Tarot Dealer .......................... Alex Diakun
Photographer .......................... Greg Anderson
Mild-mannered Clyde Bruckman, insurance salesman, has one unique and useless gift: he
can foresee the deaths of others. Unable to affect the outcome, he hides his ability until
he stumbles across the latest in a string of murders that has drawn Mulder and Scully into
the hunt for a killer who targets fortune tellers. Bruckman is unable to identify the
killer, but he tells Mulder and Scully where to find the bodies of two victims. Scully
thinks Bruckman may have more to do with the killings than he's telling, but Mulder is
delighted to have a real psychic to analyze. The killer, however, now targets Bruckman,
Mulder and Scully, forcing them to hole up in a hotel while more gruesomely mutilated
corpses pile up. Bruckman foresees not only his own death, but Mulder's murder at the
hands of a homicidal maniac. It's up to Scully to see if her partner's fate can be
For those who may not know, the word "repose",
means to lie, or lay, as in rest, or dying. Thus, the title refers to Clyde's own death.
The character of Clyde Bruckman is named for the real-life director of the same name
who worked with Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton and W.C. Fields. He also committed
suicide. Two other names in this episode are based on people that worked with the real
Bruckman; Detective Cline, named for director Eddie Cline and Detective Havez, named for
Jean C. Havez, who worked with Bruckman on numerous Buster Keaton film screenplays. The
hotel that the killer works for is named 'El Damfino,' the same as Buster Keaton's boat
'Damfino' in his movie 'The Boat'. And the man under the wheels of the car is named Claude
Dukenfield, W.C.Fields' real name.
Also, in an episode of "Space: Above and Beyond" titled "R&R" (
guest appearance by David Duchovny ) Col. McQueen is watching a Clyde Bruckman movie.
Writer Darin Morgan's brother, Glen co-created "Space..." so this must have been
a nod to him.
If you remember the episode "Beyond The Sea", you'll recall the long drawn
out story Boggs' tells while holding what he thinks is the victim's shirt. The shirt is
actually Mulder's New York Knicks shirt. The scene is parodied here when Mulder is testing
Clyde's psychic gift.
When Clyde plays poker with Scully, he has a 'dead man's hand' (aces and eights).
The Stupendous Yappi is portrayed by Jaap (pronounced Yapp) Broeker, who is not an
actor, but really David Duchovny's stand-in. Writer Darin Morgan saw him on the set one
day waggling his eyebrows and wrote a scene for him.
The delightful Peter Boyle won an Emmy for this role. He'll never be the monster in the
movie "Young Frankenstein" to me anymore, he'll forever be known as Clyde
The actor who plays the last tarot card reader, Alex Diakun, also appears in "Jose
Chung's 'From Outer Space' (as the hypnotist, Dr. Fingers, during all the flashbacks) and
"Humbug" (as the strange-faced curator of the museum Scully goes to). All of the
episodes were written by Darin Morgan.
We meet poor little soon-to-be-gator-meat Queequeg, the dog, in this ep. He is named
after a character in the book "Moby Dick", a cannibal, ewww!
After Clyde returns from his meeting with the Young Couple, he settles in for a drink
of scotch, have a look at the label on the bottle. For ages now it looked to me like
J&B Scotch, a very famous name, but on closer inspection it's actually been changed to
J&P Scotch, with the same famous logo. This means nothing to me, but I thought you
might appreciate the detail :-)
On June 22, 1997, TV Guide here in North America rated the top 100 television episodes
of all-time, beginning with "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" (1975), "Chuckles
Bites the Dust" and ending with "Friends" (1996), "The One With the
Prom Video". This classic X-Files episode rated as number 10, and I agree
Personal notes: Hang on to your modems people, it's another Darin Morgan classic and
I'm busting with quotes! The humor in this one was much more sutle than other Morgan eps,
but with Peter Boyle's delivery, it still had me laughing.
The scene with Scully on Clyde's deathbed sends chills down your spine and has to
effect your heart, if you have one. Lovely.
Clyde: (reading from tabloid magazine, Midnight Inquisitor, with Buddy Holly's pic in
left hand corner and The Stupendous Yappi's pic center) " 'I foresee a rocky romance
between superstar Madonna and super-witness Kato Kaelin' ...well that's a gimmee, that's
not really going out on a limb is it?.... ' I foresee author J.D. Salinger finally
publishing a new novel and hitting the talk show circuit to promote it' ... hmph, that's
just playing the odds... ' I forsee the revelation that not Elvis but rather Buddy Holly
is still alive, having faked his own death so many years ago. Holly will not only reemerge
but also regroup with the Crickets and they will headline next year's
Lalla...palala...Lalapazoola..' what the hell is Lollapallazo?"
Cline: "Look, all I know is, so far, Yappi has provided us with more solid
concrete leads on this case than you have. Now if you don't mind, I have to get an APB
(all points bulletin) out on (reads his notes) a white male, 17 to 34, with or without a
beard, maybe a tattoo, who's impotent. Let's go." (leaves on his quest)
Scully: "Might as well go home Mulder, this case is as good as solved."
Clyde: (selling insurance to young couple) "You don't get it, do you kid? Two
years from now, while driving down route 91 coming home to your wife and baby daughter,
you're gonnna be hit head on by a drunk, driving a blue '87 Mustang. You'll end up looking
worse than 60 feet of bad road your body slides across after flying out your front
Young Husband: "Mister, you really need to work on your closing technique."
Clyde: (looks down at Mrs. Lowe's dog, sees a vision of it eating some kind of meat)
"Get out of here you monster! (Lowe arrives back at door) Is everything alright Mrs.
Lowe? You have enough supplies? You have enough dog food?"
Mulder: "A murder occured here earlier this evening and we have reason to believe
that it was committed by the same person who murdered the woman you found. Now, is there
anything you can tell us about it?"
Clyde: "I didn't do it."
Mulder: "You're not under suspicion. But I do harbour a suspicion that you can
*see* things about this crime... (Scully gives him a look) things that we can't see."
Clyde: "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."
Mulder: "I think you *do*.
Clyde: "Yeah...yeah...right...I'd like to see both your badges again right
Scully: (showing her badge) "I don't blame you Mr. Bruckman."
Clyde: (looking at Mulder's badge) "I'm supposed to believe that's a real
Mulder: "Be honest, Scully. Doesn't that propane tank bear more than just a slight
resemblance to a fat little white Nazi stormtrooper?"
Scully: "Mulder, the human mind naturally seeks meaningful patterns and
configurations in things that don't inherently have any. Given the suggestion of a
particular image, you couldn't help but see that shape somewhere. If that tank weren't
there you'd see it in a, in a rock or in a tree..."
Mulder: "Did you answer my question?" (long pause)
Scully: "Yes, it looks like a fat little white Nazi stormtrooper, but that only
proves my point!"
( Clyde is holding his lottery ticket, his numbers are 9, 13, 37, 39, 41 and 45 )
Radio announcer: "38, 40 and 44. Once again the winning Lotto numbers are 8,
Clyde: (clicks off radio) "Why? Why do I do this to myself? (puts his head in his
hands, eyes covered, there's a knock on the door) Come in. (we see Mulder enter, but Clyde
can't see him) I knew it was you. I know why you're here. You're here because you found
that woman's body where I told you it would be. And now you're convinced I have some sort
of psychic power. So while your sceptical lady partner is off performing an autopsy, you
came here to ask my help to catch this serial murderer."
Mulder: (amazed at this speech) "Everything you said is correct."
Clyde: (on hearing his voice, opens his eyes) "Oh, it's you."
Clyde: "Do you want to know how you're going to die?"
Mulder:(pause) "Yes, yes I would."
Clyde: "No you don't. Of course, not knowing has it's own drawbacks, which is why
a good insurance policy is important. I don't know what kind of coverage the FBI has, but
the General Mutual has..."
Clyde: "How could I see the future if it didn't already exist?"
Mulder: "But if the future is written then why bother to do anything?"
Clyde: "Now you're catching on."
Mulder: "Mr. Bruckman I believe in your ability, but not your attitude. I can't
stand by and watch people die without doing everything in my, albeit unsupernatural, power
to interfere with that fate."
Clyde: "Well, you see that's another reason I can't help you catch this guy, I
might adversely affect the fate of the future. I mean, his next victim might be the mother
of the daughter whose son invents the time machine. And the son goes back in time and
changes world history. And then Columbus never discovers America, man never lands on the
moon, the US never invades Grenada, or something less significant, resulting in the fact
that my father never meets my mother and consequently, I'm never born....so when do we
(they are looking for a dead body and Clyde is discussing the coin flip that put the
Big Bopper on that fatal plane ride with Buddy Holly)
Clyde: "Imagine all the things that had to occur, not only in his life, but in
everyone else's, to arrange it so that on that particular night, the Big Bopper would be
in a position to live or die depending on a flipping coin. I became so obsessed with that
idea, that I gradually became capable of seeing the specifics of everybody's deaths."
Scully: "You know Mr. Bruckman, I'm not one who readily believes in that kind of
thing, and if I was I wouldn't believe *that* story."
Clyde: "I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's true, I was a bigger fan of the
Big Bopper than
Buddy Holly."
Scully: (exasperated) "Where's the body?"
Mulder: "Yeah Mr Bruckman, I don't understand how you can know that this is the
exact area, but you can't pinpoint the exact spot?"
Clyde: (looks around at the trees) "I guess I can't see the forest for the
Clyde: "No, no...I...just more insight into his character which I know you hate.
He thinks he's psychic."
Mulder: "Is he?"
Clyde: "I hope not. I've seen some of the things he's seen."
Mulder: "Like what? What does he see?"
Clyde: (we see a flash of Mulder busting into a room, gun drawn) "You...he sees
you...trying to catch him."
Mulder: "Where does this take place?"
Clyde: "In a kitchen...(we see as Clyde says this)...you're looking around for
someone...he's behind you now but you don't know it...and he's stalking toward you
and....and...oh God!"
Scully: "What? What do you see?"
Clyde: "He's got a knife...it's got blood on it!"
Mulder: "Well why don't I see him? What am I doing?"
Clyde: "You're looking down....you've stepped in a pie that's fallen to the
floor....the killer comes up to you and....coconut creme!"
Mulder: "What?"
Clyde: "The pie...coconut creme...or is it lemon meringe? I don't know, I'm not
sure, it's hazy."
Mulder: "Whatever, continue."
Clyde: "As you're looking down, he comes up with the knife and....banana creme,
definately banana creme." (both Scully and Mulder are getting frustrated now)
Mulder: "Alright, I'm looking down at this banana creme pie, and then what?"
Clyde: "He sees himself coming up to you from behind and...." (we see Mulder
getting his neck cut in Clyde's mind)
Mulder:"And? And what does he see?"
Clyde: "Nothing...nothing...the visions of a mad man."
Mulder: "You got all that from this?" (holding up fiber sample)
Clyde: "How am I supposed to get anything from this tiny little thing? This came
in the mail today."
(hands Mulder an envelope)
Scully: "Who's it from?"
Clyde: (does Carnac impression, holds envelope to head) "The Killer!"
(Scully's on one bed in the hotel room, Clyde's on the other)
Scully: "That's something you haven't explained yet. Can you see your own
Clyde: "I see *our* end. We end up in bed together. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have
said that, I don't mean to offend you or scare you, but not here, not this bed. I just
meant I see us quite clearly...in bed together...you're holding my hand...very
tenderly...and then you're looking at me with such compassion...and I feel...tears are
streaming down my face...I feel so grateful. It's just a very special moment neither of us
will ever forget."
Scully: "Mr. Bruckman, there are hits and there are misses. And then there are
(the note on Clyde's room, the dog's leash is tied to the door handle)
Miss Scully: My neighbor, Mrs. Lowe, passed away last night, please see that the
remains of her remains are taken care of. Would you like a dog? He is paper trained and
well behaved, regardless of his actions last night, which you can't really blame him for.
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