Things that I believe
helped me to save a young boy's life. But now I wonder if I saw them at all....if I didn't
just imagine them?"
Priest: "Why do you doubt yourself?"
Scully: "Because my partner didn't see them... he didn't believe them... and
usually, he believes without question."
Priest: "Maybe they weren't meant for him to see, maybe they were only meant for
Scully: "Is that possible?"
Priest: "With the Lord, anything is possible. Perhaps you saw these things because
you needed to."
Scully: "To find my way back?"
Priest: "Sometimes we must come full circle to find the truth. (she looks
startled) Why does that surprise you?"
Scully: "Well, see, it just makes me afraid."
Priest: "Afraid?"
Scully: "Afraid that God is speaking.....but that no one's listening."
"Most programs are more like Verdi Operas; they communicate in a foreign language and require reading notes in advance to have any idea of what is happening."
Die O-Übersetzung von Altavista ist sogar einigermaßen verständlich geworden: "Die meisten Programme sind mehr wie Opern Verdi; sie stehen in einer Fremdsprache in Verbindung und benötigen Leseanmerkungen im voraus, zu haben jede mögliche Idee von, was geschieht". Paul Heckel