When teenager Ruby Morris disappears one night during a camp-out, no one but her mother
seems to care. Mulder suspects she was abducted by extraterrestrials and searches for
signs of alien involvement, while Scully maintains that the girl ran away. Meanwhile,
Mulder's own painful memories of his sister's abduction may be clouding his judgment. The
agents struggle against both official indifference and active interference from other
agents as they pursue the case into biker bars, deep woods and a glade that holds a
shallow grave guarded by white wolves. When they solve a local murder, Scully is ready to
close the file, but Mulder is convinced there is more to the case. Ruby Morris's young
brother provides the clue to an otherworldly explanation of the girl's absence, and leads
the agents into an uncanny encounter with a mysterious light.
Samantha Mulder's file shows the address 2790 Vine Street -
the former address of the X- Files production office in Vancouver.
(Section Chief Scott Blevins hands Scully a green file)
Blevins: "Agent Mulder's latest 3-0-2, requesting assignment and travel expenses
for the both of you."
Scully: "Sioux City, Iowa. That's the first I've heard of it."
Blevins: "It came up through channels, from Mulder's Asat, to the district G-14
and onto my desk."
Scully: "I don't understand." (Inside the file, attached to the 3-0-2, is an
article cut out from a paper with the headline `TEEN TAKEN FROM TENT BY ALIENS')
Blevins: "In essence, Mulder is petitioning the bureau to assign a case number to
a tabloid headline."
Scully: "He must have more evidence than.."
Blevins: "Not according to his 3-0-2, he doesn't."
Scully: "I admit, that is strange. Even for Mulder."
(Blevins gets up and takes a file out of a filing cabinet)
Blevins: "Perhaps, it has something to do with this, take a look." (He walks
in front of the desk and gives the file to Scully)
Scully: "An X-File." (Scully opens the file and inside we see the following
Name Samantha T. Mulder
Address 2790 Vine Street
City Chilmarc, Mass.
Place of Birth Chilmarc, Mass.
Date of Birth January 22, 1964
Nationality American
(Below is a picture of a young girl. More information reads as:)
Remarks: Name and address of nearest relative notified in case of emergency.
Fox Mulder (brother)
c/o F.B.I.
Washington Bureau
(There is also a signature below)
(Scully sits down)
Blevins: "Has he shared any of this with you? There's no need to protect him, he's
the agent of record, he initiated the file himself."
Scully: "She was his sister, she disappeared twenty-one years ago, he was, twelve
and she was eight. He claims that he was in the room when it happened. He recalls a,
bright light outside the window and er, and a presence in the room."
Blevins: "In your opinion, has Agent Mulder's personal agenda clouded his
professional judgement?"
Scully: "It just doesn't seem, substantial enough to warrant an
Mulder: "OK, Scully, so we disagree. It's not the first time, and it won't be the
Scully: "Well, at least if we had a legitimate source, we could.."
Mulder: "This is the essence of science, you ask an impertinent question and
you're on your way to a pertinent answer."
Scully: "But what makes this case any more credible than...(Scully picks up a copy
of National Comet, a tabloid, off Mulder's desk and reads)....the hundred year old mother
with the lizard baby?"
Mulder: "Because the lizard baby wasn't born anywhere near Lake Okobogee."
Scully: "Oka-what?"
Mulder: "Bogee. (Mulder gets up and in her face) Okobogee."
Scully: "Is that supposed to mean something to me?"
Mulder: "If you know anything about trout fishing, or UFO hotspots."
Mulder: "Flying saucer. You don't really believe in that stuff, do you?"
Biker: "I take it you don't?"
Mulder: "No. I think it's all just a bunch of crazy people howling at the
Biker: "So er, you haven't been out to Lake Okobogie, have ya?"
Mulder: "No I haven't, why?"
Biker: "You should ride with us sometime, you might see somethings that'll change
your mind. (He pulls back his hair to show his ear. It looks like the skin has been badly
burned) Get a killer sunburn in the middle of the night."
Mulder: "I think that Kevin is a conduit, of some kind."
Scully: "A conduit."
Mulder: "A link, or a connection, to whoever, or whatever, took Ruby that
Scully: "But how?"
Mulder: "If there was an abduction, it's likely that Kevin was touched in some
(brief pause)
Scully: "Mulder I know what you're thinking. I know why this is so important to
you. (Mulder looks at Scully) I know. But there is no evidence indicating an
Mulder: "That's why we're going to Lake Okobogee."
Mulder: "You know when I was a kid, I had this ritual. I closed my eyes before I
walked into my room, cause I thought that one day when I opened them my sister would be
there. Just lying in bed, like nothing ever happened. You know I'm still walking into that
room, everyday of my life."
Mulder: "She should be encouraged to tell her story, not to keep it inside, it's
important that you let her."
Darlene Morris: "Important to who? I have my daughter back, I don't want any more
trouble. Besides she can hardly remember anything."
Mulder: "But she will remember one day, one way or another, even if it's only in
dreams. And when she does, she's gonna wanna talk about it, she's gonna need to talk about
Darlene Morris: "Like I did? Listen to me, all of my life I have been ridiculed,
for speaking my mind."
Mulder: "But it was the truth Darlene."
Darlene Morris: "The truth has caused me nothing but heartache, I don't want the
same thing for her."
Mulder: "It doesn't have to be that way for Ruby."
Darlene Morris: "As far as I'm concerned, she spent the last month on the back of
a Harley Davidson."
Mulder: "Is that what you're gonna tell Kevin?"
Darlene Morris: "I'm sorry." (she walks back into Ruby's room)
(A tape is taken out of a tape recorder, turned over, put back in, Play is pressed.
Scully is alone in a room, voices are heard from the tape recorder)
Hypnotist: "But your eyes are open?"
(we see Scully looking through the X-File on Mulder's sister)
Mulder: "Yeah, they're open, but it's like......nothing's happening."
Hypnotist: "Try turning your head."
Mulder: "I can't..."
Hypnotist: "Why not?"
Mulder: "I don't know...I can't move....So I don't... (close-up of the tape being
played, writing says F. MULDER Hypnotic Regression Tape Session Number 2B: June 16)... I
just lie there in bed..."
Hypnotist: "Can you see your sister?"
Mulder: "No.....but I can hear her."
Hypnotist: "What is she saying?"
(Scully lifts up a picture and looks at it)
Mulder: "She's calling out my name, over and over again....(we see the picture is
one of Mulder and his sister when they were kids. It is Mulder who is now holding the
picture) She's crying out for help but I can't help her. I can't move." (Mulder is
sitting inside a church)
Hypnotist: "Are you scared?" (Mulder starts crying)
Mulder: "I know I should be but I'm not..."
Hypnotist: "Do you know why?"
Mulder: "Because of the voice.."
Hypnotist: "The voice?"
Mulder: "The voice in my head..." (Mulder goes down on his knees and begins
to pray)
Hypnotist: "What's it telling you?" (The camera zooms away from Mulder as he
Mulder: "Not to be's telling me that no harm will come to her, and
that one day she'll return.."
Hypnotist: "Do you believe the voice?" (The scene fades to black)
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