I have no precise date for this picture, but it was in 1983 or 1984, we still lived in Wiesbaden. I just can't believe what face I was making...
Mmmh, that tastes good! It was the good old time when I lived in Germany.
I told you we were going back in time. I was 2 years young...
Sping or Summer 1986: My brother Maurice and I sharing a vehicle. Please notice my hair styling. Even today I feel these little things are really useful when the hair gets longer and starts hanging in front of the eyes.
This picture was taken on my birthday in 1996, I was 14 then.
> le question est dans le titre.
> merci linuxement
> Merci de repondre par mail aussi. Greg in Guide du linuxien pervers : "Bien configurer son titre"