German title: Die Autopsie
translation: The Autopsy
French title: Monstre D'utilité Publique
translation: Monster of public use
Italian title: Autopsia di un alieno
US Airdate: November 24, 1995
writers: Chris Carter & Howard Gordon & Frank Spotnitz
director: David Nutter
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Guest Cast:
Penny ...... Gillian Barber
Senator Richard Matheson ..... Raymond J. Barry
Agent Pendrell ...... Brendan Beiser
Frohike ..... Tom Braidwood
Langly ..... Dean Haglund
Byers ..... Bruce Harwood
Dr. Takeo Ishimaru ..... Robert Ito
Lottie Holloway ..... Corrine Koslo
Red-Haired Man ..... Stephen McHattie
Coast Guard Officer ..... Paul McLean
Kazuo Sakurai ..... Yasuo Sakurai
Diane ..... Lori Triolo
Mr. X ..... Steven Williams
A mail-order tape purporting to show an actual alien body being dissected leads Mulder
to a Pennsylvania murder site, where he apprehends a Japanese diplomat carrying secret spy
satellite photographs. While he tracks down a salvage ship that may have brought an alien
ship up from the deep, Scully looks up a woman whose name was in the diplomat's papers.
She is astonished to discover a group of women who claim to have recognized her from her
abduction. Deeply disturbed at this, she is even more troubled to learn that all of the
women claim to have been abducted and to have had implants similar to her own removed.
Mulder, meanwhile, uncovers evidence leading to a railroad car en route to Canada which
may be carrying a living alien being. In a desperate attempt to board the train, he jumps
from an overpass onto the train even as Scully, alerted by X, is warning him not to board
the train. Part 1 of 2.
The title refers to a Japanese word for "second
generation", people born in America, but whose parents came from Japan. The Japanese
scientists featured here were the first of their generation in America.
Agent Pendrell makes his first appearance here and is named after Pendrell Street in
the west end of Vancouver where the series is filmed.
(in Mulder's office, he's watching a videotape)
Scully: "What are you watching?"
Mulder: "Something that just came in the mail."
Scully: "That's not your usual brand of entertainment. (he smiles at the joke)
What is it?"
Mulder: "According to the magazine ad I answered it's an alien autopsy. Guaranteed
Scully: "You spent money for this?"
Mulder: (smugly) "$29.95... plus shipping."
Scully: "Mulder, this is even hokier than the one they aired on the Fox network,
you can't even see what they're operating on!"
Scully: "Either they can't locate an interpreter or the interpreter they located
didn't interpret the directions and got lost somewhere, I don't know which."
Skinner: "Because whatever you stepped in on this case is being tracked into my
office, and I don't like the smell of it."
Mulder: "Mind if I tidy up in here a bit first?"
Skinner: "This is bigger than me, you or the FBI Agent Mulder! I hope you've got
other names in your phonebook because I'm taking myself off the hook on this one. You're
on your own."
Scully: "Our government? For what possible reason?"
Mulder: "For continuing in their work. The work the Nazis were doing, trying to
create an alien-human hybrid."
Scully: "Mulder that is still a fantasy."
Mulder: "Scully, after all you've seen...after all you've told me you've seen, the
tunnel filled with medical files, the beings moving past you, the implant in your neck,
why do you refuse to believe?"
Scully: "Believing's the easy part Mulder. I just need more than you, I need
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