German title: Der Feind - Teil 2
translation: The Enemy - Part 2
French title: L'épave - suite
translation: The Wreck (continued)
Italian title: L' UFO degli abissi
US Airdate: February 16, 1996
writers: Frank Spotnitz & Chris Carter
director: Kim Manners
David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder
Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully
Guest Cast:
Agent Pendrell ...... Brenden Beiser
Frohike ..... Tom Braidwood
Hispanic Man aka Luis Cardinal ..... Lenno Britos
First Government Man ..... Dmitry Chepovetsky
Armed Man ....... Jeff Chivers
Cancer Man ..... William B. Davis
Major Domo ...... Martin Evans
Nurse ...... Frances Flanagan
Langly ..... Dean Haglund
Byers ...... Bruce Harwood
Alex Krycek ...... Nicholas Lea
Navy Doctor ...... Barry Levy
Agent Caleca ....... Sue Mathew
Agent Fuller ..... Kevin McNulty
Well-Manicured Man ....... John Neville
Sick Crewman ....... Peter Scoular
Elder #1 ...... Don S. Williams
Assistant Director Walter Skinner warns Scully as he is wheeled into surgery that he
recognized the man who shot him. Although the Bureau is ready to write the incident off as
a random shooting, Scully presses the investigation and discovers that the man who shot
Skinner, Luis Cardinal, is the same one who shot her sister. Mulder, meanwhile, is
unknowingly escorting an alien life form into the United States, one which is
"hiding" inside Alex Krycek. When the pair is run off the road into a ditch by
agents of the Cigarette-Smoking Man, Mulder is too dazed to see Krycek kill their
assailants by irradiation. Although Krycek flees, Mulder still has the key to Krycek's
locker. With the aid of the Lone Gunmen, he recovers--an empty digital tape box. But he
discovers a phone number on the package: the phone number of the Well-Manicured Man.
Scully meanwhile fears for Skinner's life; she foils an attempt on his life by Luis
Cardinal. Mulder, meanwhile, has learned that the cargo salvaged from the sea floor by the
"Piper Maru" is being stored in a missile silo in North Dakota; he and Scully
arrive and find dead, irradiated soldiers. Knowing Krycek (and the alien inside him) is in
the silo, they stalk him through the darkened halls, but are ambushed by the
Cigarette-Smoking Man's agents and hustled away. As they are driven off, Krycek kneels on
top of a UFO, the alien entity pouring from his eyes and mouth, re-entering its craft.
Krycek, still alive, beats on the locked doors in terror, begging to be released.
The Apocrypha is the collective name given to the books of
the New Testament of the Christian Bible with the exception of the Gospels (ie those set
after the time of Jesus Christ).
The number on the silo door where Krycek and the alien craft are being held is 1013
(Chris Carter's birthday).
Crewman: "That thing still down there! The Navy'll deny it, but you've got
to make sure the truth gets out. I can trust you to do that, can't I Mr. Mulder?"
Young Bill Mulder: (Mulder looks left, middle man looks left, left man lights up)
Caleca: "Looked like some hot-head drew a gun in a coffee shop. Skinner happened
to be in the way."
Scully: "What do we have on the shooter?"
Fuller: "We have a description from the waitress. A handgun was recovered in the
parking lot, unregistered, no prints. Our guys got 2 partials off the cash register."
Scully: "Hair and fiber?"
Fuller: "This just happened a few hours ago."
Scully: "This is the assistant director who's been shot. We have to make all
resources available.
(Skinner is out of surgery, being wheeled by on a gurney) Excuse me. (she goes to see
him) How is he?" (puts her hands on Skinner's)
Dr: "He came out of the surgery all right but he's still in a lot of pain."
Skinner: (he holds Scully's hand, and whispers to her) "I've seen him before...
the man who shot me."
Scully: "He's on steady Demerol, he's in and out. I thought I asked for guards to
be posted outside."
Caleca: "We put in a request with the DC police."
Scully: "This wasn't a random shooting. I want guards posted here and I want them
here now!"
Fuller: "I think it's a matter of pulling men on something else."
Scully: "I've heard the excuses. I don't care if you and agent Caleca have to
stand in the hallway yourself. This man has to be protected. Okay?!" (she walks away)
Cancer Man: "What's the prognosis?" (he puts a cigarette in his mouth)
Dr: "It's just a matter of time, this kind of absorption will have a rapid effect
on cellular activity, giving rise to the onset of massive and malignant cancers."
Cancer Man (lights his cigarette): "Has anyone been in to see these men?"
Dr: "No, your orders were to isolate them. (Cancer Man looks through the bandages
of the sick man, his eyes still move). But I think we should get a specialist in here
because, frankly, I've never seen anything like this before."
Cancer Man: "I have."
Dr: "Do you know what caused this?"
Cancer Man: "Have the bodies destroyed." (walks away)
Skinner: "Like someone's been inside my stomach redecorating. What have you turned
up on the shooter?"
Scully: "We've determined that the man who shot you was the same man who shot my
Skinner: "I bet you had to work to get that, huh?"
Scully: "Yes I did, you don't seem surprised."
Skinner: "3 men came to see me a few days ago, they warned me about pursuing your
sister's murder investigation."
Scully: "Do you realize what you're saying sir?"
Skinner: "I'm not advancing any conspiracy theory here Scully."
Scully: "You're saying, that they closed down my sister's case not because of lack
of evidence but because they didn't want us to catch the killer."
Skinner: "You should be very careful about the accusations that you make."
Scully: "The man who shot you.. you said that you've seen him before."
Skinner: "Several months ago, he was one of the men who attacked me in the
stairway, with Krycek."
Scully: "He was working with Krycek?"
Skinner: "They're the ones who stole the digital tape from me."
Scully: "Damn it! Krycek, Mulder had him."
Skinner: "Listen to me, anger is a luxury that you cannot afford right now. If
you're angry you're gonna make a mistake, and these people will take advantage of that,
you've seen how they operate."
Scully: "I'll be ok." (walking out)
Skinner: "Scully.. if you can't keep your head.. it's all right to step
Mulder: "This just wasn't ordinary diesel oil, I think it's um....I think it's a
medium, a medium being used by some kind of alien creature that uses it to .. body
Scully: "So you're saying that this stuff has intelligence."
Mulder: "I think that it came off of whatever they pulled from the bottom of the
Pacific ocean, it's been waiting 50 years down there for another host, another body to
bring it up to the surface."
Scully: "Waiting to jump into the diver and then into the diver's wife..."
Mulder: "And then into Krycek."
Scully: "Krycek?"
Mulder: "I think that Mrs Gauthier went to Hong Kong under the control of this
thing (Scully laughs) to find Krycek. I know, I know how it sounds."
Scully: "Is anybody NOT looking for Krycek?"
Mulder: "No, but I think that the 64 thousand dollar question is what is this
thing looking for? And now that it's in Krycek, what does it want?"
(the Lone Gunmen, after ice skating at a public rink, join Mulder after discreetly
picking up a package for him; note: can you catch the ice skating/Tonya Harding/Nancy
Kerrigan joke?)
Frohike: "Nothin' to it."
Byers: "You should call upon our services more often."
Langly: "We show talent for these G-man activities."
Mulder: "You mean if I want somebody whacked on the knee with a lead pipe?"
Well-Manicured Man: "...we'd like an explanation about this business with the
assistant director of
the Bureau, Skinner."
Cancer Man: "Random shooting for all I know."
Well-Manicured Man: "They have a waitress, who has given a description of the
shooter, they released a composite of his face to the press...(hands him a newspaper, it's
the face of the Hispanic-Man) of yours, isn't he?"
Cancer Man: "I don't know what to tell you. If he did, he acted on his own."
Well-Manicured Man: "Good lord."
Elder #2: "This is a very serious exposure for us."
Cancer Man: "I'll take care of it."
Well-Manicured Man: "My advice to you sir, is to understand the priority here, get
the shooter out of the country as quickly as possible, if the assistant director IDs him,
our well placed operatives won't be able to stand in the way of an arrest, compromising
beyond repair the secrecy of our work, and the security as you so arrogantly assert of our
project's future."
Frohike: (wearing special glasses) "I've got something here.. writing somebody
wrote on top of the package and left an impression."
Mulder: "Let me see that."
Byers: "Your guys at the FBI turned a major serial murderer with a vestigial pen
Mulder: "Hand me a pencil." (starts rubbing on paper)
Langly: "Your sci-crime guys at the Bureau have a laser there that can measure any
change in a surface down to a few nanometers."
Byers: "Actually they can lift perfect impression using magnetic toner and a sheet
of mylar an electrostatic device is applied to the specimen, and renders the information,
by drawing the toner from the indentation to the mylar surface."
Frohike: "Actually.."
Mulder: "Actually, it's a phone number, New York City area code (212), 555 1012.
Now don't drop that (giving the pencil to Frohike) that's a finely calibrated piece of
investigative equipment. I gotta make a phone call." (Frohike is puzzled)
Fuller: "His name is Luis Cardinal (The Hispanic Man) , native of Nicaragua,
school of the America's alumni, career mercenary, apparently impressed a lot of people
with his marksmanship during the Iran contra deal."
Well-Manicured Man: "I'm curious, if you've encountered Krycek, why didn't you
kill him then?"
Mulder: "Cause he has the tape."
Well-Manicured Man: "Ahh yes, the tape ."
Mulder: "The tape he's been selling those secrets off. (The Well-Manicured Man is
surprised) You don't know where he is either, do you? (the Well-Manicured Man smiles)
you're looking for him too."
Well-Manicured Man: "Mr Mulder, everyone can be gotten to, certainly, you've no
doubt of that...(Mulder walks away) Mr Mulder?"
Scully: "There must be 200 silos out here. And if I'm correct they were all filled
with concrete in accord with the disarmament treaty when the base was
Mulder: (pulling out gun) "I didn't sign any disarmament treaty.."
Mulder: "Actually I wanted to talk to you, I wanted to... thank you for everything
you did."
Skinner: "You mean me getting shot in the gut?"
Mulder: "You got a shot because you stood up to these people"
Skinner: "I think you're perceiving from a mistaken impression, what I did, I did
it because it's my job."
Mulder: "From what I understand, you put your job and your life on the line for
Skinner: "This isn't my crusade agent Mulder. A woman was murdered, I mistakenly
thought that we could bring the man who committed that crime to justice."
Mulder: "What do you mean mistakenly?"
Skinner: "This is what I need to talk to Scully about."
Scully: "I was just thinking about something that a man said to me. That the dead
speak to us from beyond the grave, that that what's conscience is."
Mulder: "It's interesting, I never thought of it that way."
Scully: "You know I thought... when we found him, this man that killed Melissa,
that..that when we brought him to justice, I would feel some kind of closure. But the
truth is no court.. no punishment is ever enough."
Mulder: "I came here to tell you something (they start walking away) there may be
some justice, just not the kind you're looking for."
Scully: "What are you talking about?"
Mulder: "They found this man, Louis Cardinal, dead in his cell."
Scully: "How?"
Mulder: "They made it look like a suicide. The men he worked for couldn't take the
chance that he point his finger at them."
Scully: "And what about Krycek?"
Mulder: "Oh he was there. I know that."
Scully: "You think they got to him too."
Mulder: "I don't know, but if they haven't they will. I doubt it'll weight on
their consciences though."
Scully: "I think the dead are speaking to us Mulder, demanding justice. Maybe that
man was right. Maybe we bury the dead alive."
(scene changes to missile silo, where we hear a voice) "Help!" (Krycek is
seen banging on the door) "Help!" (groaning) "Help!" (screaming)
(camera zooms out from his face, showing the red door marked 1013) "Help me! Help me!
Help me!" (screaming)
Zum Freitag gibt's mal wieder einen echten Büro-Klassiker: "Wir, die guten Willens sind, geführt von Ahnungslosen, versuchen für die Undankbaren das Unmögliche zu vollbringen. Wir haben so viel mit so wenig so lange versucht, dass wir jetzt qualifiziert sind, fast alles mit fast nichts zu bewerkstelligen." Anonymous