I was born on June 3rd, 1982 in Wiesbaden, Germany. I lived there until the age of 2 when my parents Horst and Christa moved to South France, to Beaumont. It's a lost little village with about 150 people in the Ardèche. They bought an old castle, the Château du Blat that was nearly nothing else than ruins. My father who is a studied construction engineer, rebuilt the house and made a farm out of it, with 5 appartements for tourists.
A kid needs to go to school
As usual there, I went straight, with 2 years, to the kindergarten. As I didn't know a word of French, I had no other choice than to learn it, and to be honest, I managed to. To speak German at home and French at school is a wonderful thing. It makes many things much easier - such as learning English and Spanish afterwards (I'm currently also learning Italian). I went to the Ecole de la Roche in Beaumont until I was 11. Then my way brought me to the Collège de la Vallée de la Beaume in Joyeuse, the next biggest village. After the Troisième, I decided to go to the Lycée Astier in Aubenas (Ardèche's biggest town with 14,000 people).
High school can't be the end
In June 2000, I passed my graduation from high school, Baccalauréat S (Scientifical) with 16.02 points out of 20, which is a performance I am very proud of ;-). I would like to become a computer science engineer and in October 2000, I started to study Computer Science at the Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany. Since April 2003, I have been studying English as second subject.
Hobbies and "free" time
In my free time, I'm often in front of my computer. Too often some will say. I used to practise Aïkido, a Japanese martial art, for 10 years, between the age of 6 and 16. I stopped because I saw no sense in it for my personal taste.
That's why, beside the usual "going out with friends" and so, all I really enjoy to do is related to the computer. In 1998, I discovered the free operating system GNU/Linux. Very soon I was fascinated by the possibilities given thanks to the GNU GPL. Nowadays, I can't imagine a life without the "Penguin" anymore.
My musical taste is somewhat "various". My favourite groups and singers reach from Queen and Dire Straights to Barry White and Gladys Knight. But it doesn't mean that Christina Milian, Joe Cocker, Atomic Kitten or Lutricia Mc. Neal don't make good music too.
What's the deal with the FBI?
One doesn't make a seperate part about The X-Files on his website if he has no fascination for it. True. I discovered the show by chance while I was zapping through the channels one evening. They were showing Darkness Falls (1x20). I found it really creepy and I liked it. From this moment, I've been watching the show every week.
In the 8th grade, I fell in love with a girl who was (is) a big fan of The X-Files. To get a better and closer relationship with her, I decided to "study" more about the show (in fact it's a stupid behavior, but I couldn't help) and discovered many interesting ressources on the internet. My interests became bigger and bigger even if the relation I had expected didn't materialize. Our ways divided after the collège but it didn't stop me from becoming a big fan.
> Il [e2fsck] a bien démarré, mais il m'a rendu la main aussitot en me
> disant "houlala, c'est pas beau à voir votre truc, je préfèrerai que
> vous teniez vous même la tronçonneuse" (traduction libre) NC in Guide du linuxien pervers : "Bien configurer sa tronçonneuse."