April 23rd, 1997
I watch the others lead their normal lives, With lots of friends and fun. And sometimes I have to wonder, If I am the only one.
I feel all alone, Like no one is there. Although I know, There are some who care.
There are some who like me, But also some who don't. Some who will be seen with me, And certainly some who won't.
I wish I was more like everyone else, My life is seen as a big joke. I have no best friend to be there for me Whenever my life goes up in smoke.
I have no one to talk to, My life holds some sad and lonely years. I keep all my feelings to myself, And then I burst out into tears.
Sometimes when I go to sleep, I just start to cry. It happens to me so often, And I just wonder why.
I wonder why I feel the way I do, I don't understand at all. I'm walking up a staircase, And at the end awaits a fall.
A fall that lasts forever, It will never end. Unless, of course I find myself A wonderful, caring friend.
I need a friend to slow my fall, And bring it to a stop. To help me climb back up the stairs, And guide me to the top.
I need a shoulder to cry on, A shoulder that is always there. And with that, I need a friend, A friend who will really care.
I don't know how to end this, The feeling never goes away. Every moment of my life, I almost always feel this way.
Whether it's all true or not, I really do not know. There are people who care, At least I hope and think so.
Although this is an unending thought, I cannot write forever. But my thoughts will go on and stay in my head, And they won't go away, not ever.
© 1998 The National Library of Poetry; "Loneliness" Copyright © Paige Klassen
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