Agent Scully and Assistant Director Walter Skinner, deadlocked in an armed stalemate,
are equally shocked when Mulder, whom they thought dead, stumbles into their midst.
Skinner reveals that he has the missing DAT tape given to Mulder by The Thinker, and
offers to bargain for their return to the FBI. The Cigarette-Smoking Man reassures the
Well-Manicured Man and his cronies that Mulder is dead, but the Well-Manicured Man demands
the tape. The Lone Gunmen help Mulder and Scully find an ex-Nazi scientist who claims to
have known Mulder's father. He directs them to an abandoned mine where they find a vast
filing system containing detailed medical records on millions of people--including Dana
Scully and Samantha Mulder. The Well-Manicured Man, alerted by the Nazi scientist to the
fact that Mulder is alive, despatches a hit squad. Before they arrive, Mulder witnesses
the takeoff of a craft unlike any on earth, and Scully sees a crowd of what may be aliens
rushing past her. They follow the aliens out a secret exit, escaping the Well- Manicured
Man's trap. They agree to Skinner's offer to negotiate a deal for their safety, but when
Skinner stops at the hospital where Melissa Scully is lying in a coma, Alex Krycek
ambushes him and steals the tape. Deception piles on double-cross as events build to a
tense confrontation between Skinner and the Cigarette-Smoking Man. The latter, knowing
Skinner has no tape with which to barter, sneers at his offer, until Skinner reveals the
ingenious means by which the contents of the tape have been shared and secured. Finally,
in a poignant moment at Melissa Scully's bedside, Mulder and Scully share a reaffirmation
of their faith in one another and their quest for the truth. Part 3 of 3.
The title refers to real life Operation Paper Clip. At the
end of World War II, the government of the United States was very concerned about lagging
behind the rest of the world in terms of rocket technology, among other things, so
Operation Paper Clip was born. In return for amnesty, Nazi scientists were smuggled to
America and given laboratories and equipment to test innocent Americans and aid American
technological progress. Much of Operation Paper Clip was halted by 1950, but it meant many
Nazis were never tried for their crimes.
Mulder's birthday is shown as 10/13/61, the same month and day as Chris Carter.
Samantha Mulder's birthday is shown as 11/21/64, the same month and day as Chris
Carter's wife.
"In Memoriam. Mario Mark Kennedy. 1966-1995." Mario was an xphile who
organized AOL discussion sessions and he died after being hit by a car.
Personal notes: From the opening scene with the lightning storm, right through to the
scenes in the warehouse, this is a gorgeously shot episode and hats must go off again to
the art direction team. Even the episodes you may not care for must be seen through the
eye of the directors and as of right now, nothing on TV looks as beautiful as this series.
If anyone ever dares to ask you why Krycek is hated by our heros, just pop this one in
the VCR, especially the scene where Krycek beats the crap out of poor Skinner as he steals
the tape. After the last shot in the face, Krycek even has to shake the feeling back into
his hand, he hit him so hard! Ratboy indeed!
So, in the end, what's the deal? Are we all catalogued in some warehouse, tissue
samples just waiting to be tested with alien tissue? Did Mulder see a UFO? And what the
heck did Scully see in those tunnels?! I leave it to others to debate and gnash teeth over
the unanswered questions and plot-holes in this series. As long as Chris Carter and
company promise to wrap this all up in the final episode, I'll be here watching every
Mulder: "Your Cigarette Smoking friend killed my father for this tape. Then he
killed me."
Well-Manicured Man: "This is not a profession for men who make mistakes. My God,
you presume to make us believe and simply fix it with enough bullets?"
Klemper: "There are some things you don't have to know."
Mulder: "No, I need to know, I need to know the truth! Isn't that what *you* want?
For the truth to be known?"
Klemper: "Do you know the formula of Napier's Constant?"
Scully: "Yes."
Klemper: "The photo was taken at the Strughold Mining Company in West Virginia,
and that is *all* I will tell you, the rest you will find out yourselves."
Well-Manicured Man : "They took her as insurance, because your father threatened
to expose the Project."
Mulder: "Why her? Why not me?"
Well-Manicured Man: "It's not for me to say, but, *your* life is in danger now
too. You also threatened to expose the Project, you've become your father."
Mulder: "Why are you telling me this?"
Well-Manicured Man: "It's what you want to know ... isn't it?" (walks away)
Cancer Man: "What did I tell you, Mr. Skinner. I don't negotiate. Especially with
punks like you who think they can bluff me."
Skinner: "Bluff you?"
Cancer Man: "You haven't got any tape, you haven't got any can't play
poker if you haven't got any cards Mr. Skinner. You ever wonder what it would be like
to...die in a plane crash, of bocholism, even a heart attack's not uncommon for a man your
age. You're bluffing." (starts to leave)
Skinner: "I'm not finshed yet. (walks to door, opens to show Albert as he walks
out) .... Albert?"
Albert: (says something in Navajo)
Cancer Man: "What is this?"
Skinner: "This is where you pucker up and kiss my ass !"
Cancer Man: "Now listen to me..."
Skinner: "No, you listen to me, you son of a bitch!"
Skinner: "I'm sure you're thinking, Albert's an old man and there are plenty of
ways that you might kill him too. Which is why in the ancient oral tradition of his people
he's told 20 other men the information on those files. So unless you kill every Navajo
living in four states, that information is available with a simple phone call. Welcome to
the wonderful world of high technology."
(Melissa has died, Mulder and Scully talk by her bedside)
Scully: (crying) "She died for me and I tried to tell her I was sorry but I don't
think that she'll ever really know"
Mulder: "She knows. Melissa knows."
Scully: "You were right, there is no justice."
Mulder: "I don't think this is about justice Scully."
Scully: "Then what is it about?"
Mulder: "I think it's about something we have no personal choice in. I think it's
about Fate. (pause) Skinner told me that he talked to you, that you were insistant on
coming back to work. And that Melissa's death is..."
Scully: "I need something to put my back against."
Mulder: "I feel the same way. We've both lost so much. But I believe that what
we're looking for is in the xfiles, and more certain than ever that the truth is in
Scully: "I've heard the truth, Mulder. Now what I want are the answers."
JCB: "premiers-pas" c'est une enseigne [] pour les gens un peu paumés
LW: Sans compter qu'un groupe spécifique pour les questions des FAQ permet de réaliser un robot qui maile 'RTFM' à chaque intervant. Laurent in guide du Linuxien pervers - "Soyons pratiques !"